Okay, I did some testing (
Warning: WOT ahead! Read when you have some time, there is nothing urgent!).
More important considerations:- Everything seems to work as expected (e.g. leaving cg_weaponOrder empty falling back the classic behavior of "higher weapon number", in case of out-of-ammo). Good work Sago, thank you!

- Now
it has become more important that the default cg_weaponOrder value is more
comprehensive, as currently the game does
not autoswitch to TA weapons in case of out-of-ammo anymore (while with "classic behavior" they were the first weapons to be used if available), while it has very little sense to autoswitch to gauntlet when you still have nailgun
(up to 300 HP damage IIRC) available; I think chaingun and nailgun should really be added.
I'd like to ask for possible cg_weaponOrder suggestions on Discord, but before that, what to do with prox launcher? You said you were planning to do not include it, as it's mostly used to place traps instead of to fight directly, which has got sense.
[1] But in case of out-of-ammo, maybe it may still be better than using the gauntlet? Maybe one may place it right after the gauntlet (e.g. "/1/13/2/etc." or "/1/2/13/etc."), to do not autoswitch
to prox when grabbing it... but in that case it would still autoswitch
from it when grabbing
any other weapon
-in case of cg_autoswitch 3 or 4-). So, I really don't know what would be the best thing to do about it.
Less important considerations:- Maybe the key binding in the GUI for weapbest may include a
mouseover text saying "Best weapon determined by cg_weaponOrder." (well, in theory also the "autoswitch weapons" option in the gui may include a "Better weapons determined by cg_weaponOrder" mouseover text).
- Doing the tests, I realized that when you play in Elimination and similar modes, you still start with the weapon with the higher number (usually the plasmagun... but it would be BFG or even prox launcher if they were enabled by server admin), instead of your "best" weapon.
It goes to the higher number weapon some seconds before the start of each round.It might be useful to apply also to that... (now that I think about it, personally I find it a bit annoying to always start with plasmagun in Elimination, when I have rockets available, so the first thing I usually do as soon as the match starts is switching to rockets. I did think about this in the past, but for some reason didn't think about it while opening this thread.)... but maybe this would be a bit more "risky" change than the previous one?
[2] At least, the current one can be a scenery where the weapbest key can actually come handy, at round start!

- Maybe the point above may have been even more useful than the "weapbest" key, and I may have suggested it instead
[3]... But this is the "idea pit" forum, ideas come as a flow... not all of them really
need to be implemented. E.g. one might also think about a "weappicked" or "weapgrabbed" key to switch to the latest weapon you picked up (in case one has autoswitch turned off but sometimes may want to quickly switch to the weapon just grabbed), but probably that's not worth it, considering usually the best weapon depends from the situation and that's not necessarily the one you just got.
[UPDATE] Maybe I found the reason why I didn't think about the Elimination thing while opening this thread. Because that's
not a really big problem. Because you can choose the weapon you wish in the few seconds before the round start, and the game will switch to it ASAP when the round will start, so making the time with the "wrong" weapon extremely little. Am I an idiot? Yes, I am an idiot, but this is no news...

However I confirm weapbest key is handy for it!
[1] Note: when I proposed applying cg_weaponOrder to out-of-ammo, as someone asked for on Discord, I didn't know you were planning to leave prox launcher out of the list.
[2] As maybe Elimination spawn/round procedures are quite complex and so messing with them may more easily end up introducing some kind of bug? Just brainstorming...
[3] Well, as said above, weapbest key can be useful as
workaround for that.