Title: "trailing spark" sprites in the local entity system? Post by: fromhell on July 05, 2010, 11:38:14 AM I know Generations Q3 had these for blaster sparks. Basically, sprites that are shaped to have length according to their velocity. Their application would be on sparker effects coming from impacts and explosions.
HOW DO THIS!? Man I wish the q3 coding community weren't so fragmented now. I'm planning to make a better and completely optional explosion effect that is consisting of these: 6 big spark trails jumping out of it 1 small noticable shockwave (an expanding cut-up additive sphere with culldisable in shader, fading out by rgbgen) 9 flame sprites that rotate and fade out by alphagen, in additive blend AND gt128 blend so they fade out into smaller embers as they reach 0.5 alpha 3 'blast' sprites that appear for 0.2, just simple expanding, rotating fader sprites 18 little sparks, just simple autosprite sparks that add a little bit of detail 3 smoke sprites that rotate and last 1.3 seconds, alpha blended, alphagen and that's just for the rocket explosion! Title: Re: "trailing spark" sprites in the local entity system? Post by: pulchr on July 05, 2010, 11:50:44 AM good luck
Title: Re: "trailing spark" sprites in the local entity system? Post by: fromhell on July 18, 2010, 03:46:38 PM good luck indeed. i'll email phoenix if i can