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Author Topic: Bots are everywhere  (Read 44732 times)

Cakes 0
Posts: 18

« on: August 07, 2007, 01:54:38 PM »


I'm tired of searching servers with no bots, and I'm not talking about
server bots like Ayumi or Tony. I'm talking about much stronger bots.
This bots goes from server to server, with new names, new model, speak
only a little and is not so easy to recognise them at first glance.

Look at the ping, this two are from same machine. Before this server they were
on another server with me.

It's totally killing my will to play online.

Cakes 35
Posts: 14520

« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2007, 01:56:46 PM »

They could be really good local players.      I myself hardly ever chat when playing online because I know the difference between chat rooms and ingame action

asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done.
Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone

I do not provide technical support either.

new code development on github
Posts a lot

Cakes 1
Posts: 1324

« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2007, 02:21:00 PM »

Or they could just have really good connections.


Cakes 2
Posts: 582

Give to life what you expect back

« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2007, 03:38:25 PM »

Hmm..those are not bots at all Smiley They are players, and one of them being relatively skilled. When it comes to a ping of 64ms, what makes you think that it is a bot then? In my own case I have a lag of about 50ms on most servers in Europe and on the servers I run I have players with a lag of 11ms but they are still very much human Smiley

'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'


Cakes 1
Posts: 187

« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2007, 03:57:36 PM »

64ms? cant be a server bot

Cakes 0
Posts: 18

« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2007, 04:12:17 PM »

Hmm..those are not bots at all Smiley They are players, and one of them being relatively skilled. When it comes to a ping of 64ms, what makes you think that it is a bot then? In my own case I have a lag of about 50ms on most servers in Europe and on the servers I run I have players with a lag of 11ms but they are still very much human Smiley

Ok, if you say so. I hate when show my nose for millisecond and am railed.
Let it be skill then.
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2007, 02:02:17 AM »

Hmm..those are not bots at all Smiley They are players, and one of them being relatively skilled. When it comes to a ping of 64ms, what makes you think that it is a bot then? In my own case I have a lag of about 50ms on most servers in Europe and on the servers I run I have players with a lag of 11ms but they are still very much human Smiley

Ok, if you say so. I hate when show my nose for millisecond and am railed.
Let it be skill then.

Man, you just need to be a bit patient. Play more, and depending on your abilities, in a month or two you will be able to play better, and not get railed every time you show your nose around the corner. I myself needed at least 3 months to even frag once some of the top players. But I was persistent, had an hour a day to play, and now i still get pwned by guys like Insomn1a, Cortex, Haueck, Jojo, unarmedplayer to mention a few. Smiley  Nevertheless, I enjoy playing, win or loose, pwn or get pwned. Good luck, and have fun Wink

Cakes 0
Posts: 16

Fraggin' Monkeey

« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2007, 03:50:07 AM »

Hmm..those are not bots at all Smiley They are players, and one of them being relatively skilled. When it comes to a ping of 64ms, what makes you think that it is a bot then? In my own case I have a lag of about 50ms on most servers in Europe and on the servers I run I have players with a lag of 11ms but they are still very much human Smiley

for me the same thing mostly 26 ping

My Brain Is Green, My Eyes Are Pointing To A White Dot On Your Head Waiting To Send A Birthday Rifle With A Mauser K48 Rifle.
Lesser Nub

Cakes -3
Posts: 142

« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2007, 06:47:52 AM »

~Irony-modus on~Bots have a major advantage because they have no latency [0 ms]~Irony-modus off~

"The things you own, they end up owning you."

Cakes 1
Posts: 14

« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2007, 04:53:40 AM »

Ok, if you say so. I hate when show my nose for millisecond and am railed.
Let it be skill then.

( Please excuse my bad english )


I can proof that they are no bots coz i know them both.

Fenicks is good but imho not a superior player. I played a few times against him/her.
But loki is one of the VERY BEST players i have ever seen. He and some other EXTREME good player
like stygius etc. made me choose my name .... i know i can NEVER reach there skills.
Loki is a very friendly kind of person. I meet him at defrag training. He shows me how i can complete some plasmruns.
I simply cant do them without his clues. He is an EXTREAMLY skilled player. But the other side of the medal is not so fine.
People allways call him a cheater becuose he is incredible good. So if you meet him PLEASE do NOT call him a cheater!
Play against him and LEARN! Be fascinated of his skills like me. Die with honor Smiley
It is hard to accept that they are players arround with are soooooooooooo much more skilled like me. But calling them a cheater
dont better my skills ... I do the same mistake by myself. Thinking about cheating only when i saw player going with twice of my speed ...
( dont know about straf and circlejumps ... ) Jumping much higher than me. ( dont know about rocketjumps ) etc. etc.
But now i have learned many tricks by myself so i have been confrontated with the same problem ...
It is very sad if you train hard to be better and the only result is to be called a cheater.
The physics engine of OA ( quake3) is graet. Much more than 320u speed is possible. So check the internet, learn, come back and fight!

Have fun with this fantastic game!
Thanks to all the people who made oa possible.




Cakes 0
Posts: 18

« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2007, 05:08:57 AM »

I can proof that they are no bots coz i know them both.

Fenicks is good but imho not a superior player. I played a few times against him/her.
But loki is one of the VERY BEST players i have ever seen. He and some other EXTREME good player
like stygius etc. made me choose my name .... i know i can NEVER reach there skills.

Hi apprentice

I know all this now, it's me Pink Panther. Stygius is unbelivable good.

Cakes 2
Posts: 582

Give to life what you expect back

« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2007, 01:27:50 PM »

Ok, if you say so. I hate when show my nose for millisecond and am railed.
Let it be skill then.

( Please excuse my bad english )


I can proof that they are no bots coz i know them both.

Fenicks is good but imho not a superior player. I played a few times against him/her.
But loki is one of the VERY BEST players i have ever seen. He and some other EXTREME good player
like stygius etc. made me choose my name .... i know i can NEVER reach there skills.
Loki is a very friendly kind of person. I meet him at defrag training. He shows me how i can complete some plasmruns.
I simply cant do them without his clues. He is an EXTREAMLY skilled player. But the other side of the medal is not so fine.
People allways call him a cheater becuose he is incredible good. So if you meet him PLEASE do NOT call him a cheater!
Play against him and LEARN! Be fascinated of his skills like me. Die with honor Smiley
It is hard to accept that they are players arround with are soooooooooooo much more skilled like me. But calling them a cheater
dont better my skills ... I do the same mistake by myself. Thinking about cheating only when i saw player going with twice of my speed ...
( dont know about straf and circlejumps ... ) Jumping much higher than me. ( dont know about rocketjumps ) etc. etc.
But now i have learned many tricks by myself so i have been confrontated with the same problem ...
It is very sad if you train hard to be better and the only result is to be called a cheater.
The physics engine of OA ( quake3) is graet. Much more than 320u speed is possible. So check the internet, learn, come back and fight!

Have fun with this fantastic game!
Thanks to all the people who made oa possible.

The rainbow|defrag is designed to teach people how to move faster, jump higher, aim better and increase the overall skill of the player. There are plenty of good tutorials on how to perform strafe-jumps, plasma climbs and other sorts of trick. We are in the process of writing easy to understand tutorials, and provide video recordings of how to perform the tricks on the rainbow website. When it comes to speed, 320 is normal walking speed and a rocket is ~900 but with some training you can run with 2500 ups, i.e outrun your own rockets. And no, I am not joking Smiley
As always, we are on IRC if you want help/tricks/tutorials regarding training.

'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'


Cakes 1
Posts: 14

« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2007, 09:57:03 AM »

The rainbow|defrag is designed to teach people how to move faster, jump higher, aim better and increase the overall skill of the player. There are plenty of good tutorials on how to perform strafe-jumps, plasma climbs and other sorts of trick. We are in the process of writing easy to understand tutorials, and provide video recordings of how to perform the tricks on the rainbow website. When it comes to speed, 320 is normal walking speed and a rocket is ~900 but with some training you can run with 2500 ups, i.e outrun your own rockets. And no, I am not joking Smiley
As always, we are on IRC if you want help/tricks/tutorials regarding training.


Yes i know that you are not joking Smiley
Me personal best speed in grid2 is ca. 2370. I have seen loki going with nearly 3000u!!!!! It was between 2990 and 2998 i dont know the exact value.
Rainbow defrag is GREAT! You must show up there to belive. There is sooooo much to learn. And it is realy fun Smiley
I cant do the strafpads yet and my circlejumps are ridicoulos. But i try and maybe succeed one day ........

C U all on the next oa server ...


Cakes 2
Posts: 582

Give to life what you expect back

« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2007, 11:19:48 AM »

The rainbow|defrag is designed to teach people how to move faster, jump higher, aim better and increase the overall skill of the player. There are plenty of good tutorials on how to perform strafe-jumps, plasma climbs and other sorts of trick. We are in the process of writing easy to understand tutorials, and provide video recordings of how to perform the tricks on the rainbow website. When it comes to speed, 320 is normal walking speed and a rocket is ~900 but with some training you can run with 2500 ups, i.e outrun your own rockets. And no, I am not joking Smiley
As always, we are on IRC if you want help/tricks/tutorials regarding training.


Yes i know that you are not joking Smiley
Me personal best speed in grid2 is ca. 2370. I have seen loki going with nearly 3000u!!!!! It was between 2990 and 2998 i dont know the exact value.
Rainbow defrag is GREAT! You must show up there to belive. There is sooooo much to learn. And it is realy fun Smiley
I cant do the strafpads yet and my circlejumps are ridicoulos. But i try and maybe succeed one day ........

C U all on the next oa server ...
Training is what makes a champion Smiley
It is a steep learning curve for jumping, but once you can feel the rhythm, then you also understand how to jump. Que?, or SenorQue, is one of the jumpers who can perform opc1 backwards, that takes some very precise movement but with training you can do it. Keep your eyes open for our videos Wink

'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'


Cakes 0
Posts: 25

« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2007, 10:38:03 PM »

lol this guy pazuzu or something ALWAYS swears im a cheater even if im getting wasted. i havent reached my quake 1 or 2 level of play in oa yet, but i AM ok. why, if ur aim is on, or ur just lucky one day do people always have to accuse you of cheating? he almost got me banned from the Old Farts server. untill i got them to spectate me.

Cakes 1
Posts: 14

« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2007, 03:31:54 AM »

lol this guy pazuzu or something ALWAYS swears im a cheater even if im getting wasted. i havent reached my quake 1 or 2 level of play in oa yet, but i AM ok. why, if ur aim is on, or ur just lucky one day do people always have to accuse you of cheating? he almost got me banned from the Old Farts server. untill i got them to spectate me.

Yes i know him too. He dont called me a cheater YET but yesterday i played in hydronex (CTF) and he showes up. Team blue with 6 people ( incl. me ) in it. Team red 8 people. He joined red and dont understand why i wrote " nice join " .... This is the next point that sickens me. One team wins and team members from the other team JOIN winning team or ANY new player join the loosing team. Yesterday we win at last with 5 : 9 player by timeout. Teambalance cant be forced under any circumstance. The better team must be allowed to win. Also yesterday we  havent a chance against a very good group of players. It was 0:6 and new players only join us. So i wrote "teams!" and got the answer "but we are loosing!"  ......
EVERY team can be forced to loose by simply outnumbering them with a large number of players. But this makes no sense at all!



Cakes 0
Posts: 37

« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2007, 11:49:19 AM »

I have only been playing the game for a few days now and I may not be very good yet, but I can still spot certain signs of cheating. For instance, when I grab the invisibility, run around and find someone, they turn and blast me with a rocket in a matter of a second even when I had taken no action to alert them of my presence... sounds a little fishy to me.


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Cakes 2
Posts: 582

Give to life what you expect back

« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2007, 11:56:19 AM »

I have only been playing the game for a few days now and I may not be very good yet, but I can still spot certain signs of cheating. For instance, when I grab the invisibility, run around and find someone, they turn and blast me with a rocket in a matter of a second even when I had taken no action to alert them of my presence... sounds a little fishy to me.
One of the first things that you need to learn is to listen to sounds in your surrounding. That is why certain players are able to shoot you before you exit a doorway; climb a ladder; surface from water and so on. That applies to footsteps also...
And also, even if you are 'invisible' you can still be seen from the silhouette outline.
Anyway, welcome to the game and hope that you will enjoy it..

'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'


Cakes 0
Posts: 37

« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2007, 12:10:41 PM »

Thanks for the welcome w1zrd. Wasn't accusing anybody of cheating or anything like that. Just some things in the game are still new to me and I still have some learning to do.


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Cakes 1
Posts: 14

« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2007, 12:24:30 PM »

I have only been playing the game for a few days now and I may not be very good yet, but I can still spot certain signs of cheating. For instance, when I grab the invisibility, run around and find someone, they turn and blast me with a rocket in a matter of a second even when I had taken no action to alert them of my presence... sounds a little fishy to me.


Please dont think about cheating first if things are suspicious to you! ( I did the same mistake too )
When i play ctf and HEAR the sound of the invisibility powerup is taken, i check everything twice.
( Footsteps, sound of something is taken etc. etc. ) The invisibility is not TOTAL you still can be seen but it is not so easy.
Some guy leave the server while playing against me coz i simply shoot him from underwater! But this is no big deal!
I jumped in and he stand still fireing at me. So a) i know his positon when i jumped into water and fire a missle at his last known position
and b) He fiers at me and i simply follow the bullettrails which i can see! Easy stuff ...
I dont see any cheating around playing OA. Its only stuff that i dont know or cant handle by myself!
OA is real fun and there is much to learn.


« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2007, 01:11:14 PM »

being able to hear other players is really important to me. i've got myself a good quality set of headphones that are comfortable and block out other sounds, it really helps.

i'm really tempted by the idea of surround sound headphones. that would give an amazing listening experience.

Cakes 2
Posts: 582

Give to life what you expect back

« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2007, 01:17:39 PM »

being able to hear other players is really important to me. i've got myself a good quality set of headphones that are comfortable and block out other sounds, it really helps.

i'm really tempted by the idea of surround sound headphones. that would give an amazing listening experience.
Put a bucket over your head while playing, that enhances the experience Wink

'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'


Cakes 34
Posts: 625

« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2007, 02:50:12 PM »

can OA put out surround sound?
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2007, 02:41:13 PM »

Put a bucket over your head while playing, that enhances the experience

am i allowed to cut eye holes in it? or is this one of those jedi training things you trickjumpers do? Wink

Cakes 2
Posts: 582

Give to life what you expect back

« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2007, 12:27:14 PM »

Put a bucket over your head while playing, that enhances the experience

am i allowed to cut eye holes in it? or is this one of those jedi training things you trickjumpers do? Wink
T3h f0rc3 iz $tR0nG 1n u!
(bots are not good at listening, still they know where you are)

'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'

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