Shael Riley
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« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2007, 07:16:28 AM » |
I'm a bot. My AI isn't so good.
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not so strong
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2007, 10:14:48 PM » |
also bots have a face right next to the name indicating its skill level, but im sure that may not apply to all servers; further more oa is glitchy so u can add a bot without the face sometimes. the best way to be sure is the ping
there once was an animal called gerbil he dreamed he was eating his turtle he awoke with a frieght in the middle of the night to find out that he was a squirtle
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« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2007, 07:56:19 AM » |
also bots have a face right next to the name indicating its skill level, but im sure that may not apply to all servers; further more oa is glitchy so u can add a bot without the face sometimes. the best way to be sure is the ping
Or how they go lava-dipping on dm4ish 
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'

Cakes 1
Posts: 14
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2007, 08:47:59 AM » |
also bots have a face right next to the name indicating its skill level, but im sure that may not apply to all servers; further more oa is glitchy so u can add a bot without the face sometimes. the best way to be sure is the ping
Hi! On my own Server my ping is also zero ..... But you still can ask me questions and my answers are not botlike ;o) The face isnt there if you set botlevel >= 6.0 Maybe the face isnt there under other circumstances. But i dont know them. Apprentice
Ok i've posted twice!
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Posts: 2
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2007, 08:05:32 AM » |
Has there ever been a confirmed evidence of cheating in OA?
Cakes 0
Posts: 67
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2007, 08:18:08 AM » |
Has there ever been a confirmed evidence of cheating in OA?
1. There is no anti-cheat for OA. 2. Players, referees and admins have no access to other players systems. 3. There is no ability to obtain screenshots from other players in the game. Without one, two or three there really is no possibility for such evidence to exist, though a demo could work if they are being abusive enough with it and don't care to be seen.
Ok i've posted twice!
Cakes 0
Posts: 2
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2007, 08:28:43 AM » |
A demo is what I was thinking about, since specing someone is not a problem. I guess when some1 cheats, then he\she abuses it sooner or later. Anyway, thx for the info.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 08:31:06 AM by Jericho »
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Posts: 14
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2007, 04:20:52 AM » |
lol this guy pazuzu or something ALWAYS swears im a cheater even if im getting wasted. ...... .....
Hi all  Since yesterday i am an official member of then "cheaters made by pazuzu" clan  He called me many times a cheater. Another player who knows me try to help ... but no luck pazuzu leaved the server soon .... Short time later another guy swear i am a cheater COZ I USE LINUX!!!! *rotfl* Only with Linux you can use the "speed fix" ( i know strafjumping and he obviously don`t ) and the "health fix" ( he simply aimed very badly on me ) When I arrived it was 3 : 2 for red team. I join blue and we win 8 : 3 ( or 8 : 4 i dont remember exactly ) So he says: The prove of cheating is the score of blue! LOL Last words from him: Learn to play well without using aid! What shall i say ... its very easy to call someone a cheater if you haven't to prove anything .. Just call i good player a cheater and thats it! Fact is: I am not a good player but people who called me a cheater are simply very bad and know nothing about the possibilities of the gameengine! You can be sure those guys never shown up on rainbow defrag to train with us! So next time i loose ctf against stygius and rocco ( VERY VERY GOOD AND FRINDLY PLAYERS!! ) I say you MUST be cheating coz we loose 2 : 8 ...... *rotfl* Apprentice
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« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2007, 06:01:51 AM » |
lol this guy pazuzu or something ALWAYS swears im a cheater even if im getting wasted. ...... .....
Hi all  Since yesterday i am an official member of then "cheaters made by pazuzu" clan  He called me many times a cheater. Another player who knows me try to help ... but no luck pazuzu leaved the server soon .... Short time later another guy swear i am a cheater COZ I USE LINUX!!!! *rotfl* Only with Linux you can use the "speed fix" ( i know strafjumping and he obviously don`t ) and the "health fix" ( he simply aimed very badly on me ) When I arrived it was 3 : 2 for red team. I join blue and we win 8 : 3 ( or 8 : 4 i dont remember exactly ) So he says: The prove of cheating is the score of blue! LOL Last words from him: Learn to play well without using aid! What shall i say ... its very easy to call someone a cheater if you haven't to prove anything .. Just call i good player a cheater and thats it! Fact is: I am not a good player but people who called me a cheater are simply very bad and know nothing about the possibilities of the gameengine! You can be sure those guys never shown up on rainbow defrag to train with us! So next time i loose ctf against stygius and rocco ( VERY VERY GOOD AND FRINDLY PLAYERS!! ) I say you MUST be cheating coz we loose 2 : 8 ...... *rotfl* Apprentice haha, you have to stop training mate!  I know that you are a cheater, I know that you are fast, I know that you can move! It is because you run linux! ROTFL! Seriously though, some players out there are simply not even worth listening to. Some you can listen to, because they will amuse your with their stupidity when they call everyone around them a cheater, but some simply don't the the fact that they are not good players, not even average ones and thus they try to blame others for their failures. Ignore, and repeat 
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'

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Posts: 76
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2007, 07:50:56 AM » |
The obvious response: Just because you suck doesn't mean that everybody who sucks less is a cheater.
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« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2007, 10:00:41 AM » |
It is simply a bad habit that many people has, that whenever they are loosing a fight to someone who has a better aim, or faster movements, they scream cheater. I guess jealousy and insecurity but most of all they lack respect for other players. I don't mind someone calling someone else a cheater, but it needs to have valid reasons to do so. Another interesting fact is that it seems like most aimbots and cheats are developed for the Windows platform, hence moving Linux users further away from being cheaters.
Anyway, sliding back on topic, almost. There are bots that will do everything they can do give you a good run for your money, but they are nothing compared to a real human player. Of course a bot will have the better aim, but never the same tactics and unpredictability as a human being, for that reason I believe that it is sometimes good to use bots and play against them, to practice a somewhat mechanical behaviour which lets you focus more on aiming rather than tactics. Bots have little use of their 0 ping, they still know where you are. Even if the bots use fuzzy logic, you get used to aiming where they will go. As for humans you need to aim where they might go. Know before you think, or think before you know?
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'

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« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2007, 10:43:04 AM » |
but never the same tactics and unpredictability as a human being Maybe not in any game that includes (even partially) Mr. Elusive's q3:a ai, but it is possible.
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« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2007, 10:20:55 AM » |
but never the same tactics and unpredictability as a human being Maybe not in any game that includes (even partially) Mr. Elusive's q3:a ai, but it is possible. I read somewhere that the ai in quakewars would be something extraordinary and the same thing for the spiterbot's ai in q3 but I still find it hard to imagine that you can mimic human behaviour by code. Not without electrodes attached to a human brain 
'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'

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« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2007, 03:29:30 PM » |
I still find it hard to imagine that you can mimic human behaviour by code. Within the set environment that a game creates, human behavior is very predictable and can be mimicked to a high degree of accuracy, but it would drive people insane if English speaking people had to explain team functions to the ai that only understood Mandarin and just ran around trying to shoot people  (This has happened to me more than once in Wolfenstein:ET). Even outside of a game, human behavior can be predicted to a high degree. Go to your local shopping center and drop the equivalent of $1 (maybe more, as the US Dollar has tanked) on the floor. Walk away and watch, some will see it and keep walking, some won't see it, but someone will eventually stop and pick it up. WRT to ET:QW's ai, however I thought it was extraordinary because the bots move and act like a team and performed their class duties (They tried this in q3:a BTW but it didn't work out so good).
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« Reply #40 on: April 09, 2008, 01:52:54 PM » |
Training is what makes a champion  It is a steep learning curve for jumping, but once you can feel the rhythm, then you also understand how to jump. Que?, or SenorQue, is one of the jumpers who can perform opc1 backwards, that takes some very precise movement but with training you can do it. Keep your eyes open for our videos