The rate for this server is 64000 so that's what I use. I'm not sure if it actually helps but I like to tweak things a bit.
Some times
I had the impression the rate was hard-limited to 25000, but I think somewhere it was mentioned that the hard-coded limit was something like 90000.
In my tests from
some years ago I wasn't able to go over 25 KB/sec for UDP download. IIRC, setting a lower rate or sv_maxrate caused the download speed go down, but setting an higher rate and sv_maxrate did NOT cause the download speed to go higher than 25 KB/s.
But it's possible that the hard-coded upper limit for UDP
download is
different than the hard-coded upper limit for
gameplay. I said this also because there is an "optimize for LAN" option (sv_lanforcerate, see
DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Multiplayer/Advanced#Optimize_for_LAN]here) which in theory should ignore sv_maxrate and rate and make local clients go to 99999, even beyond the 90000 hard coded limit.... but unfortunately that option seemed to have no effect on UDP download speeds at all in my tests, while it would have been very useful.
I had
no idea about how to test higher rate limit during gameplay, I only tested with autodownload, and
that looked capped at 25 KB/s in my tests.