I prepared a wiki page about custom voting, to help server admins with this feature.
DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Custom_votes
Is it okay?
I would like to have confirm by Sago that custom votes cannot be used to have players pass further parameters to variables (there would be no way to prevent entering "insane" values).
Doing the tests, I noticed something (can we call them "small list update bugs"?):
- In case g_votenamesfile is changed during a match, Custom vote list in ESC menu still shows the old (cached?) list until the client reconnects or the map restarts. Trying to vote for such outdated items does not work (fortunately?). Console "/Callvote custom" list instead is immediately updated (of course, typing again the command!

- In case g_votenamesfile is changed to a non-existent filename (maybe also with an existent filename but with major errors?), Custom vote list in ESC menu still shows the old (cached?) list, and this time console "/Callvote custom" list
does the same. Trying to vote for such outdated items does not work (fortunately?). Reconnecting the client or restarting the map fixes the console command output (blank list), but not the ESC menu list. Not even loading a different map fixes the ESC menu list: it still shows the old list istead of an empty one.
The second case looks worst than the first one, but it happens only in case server admin made some kind of mistake.
Maybe they are not worth spending time and energy, however you know that when I find something, I point it out!

PS: When I will have some time, I will try to also try to write a wiki page about voting in general. I don't know when.
PPS: This is not a bug, but it's for wishlist and voting in general:
what about adding "vote yes/vote no" to ESC menu when a vote is going?Example: phones do not have F1/F2 keys: Pelya's Android version added "vote yes/vote no" items at the bottom of the "call vote" menu.