Title: How to...? Post by: srbrunoaf on June 15, 2008, 10:06:33 PM Well... I'm not a great modeller, but I guess I'm halfway decent... But... How do I export the models from OA to work with them, like, to easily recycle animations and textures and stuff to make it someway easier... And testing much faster... Otherwise, the only way I know would be start from scratch, and that would be too time-wasting, I guess... Plus, I tried QuArK, but it asks for lots of configurations about "My Quake III folders and stuff", changed some that I know to OA's folders, but still asks for more... Anyway... Thanks in advance...
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: kit89 on June 16, 2008, 04:39:06 AM Quark is used for Mapping, though it is generally GtkRadiant that is used.
The Characters used in Open Arena can be found in the SVN in the directory "source", www.openarena.ws/svn They are in .blend files so you will need to open them in Blender first them export them to your desired Modelling package. If you wish to do mapping then use GtkRadiant. The source files for the maps can be found also in the svn. Title: Re: How to...? Post by: srbrunoaf on June 16, 2008, 04:41:53 PM Thank you very much, I alredy use blender for modelling, in a few days I'll try to post any model I might do.. Thanks..
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: srbrunoaf on June 17, 2008, 11:52:37 AM I just made a really silly idea for a model in blender, it still needs more polys and the texture is not gpl, so it needs a new one, plus, dunno if there's a way of doing such complex nodes material with the engine, but... Well, just an idea, if someone likes it, lol... Sorry for the sillyness, I couldn't resist it.. ;)
http://sr.bruno.af.googlepages.com/modelidea.blend edit: forgot to mention, since the top feature is the material, you need to render or at least try some render previews to see it looks cool in every angle... Title: Re: How to...? Post by: fromhell on June 17, 2008, 12:38:45 PM There's nothing?
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: pulchr on June 17, 2008, 04:27:11 PM screenshots please =)
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: srbrunoaf on June 18, 2008, 11:14:47 AM There's something, only visible yet from side/front, not from top...
Screens would ruin the surprise, but since you asked, I'll ruin it anyway: *spoiler* It's a Wolf3d Guard, (as of now with the original wolf3d texture, so a screen could be find in any wolf3d site) completely flat as the original, but with a weird blender way of making it show one sprite at a time, for each angle... If you keep 8 directions, plus add 8 for the 45° up, plus one for 90° up, plus the other 9 for same thing down, it would use just 26 textures, sizes 64x64. Since it didn't used the whole 64x64, and since it'll be dived in legs, arms, head, textures could be smaller, as to fit in the 512x512 oa texture. Besides, perhaps it'd be troublesome to match the gun position to him. But anyway, I think it would look so cute a wolf3d, pixelated guard. *endspoiler* Title: Re: How to...? Post by: fromhell on June 18, 2008, 11:21:24 AM Are you sure?
If you're trying to make a sprite character then there's the unavoidable headache of overlapping sprites. Title: Re: How to...? Post by: srbrunoaf on June 18, 2008, 05:51:37 PM well, my cool blender nodes material thingy had a nice pearlecent alpha normals thingy that made angled polys invisible, thus ending the overlaping problem... but dunno if the engine allows that sort of things... just an idea if that would work...
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: fromhell on June 19, 2008, 06:56:36 AM but dunno if the engine allows that sort of things.. nopeTitle: Re: How to...? Post by: srbrunoaf on June 20, 2008, 05:32:08 PM That settles it... So, for my first real model, I'm trying to model a general humanoid dude, but I dunno if it's getting ok... It's almost ready, I'll put a screenshot as soon as it shapes itself onto something...
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: Jeff Vader Jr. on October 16, 2008, 05:48:58 PM Where in the SVN files are .blends? All I'm finding are md3s of heads and bodies, and tgas of skins?
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: fromhell on October 16, 2008, 10:45:52 PM source/assets
Title: Re: How to...? Post by: Jeff Vader Jr. on October 17, 2008, 02:58:48 PM Dankeschoen.
Oh, and I like how your AI slander your mother :) |