This is one of the things UI3 should tackle. In Nexuiz/Xonotic, the SP is composed of a series of rungs that show the players what every gamemode/option is about. Players won't know there are more gamemodes than the default ones if the game itself doesn't show them.
OA3 will have 13 gametypes and plenty of options inside of those gametypes. The highly requested "Capturestrike" mode was already present in OA0 as the one-way mode of CTF Elimination, but very few know about this, for example. It's the responsability of the SP to show the players about these modes, regardless of their popularity (remember:
popularity != quality).
My idea for the SP are 14 rungs, 13 for each of the game modes, and a bonus one which is unlocked after everything else has been unlocked. Each of the rungs would be 3 maps long. The order of the rungs would be the following:
- Rung 1: Free For All - introduction to Free For All with Fraglimit, Deathmatch with Timelimit and another option.
- Rung 2: Possession - introduction to Possession with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 3: Last Man Standing - introduction to LMS with round limits, LMS with many lives and one round, and another option.
- Rung 4: Team Deathmatch - introduction to TDM with Fraglimit, and two other options.
- Rung 5: Elimination - introduction to Elimination with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 6: Domination - introduction to Domination with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 7: Overload - introduction to Overload with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 8: Double Domination - introduction to Double DOM with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 9: One Flag CTF - introduction to 1FCTF with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 10: Capture The Flag - introduction to CTF with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 11: CTF Elimination - introduction to eCTF with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 12: Harvester - introduction to Harvester with Capturelimit, and two other options.
- Rung 13: Tournament. Three straight 1-on-1 matches without gimmicks.
In addition to these rungs, once a rung has been cleared, an Endurance rung of that gamemode would be unlocked. Endurance rungs are rungs that play the same gametype across all the supported official maps, without any modifier. If the player lost a rung, one option would be enabled for a less frustrating experience. (The so called
Anti-Frustration Features)
Clearing all regular and Endurance rungs (thus ensuring players have played at least one match in every gametype and every map, thus getting used to them or at least having the idea) would net the player a bonus 1on1 match with a Nightmare++ (i.e. something even more difficult than Nightmare) bot against the most difficult bot to deal with.
And then the credits, lol!