That's it ? Seems simple. Now i have to learn to use Blender.....

Thank you.

Yep, it's simpler than it sounds. Photoshop also works, with the .psd files being the source.
The sections in the wiki about Models/Blender maybe may require some work (by Fromhell, the one who knows most
about modeling?). Example: I have no idea about where to find updated MD3 import/export plugins for current Blender version (2.69)... in the wiki there is a link to a plugin which mentions version 2.49. I don't know if it's compatible with other Blender versions.
DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Models
DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/MD3_format
DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/DeveloperFAQ#How_do_I_export_md3s_in_Blender.3F there's no md3 exporter for 2.6x versions, the 2.49 plugin is broken and needs a rewriting in order to adapt it to the newer versions. It's written in Python, so someone who knows how to write plugins in Python for Blender may be able to fix it.