Here's the explanation for my rant.
I have created many rooms in a test map in order to see what happened in different situations. The test map is attached in this file.
First I wanted to see what happened if a brush (or bunch of them) was left as structural in the middle of a map. Here's the starting situation. Three structural triangles left in the middle of a room. The map was compiled using -saveprt in the VIS stage. VIS portals are portals which the engine uses to calculate how many things a player can see in a determinate place. See how many VIS portals were created, some of them truly unnecessary.

Here's one of the situations I've been seen suggested a lot. In order to draw less VIS portals, use brushes with common/nodraw on the non-visible faces and common/caulk on the visible ones. This, unfortunately, has the risk of creating the dreaded "Hall of Mirrors" effect in the game, so, in spite of actually reducing the tris count (and working in many situations, it isn't as good as it should be.

Image 3 has the same bunch of triangles, but this time brushes completely draw with common/hint were used. The situation... improved a bit, however, more unnecessary portals were drawn.

Image 4 has the closest thing to an optimal situation. It's a mix of 2 and 3. Visible faces have common/hint, while non-visible ones have the nodraw equivalent to hints, common/skip. Notice how the amount of portals was (almost) the same as with #2, however there were some extra portals drawn, but none too incisequential. As an exchange for this, though, there are no Hall of Mirrors effect in the game.

Now onto the corners. This is where my point starts. The next 4 tests were done without hint brushes.
The first set of tests was done with an L-shaped corner. In image #5, the "rounded" corner was done with a structural brush. Behind the walls, also, there was an empty room. This is usually a situation where the brushes are used for more than one room. Notice how it creates many unnecessary tiny portals.

Next test is the same rounded corner, but with no room behind those walls. The situation hasn't improved much.

Now to the patches. In image #7 a patch was used instead of a rounded corner. See how the situation improved a lot. Though it isn't optimal still, as the example features an empty room behind the wall.

Image #8 is a lot better. With that extra room gone, now two perpendicular portals were generated, which are closer to what we need to optimize our map.

For reference, also attached are the 8 room examples.