//Tier 1 { map "oa_rpg3dm2" longname "Trial By Error" bots "ayumi jenna" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms tourney" } { map "oa_minia" longname "Kit's Mini Arena" bots "tony penguin" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms tourney elimination dd" } { map "pul1duel-oa" longname "Five Steps Ahead" bots "ayumi jenna tony penguin" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms tourney" } { map "slimefac" longname "Slime Facility" bots "skelebot" fraglimit "10" type "single ffa lms tourney" } //Tier 2 { map "oa_dm5" longname "Inner Cistern" bots "ghost merman" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms team" } { map "oa_dm7" longname "Outer Cistern" bots "broadklin morgan" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms tourney" } { map "sleekgrinder" longname "Sleek Grinder" bots "ghost merman broadklin morgan assassin" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms team dom" } { map "pxlfan" longname "The Fan Of Death!" bots "cyber-garg" fraglimit "10" type "single ffa lms team tourney dom" } //Tier 3 { map "am_lavaarena" longname "Lava Arena" bots "headcrash sergei" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms tourney dom" } { map "oa_dm3" longname "Abandoned Base" bots "major beret" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms team" } { map "am_underworks2" longname "Under Working 2.0" bots "major beret headcrash sergei assassin" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms team elimination dom" } { map "blitzkrieg3" longname "Blitzkrieg Base" bots "metalbot" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms tourney" } //Tier 4 { map "czest1dm" longname "Monastery At Night" bots "nekoyss arachna" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms tourney team elimination dom" } { map "mlca1" longname "Meisterlampe's Temple" bots "liz neko gargoyle" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms team elimination dom" } { map "oa_koth2" longname "Floating Tower" bots "nekoyss arachna liz neko gargoyle" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms team dom" } { map "oa_dm1" longname "Think Twice Or Die" bots "sorceress" fraglimit "10" type "single ffa lms team" } //Tier 5 { map "dm6ish" longname "Darkest Hour" bots "nekoyss tanisha" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms tourney" } { map "am_galmevish2" longname "Galmevish Yards" bots "arachna rai" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms tourney harvester dd" } { map "oa_koth1" longname "Repulsive Castle" bots "arachna rai nekoyss tanisha" fraglimit "30" type "single ffa lms team" } { map "aggressor" longname "Aggressive Tendencies" bots "sorceress angelyss" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms tourney dom" } //Tier 6 { map "oa_shouse" longname "Strange House" bots "dark murielle" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms team elimination tourney dd dom" } { map "oa_dm4" longname "A Bad Place" bots "tanisha rai" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms tourney" } { map "kaos2" longname "Khaos Everywhere!" bots "dark murielle tanisha rai" fraglimit "30" type "single ffa lms team" } { map "ce1m7" longname "Lava House Of Thon" bots "angelyss" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms" } //Tier 7 { map "wrackdm17" longname "Never Ending Yard" bots "grism andriy" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms" } { map "oa_shine" longname "Shine In The Atmosphere" bots "sarge grunt" fraglimit "20" type "single ffa lms" } { map "am_spacecont" longname "Space Contact" bots "grism andriy sarge grunt" fraglimit "30" type "single ffa lms" } { map "suspended" longname "Suspended Satellite" bots "s_marine" fraglimit "15" type "single ffa lms" } //Tier 8 { map "czest1tourney" longname "The Space Spire" special "Final" fraglimit "15" bots "kyonshi" type "single ffa lms" } //Other { map "oa_pvomit" longname "Projectile Vomit" type "ffa lms" } { map "oa_dm2" longname "Trappie Land" type "ffa lms" } // CTF maps { map "am_lavactf" longname "Lava Arena (CTF)" type "ctf ctfelimination oneflag harvester overload elimination dd" } { map "am_lavactfxl" longname "Lava Arena (CTF XL)" type "ctf ctfelimination oneflag harvester overload elimination dd" } { map "am_mckinleyish2" longname "McKinleyish Retribution" type "ctf ctfelimination oneflag harvester overload elimination dd" } { map "am_thornish" longname "Thornish Revenge" type "ctf ctfelimination oneflag harvester overload elimination dd" } { map "cbctf1" longname "Capture The Space" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "ctf_compromise" longname "Foul Compromise" type "ctf oneflag elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "ctf_gate1" longname "Outer Gates" type "ctf elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "ctf_inyard" longname "Inner Yard" type "ctf oneflag elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "czest2ctf" longname "The Bridge of Despair" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "czest3ctf" longname "Holy Wars" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "delta" longname "Mission Over Mars" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "hydronex2" longname "Hydrocapture 2.0" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "mlctf1beta" longname "Encephalomalacia" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_bases3" longname "Some Bases" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_bases3plus3" longname "Some Bases (Improved)" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "oa_bases3p3ta" longname "Some Bases (Improved TA)" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "oa_bases7" longname "Some Awful Bases" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_ctf2" longname "OA_CTF2" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_ctf4ish" longname "Free Space" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_reptctf11" longname "Colliding in the Factory" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oasago1" longname "Sago's Inner Castle" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oasago2" longname "Sago's Outer Castle" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_spirit3" longname "Where Fears Collide" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "oa_thor" longname "Thor's Valhalla" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd dom" } { map "ps37ctf2" longname "Obey 37 2.0" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "ps9ctf" longname "Obey 9" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } { map "pul1ctf" longname "Der Koberwascher" type "ctf oneflag harvester overload elimination ctfelimination dd" } // See which maps were dummied out in the wiki.