Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #75 on: June 03, 2013, 02:41:56 PM » |
Hi Gig and thanks for testing! the glsl behavior should not change and anything that works now will work in the next release - things will only be added. I think I'll have to get an ATi and an Intel card to make sure these things work on all three vendors. for plasma, yes, not much changed. the second version of the program is changing intensity with time and all this on z axis. I think I managed to correct the lines that give errors. New pak here attached and I'll have a look at missing images and shader files. It is not an obligation to use glsl in your map. Just make it as you would without the glsl. I've found a possible way of easily making maps so will try to work on that and post a glsl map soon.. well, 'soon' if a month or two count as soon  @all, If anybody has a question or glsl program request please let me know. As you can see some testing will be required for each new program. Also a question, has anybody except Gig and CGB01 tried these programs? I'll focus on the map making for now but remain available to look into the glsl programs if you need. As for the tutorial, I'll try to make the changes suggested but will likely look into that only in week-two's time.
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #76 on: June 04, 2013, 01:07:52 AM » |
Hi Gig and thanks for testing! the glsl behavior should not change and anything that works now will work in the next release - things will only be added.
Are you sure? I thought that when that //GLSL blendunc thing behavior would be changed, existing shaders using it (if any) would change look, at least in one of the two rendering modes. However, I was also thinking about another possible solution. What about releasing OACMP1 without any GLSL effect, and later releasing a small patch file that would add 0.8.8 GLSL effects to some of the customized textures/shaders that are in the OACMP? This way, the main OACMP itself would not be tied to a specific OA engine version. If the next OA release (I have no idea when it will be released) would break the old glsl shaders, updating the small patch file would be enough to use the same oacmp pack with the new release. If you think you will add that "texmix" effect to the ground ("dirt" texture, IIRC), but we don't want to apply it to all Q3/OA maps that use that "dirt" texture, I may include a slightly modified version of that texture in the "textures/gig" folder, and later the patch may include a shader with the same path/name, hence applying that shader to my map only. Of course, we may decide to have the GLSL patch not affect OACMP-specific stuff only, but also "standard" textures used in baseoa... but maybe this could be done in a later step, considering that would require more time to do and to test. What are your opinions, guys? -UPDATE- @Hitch: From your latest package, I've been able to have the "texmix_detail" effect working. Well, at the current state the final result give too much the impression of "stripes" and the grass has some strange purple parts (see screenshot)... however it's interesting. Also "dirtrock" works. It's similar to texmix_detail, but a little better (no strange purple parts in the grass). See screenshot. I have not been able to make "texbands" shader work, instead. Here it is the log. Error: Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:41: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found mix ERROR: 0:41: error(#174) Not enough data provided for construction constructor ERROR: error(#273) 2 compilation errors. No code generated
Couldn't compile fragment shader for program bands2WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program bands2' in shader 'textures/organics/dirt' WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program bands2' in shader 'textures/organics/dirt' I don't know if there were something more to test.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 02:37:42 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #77 on: June 04, 2013, 02:09:00 PM » |
Hi Gig, the stripes effect is due to scaling of the mask image. this scaling is controlled from within the glsl program - that's why there are few versions of the program in the 'pak' file - naming of the programs is explained in the readme.txt The pink color should not happen and I'm thinking the value of the final color is calculated in a wrong way. I haven't yet checked this and will do so soon. As for the bands and the compile error.. all the errors we've seen so far are due to 'overloading' aka the glsl program tried to use i.e. 4 component variable where it should use a 2 component one or similar. Nvidia seems to take care of this automatically but ATI does not. Anyways..not important.. I've changed the line 41 and the latest 'pak' is here attached.
As for glsl keyword, I think that one needs to be kept if the same shaders are to be used for vanilla and glsl rendering. The only problem with it now is that it is not processed (skipped) "only" when glsl programs are enabled.
Then the shaders I include are not intended for use in OA as they are. Think of them more of an example of how the particular glsl program is loaded and which parameters it needs.
Possibly the glsl enabled shaders can be kept in a separate folder and a check to load them first (or ignore them completely) can be added to OA. Then OA would act accordingly depending on if glsl is enabled or not.
I'd post the parallax bump mapping but am missing some good textures for diffuse, height and normal. If anyone has a suggestion?
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #78 on: June 04, 2013, 04:46:57 PM » |
I've found on the net GPL2 texture and modified it so it tiles, created a heightmap texture and a normal map to go with it. I'll try to clean the 'glsl pak' file and post probably tomorrow. In the meantime, here are two screenshots of the parallax bump mapping - two versions, rocks and snow.
« Reply #79 on: June 04, 2013, 04:56:47 PM » |
Can there just be a generic cubemap+normalmap reflection shader like Darkplaces? Modern games are typically dressed in lots of it (CoD especially).
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support either.new code development on github
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #80 on: June 05, 2013, 12:38:27 AM » |
naming of the programs is explained in the readme.txt
GLSL pack is becoming too big for quick testing. I mean, each time I have to modify the shader files to have them working with my map, and to use them alternately because different shader files would try to use the same shader name (would be applied to the same part of the map). To quickly test the shaders, we really need you appositely prepare a demo map containing more of them at the same time (different effects shown in different places of the same map)... I've changed the line 41 and the latest 'pak' is here attached.
This time I have been able to use your "texbands".  Very interesting to know that a such thing is possible (even for a japan-flag themed map maybe?). I also noticed you managed to apply it only to vertical walls, while the same texture is used also in the ground, which is unaffected. Interesting! As for glsl keyword, I think that one needs to be kept if the same shaders are to be used for vanilla and glsl rendering. The only problem with it now is that it is not processed (skipped) "only" when glsl programs are enabled.
You are the expert, man. I can only guess that glsl and standard versions of a shader may need different "blendfunc" parameters... while the later stages can be completely skipped by simply invoking "skip" glsl program (if I understood correctly), how to prevent the blendfunc/texture/any other "standard" option (e.g. tcMod scroll) in the first stage from being used also in the GLSL version? And if one would like to use the "tcMod scroll" option for the GLSL version only? (I can guess an answer for the latter could be "just make the scroll happen directly inside the glsl program", but...)... Oh, well... do your tests and always try how shaders look in both "standard" and "glsl" modes... then take note of the problems you encounter. This way, you should be able to better think if the glsl system requires more or less tweaks for the next engine version. Having a shader look good in both glsl and standard mode is a priority. Then the shaders I include are not intended for use in OA as they are. Think of them more of an example of how the particular glsl program is loaded and which parameters it needs.
Again, an apposite map, containing all the effects at the same time (a package ready out-of-the-box), would be welcome. Possibly the glsl enabled shaders can be kept in a separate folder and a check to load them first (or ignore them completely) can be added to OA. Then OA would act accordingly depending on if glsl is enabled or not.
I can guess this may be an option. Maybe Fromhell is more adapt than me about these "design/behavior" decisions. I'd post the parallax bump mapping
I've taken a look to your bump mapping screenshots. Great! 
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #81 on: June 05, 2013, 07:40:00 AM » |
Hi! @fromhell, I'll try to find an example of this (I'm not sure which effect it creates) - if you have a yt video link you could send? @Gig, again, thanks for testing! I can only imagine the look on your face each time I send a new pak file sorry about that, I've now done an effort to make it cleaner. I think my mapping is not as good as I'd like to so I'll just put around some boxes and make each box show different glsl program. @all, I've tried to clean the folders so that more or less shaders can be copy/pasted (the shader part, not the name of the shader). I think all the textures are included. And a readme.txt in scripts folder lists the glsl programs - probably next thing to do is add to this readme.txt the //GLSL lines for each shader so it can be easily included in any shader. There are no new postprocessing programs yet. As for / /GLSL keyword, if we can have glsl shaders be looked up in a separate folder first it is not needed. A separate folder could actually make it easier to maintain too. But for the moment this is not in place. Further, looking up a shader in a separate folder can help performance as well as glsl can compact many shader stages into a single one - hence reducing the number of polygons drawn. For the community pack in progress the following scenario can work: -if anyone wants to add the glsl feature, they can do it using the //GLSL keyword -possibly, to be 100% sure the glsl does not change anything in another map, use a unique name for the shader -when the new OA is out, we remove the //GLSL keyword altogether and move the glsl enabled shaders to a new folder and have OA look up the shader from there when needed -removing the support for //GLSL keyword will turn the glsl commands in any shader into a simple comment -at that time, any shader containing //GLSL will be rendered as it would without the glsl support and if glsl is enabled the glsl version of the shader will be found in this new folder Hope this was explained well and makes sense? As the pak file grew since the beginning I think this is the last complete pack file I'm sending. From now on only the changes will be posted. I also added caustics glsl program and a sky glsl program. Sky (not skybox) screenshot here attached.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 07:42:39 AM by Hitchhiker »
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #82 on: June 06, 2013, 12:33:31 AM » |
Further, looking up a shader in a separate folder can help performance as well as glsl can compact many shader stages into a single one - hence reducing the number of polygons drawn.
Does this mean that the current "skip" program, to be used in later stages that do not interest GLSL, is not as resource-saver? I think my mapping is not as good as I'd like to so I'll just put around some boxes and make each box show different glsl program.
That would be good. The current pack creates shaders under /textures/glshader... a map actually searching for those shaders would be required. There are no new postprocessing programs yet.
About postprocessing, I think that when we will have some time, we should think more about that feature at all... I fear in its current behavior it's a little "dangerous" for cheating. Maybe we may include some server-side way to control or limit its use, to prevent abuse for cheating (I suppose a video filter that increases visibility -e.g. by adding brightness or outlines-, and noone else knows you are using it, may be considered cheating). E.g. a new DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Videoflags]videoflags value to forbid r_postprocess use, or a new cvar to force all users that connect to that server to use the same glsl postprocess program (this would allow admins to set up a "edges server", for example... however the problem of this would be that there would still be a difference between GLSL-enabled users and GLSL-disabled users). However, I just noticed that the current videoflags does not limit r_gamma values as I thought before. For the community pack in progress the following scenario can work: -when the new OA is out, we remove the //GLSL keyword altogether and move the glsl enabled shaders to a new folder and have OA look up the shader from there when needed -removing the support for //GLSL keyword will turn the glsl commands in any shader into a simple comment
Uhm... but the community mappack (OACMP) is thought as a separate package than the main OA game. I mean, probably OACMP maps will not be part of "stock" maps in the next official OA release, but will continue to live as a separate OACMP (of course, decision is for Fromhell), thus having an OA official release "fixing" OACMP shaders is not very probable (also thinking about pak load order, I don't know what name will take the final OACMP package)... maybe better a small OACMP-dedicated patch? I don't know. I don't even know if separing GLSL shaders into an apposite folder would be comfortable... I mean, how to know that a specific shader you are modifying has got also a GLSL variant, then? Relying on a comment from shader author ("//search for the glsl version of this shader under path/file")?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 03:56:56 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #83 on: June 06, 2013, 04:07:45 AM » |
@fromhell, I had a look at cubemapping and it seems it needs normals. I just checked and neither entities nor world meshes have them looking from glsl.
the skip program is, at this stage, reducing the number of rendering passes. I meant that if a glsl only version of the shader is made then there will be no stages that will need to be discarded. then, now I'm thinking again, new new version of OA could only change to read anything behind the //GLSL keyword when the glsl is enabled - no need to remove it. and in addition to that if a separate folder for glsl shaders is used, could be an added feature. as for being able to know if a glsl program/shader mix exist for a shader.. possibly a developer mode console could print out a message from where it is taking the shaders at map loading time? but then again, this would only work with new version of OA and if anyone is making a map using an older version they would be left in the dark. possibly if anyone wants to use glsl they could copy/paste the shader they need to a new shader with an unique name and use that one in a map? probably a question for the mappers, to tell in a better way how they would like to see this working?
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #84 on: June 07, 2013, 05:48:55 AM » |
test map for glsl please test and send back any error message.
[edit: version as of 17 June 2013]
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 11:18:49 AM by Hitchhiker »
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #85 on: June 07, 2013, 07:46:31 AM » |
You asked for it, you got it: Error: Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:33: error(#160) Cannot convert from '3-component vector of float' to 'highp float' ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated
Couldn't compile fragment shader for program metal1WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program metal1' in shader 'textures/glshader/metal' WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program metal1' in shader 'textures/glshader/metal' WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program metal1' in shader 'textures/glshader/metal' Error: Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:7: error(#247) Function return is not matching type ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated
Couldn't compile fragment shader for program bands2WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program bands2' in shader 'textures/glshader/bands2' Error: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:38: error(#160) Cannot convert from 'attribute 4-component vector of float' to '2-component vector of float' ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated
Couldn't compile vertex shader for program texmixdetailWARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program texmixdetail' in shader 'textures/glshader/texmixdetail' WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program texmixdetail' in shader 'textures/glshader/texmixdetail'
 By the way, nice tech test map. Good work!  About water effects: one does not have "water" properties (it's solid)... and another one shows a glitch near the border (see screenshot). Maybe it may be caused by having both "deformVertexes" and "fogparms" in the same shader? I don't know. Maybe they are just overlapping brushes, like in a few other places of the map (now that I look more carefully, it seems that it is the grass brush overlapping with the pool side brush). I have no idea if the directive to always specify also "surfaceparm fog" (mentioned in Q3A shader manual) when using "fogparms" is still valid also when applying "fogparms" to water. Some of the shaders look bad if you turn off glsl, but maybe you are not interested to this now. Speaking about water... did you remember the problem of "double" hit marks on water? Well, it turns out that, for some reason, this happen where the water is not deep enough... where the water is deep about 22 units or more, the glitch (there since Q3A) does not happen. However, just specifying "surfaceparm nomarks" in the water shader is enough to prevent the glitch from happening at all.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 08:06:51 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #86 on: June 08, 2013, 08:33:55 AM » |
I corrected the three errors reported (hopefully, as I cannot test it). as for water being solid.. and the glitches I'll do it next weekend. I'm re-uploading the glsl map to the post above. I've tried adding fog to the sky shader but did not manage. This could give a nice haze effect but shaders are not something I know. This map is just a way of having all the glsl programs in one place so testing and eventual use could be easier. So I think we just need someone having an Intel card to test as well?
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #87 on: June 10, 2013, 04:50:53 AM » |
Hitch, nice job! A map with all those effects available, ready to test out-of-the box (no more manual tweaks needed!) is very comfortable.  But you forgot to include source .map file.  Maybe you forgot to explain people an important thing: with this package, anyone can test your GLSL effects in a very easy way. 1) Just download z_glsl.pk3 and place it in your baseoa folder. 2) Launch openarena. 3) set r_ext_vertex_shader 1 4) load map glsltest5) look around. ----------- Well, I downloaded the new version of the map, and the errors seem gone. Can I suggest that for the water (not the one in the pool) a "replicable" texture (like the "pebbles" we used in my map, but well most OA textures are "replicable" -in the sense they fit when placed side-by-side-) may better fit? I really like what "bump mapping" can do to give more "depth" to surfaces without creating tons of polygons. Sorry I'm not very inside this stuff so I don't know which kind of mapping it is ("normal mapping" maybe? I don't know... so I simply said "bump mapping", hoping that's a generic term that may fit more cases... please correct me if I'm wrong). By the way, took a look to screenshots attached: it's only one brush, but it shows a sort of "depression" in the ground that changes accordingly to my movement. Very good! The only problem is that its colors do not look very natural, but maybe this is due to the textures chosen? ------------ About Q3 fog, it's not to be used in the sky shader, I think. It's to be used in a brush with a shader with both "surfaceparm fog" and "fogparms <various parameters>" (take a look to Q3 shader manual http://toolz.nexuizninjaz.com/shader/ for more infos).
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 12:01:57 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
grey matter
Cakes 8
Posts: 381
« Reply #88 on: June 10, 2013, 10:29:12 AM » |
Can I suggest that for the water (not the one in the pool) a "replicable" texture (like the "pebbles" we used in my map, but well most OA textures are "replicable" -in the sense they fit when placed side-by-side-) may better fit? I think the word you are looking for is tileable or seamless.
This space is for rent.
Cakes 20
Posts: 710
« Reply #89 on: June 10, 2013, 02:48:58 PM » |
Incredible job you're doing here guys! Looks awesome!
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #90 on: June 15, 2013, 12:27:39 PM » |
 thanks GrosBedo! Even if some things are still missing from OA in order for the glsl implementation to be a fully fledged one, what is in place is already quite usable and stable. We do need people to test the glsl programs and so far Gig was doing almost all of the work there! Also, without Gig we'd probably never have this test map in the first place. So my special thanks go to Gig and CGB01 for testing and to pelya for the wiki upload. Also to all of you who have downloaded and tried the map! Speaking of wiki upload.. I have a new version of the tutorial here attached but am not sure about the wiki... will try to upload it there - will need some time though. I don't think I'll manage to correct the glitches in the map this weekend but will get to it eventually. Possibly get the non-glsl versions of the shaders to show correctly as well. This is not an exclusive thing we're trying to do here so any help is welcome! Cheers!
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #91 on: June 16, 2013, 07:14:47 AM » |
Wiki article created: (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Glsl_Tutorial_Test
I used a new page, if you're all Ok with the way the article looks let me know and I'll rename or copy the text to the one already created.
Cakes 20
Posts: 710
« Reply #92 on: June 16, 2013, 11:33:34 AM » |
Seems good to me! Seems clear to me plus you added illustrative images. However I'm not as expert as Gig concerning wikis and docs 
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #93 on: June 17, 2013, 01:18:21 AM » |
Ugh! Huge work approaching!
I would have preferred if you would have direcly updated the existing wiki page, instead of making an almost brand-new odt file.... I will have to somehow compare (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/GLSL and (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Glsl_Tutorial_Test
and try to merge them... This will require some time.
However, don't worry...
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 2
Posts: 63
« Reply #94 on: June 17, 2013, 05:46:41 AM » |
test map for glsl please test and send back any error message.
Sorry for the delay in testing this map Hitch, been kind of busy  Here's the error I'm getting; Error: The fragment shader uses varying vertex, but geometry shader does not write to it.
^3Couldn't link shaders for program plasma^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program plasma' in shader 'textures/glshader/plasma' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program plasma' in shader 'textures/glshader/plasma' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program plasma' in shader 'textures/glshader/plasma' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program plasma' in shader 'textures/glshader/plasma' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program plasma' in shader 'textures/glshader/plasma' Error: ERROR: 0:19: '[' : array must be redeclared with a size before being indexed with a variable WARNING: 0:52: 'assing' : implict conversion between types allowed from GLSL 1.20
^3Couldn't compile fragment shader for program zmix^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix' ^3WARNING: RE_GLSL_RegisterProgram failed for 'program zmix' in shader 'textures/glshader/zmix'The screenshot is interesting...
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #95 on: June 17, 2013, 11:02:58 AM » |
@Gig, just needs to be read and eventually the wording changed. Everything that is in the original page should be in the temporary one. If the tutorial makes sense then simply copy/pasting the wiki text should do. I think deleting a page on wiki is not complicated.
@CGB01, thanks for testing and no worries, I guess we all have other things happening in our lives than GLSL or OA. I think the errors are now corrected and the pk3 file above updated.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 11:20:14 AM by Hitchhiker »
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #96 on: June 17, 2013, 11:04:44 AM » |
p.s. @CGB01... if you write '/r_postprocess' in the console what does OA outputs?
In the year 3000
Cakes 45
Posts: 4394
« Reply #97 on: June 18, 2013, 12:54:37 AM » |
@Gig, just needs to be read and eventually the wording changed. Everything that is in the original page should be in the temporary one. If the tutorial makes sense then simply copy/pasting the wiki text should do. I think deleting a page on wiki is not complicated.
It's not the problem of deleting a page (I can do it due to the fact Fromhell game me admin rights for the wiki... other people can add {{delete}} template to request for deletion). The problem is that i already did a relatively huge work of markup fixing in the first page, so I would have preferred if you would have continued from there, further modifying that page, instead of creating a new page where I will have to fix the markup again. I may fix markup in all the new page, and then move it in the place of the original one... or I may copy-paste it section by section, fixing markup while doing it. I can do it this time (when I find some some), but I cannot do a such thing everytime you will make a change to the guide. We need you learn to modify the wiki page directly, without copy-pasting from ODT file each time. You know, you can ask me for any kind of help about using the wiki (I don't have all the answers, but I do what I can). PS: I downloaded the new version of the glsl pack. Still no error appears with the Radeon HD. I have to tell you again I really like those bump mapping effects.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 05:12:40 AM by Gig »
I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
Cakes 2
Posts: 63
« Reply #98 on: June 18, 2013, 04:37:52 AM » |
p.s. @CGB01... if you write '/r_postprocess' in the console what does OA outputs?
Hitch, it reports; "water\stream"
Cakes 11
Posts: 181
« Reply #99 on: June 18, 2013, 11:59:48 AM » |
@CGB01, try using 'r_postprocess none' ? @Gig, sorry for the trouble. If you tell me what to be careful about (or have a net page about markup for me to read) I can probably do it faster? I'm actually reading the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup so can try to format the tutorial in a good way - if you think (knowing the markup) that this might end in tears, please let me know and I won't touch it. I probably won't get to it before the weekend so no worries, at least, before Friday evening.  cheers!