hi community
im xerxes, omen of disgrace administrator and i have done a concept / demo wich i have left in alpha
bcz is all bassed in system shock assets
if anyone is interested to check it, its psyshock at moddb / indiedb
i am interested to work with open arena
yesterday i have dwnloaded the engine and OAremix
later i installed quake 3 just to compare and see what can be done
im trying to install the map editor etc
i find a bit complicated some stuff due im using centos 7
but perhaps i have windows 8 and 10 in other partition
what im more interested in is to make FX particle system, sounds and later maps
things like gore/blood, etc
well for now thats all for introduction
i will reach the forum as soon as i have free time
laters chummers nice to meet ya !