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Author Topic: Type Astra- Character concept  (Read 14855 times)

Cakes 0
Posts: 9

« on: May 05, 2015, 12:08:54 PM »

I was drawing a picture of a character, and after I was done I wondered what it would look like in OA. I have very little experience with Blender, so if anyone is interested by this picture, perhaps you could try making a model of it.

Theoretically, I think her animations may be relatively simple, since hands and feet are replaced with an ion aura used for gripping. She would only need to lean slightly for movement, so there should be no complex animations.

I understand the picture does not have realistic proportions. I was caught up in the drawing and wanted to get the general idea done. Also, I originally wanted to make her intimidating, though having her as tall as she is would only prove problematic for a player to use, due to easy detection.

(Note- I am new to using this forum. If something does not look right, such as a missing picture, that is because  I am trying to figure this out.)

Cakes 0
Posts: 9

« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2015, 12:34:52 PM »


Cakes 0
Posts: 9

« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2015, 12:40:13 PM »

These mess ups are making me look bad. I will just attach the picture to this post.

Cakes 0
Posts: 9

« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2015, 12:48:06 PM »

Finally I got that done. She may be more appealing without the solid chest plate, and it is not my intention for here to use a handle-free blade. This was just some concept art. When I made this picture, I had Xan from the Unreal Tournament series in mind, since i was thinking of her being the same way. Of course, OA is not setup with the purpose of this or that character being the champion of the game.

Cakes 35
Posts: 14520

« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2015, 04:37:24 PM »

I would avoid blending shader effects (such as your zappy hands and feet) to keep the overdraw down and compatibility up.  Part of the reboot is to not go so shader crazy like before so players could be batched more nicely for GLES, potential software renderers and the like.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 04:47:18 PM by fromhell » Logged

asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done.
Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone

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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2015, 12:49:44 AM »

I like the design of the robot (despite the wrong proportions, of course). :-)

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.

Cakes 0
Posts: 9

« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2015, 03:21:52 PM »

I am not good with blender, but I managed to make the arms and legs n Sketchup, since they do not need to be round with many curves. Here are some screenshots.
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