Title: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on March 14, 2011, 09:05:39 PM In recent weeks i have been attempting to create "demos" to look back on in openarena.
Ive heard inforamtion on a former quake 3 program named "Quake 3 Movie Maker. Unfortinately It Dosent work with openarena of any verison, could someone make one for openarena? Its Sort of a problem to manuely make demo/video by using the openarena built in creator. Problems w/Using The Built in creator are: *Slow demo/video processing *The Inability To View Recorded Demos From Other Versions Of Openarena Such As 8.1 On a 8.5 Built In Viewer. Please Reply To This Forum Title: Re: OpenArena Name Maker?? Post by: Gig on March 15, 2011, 02:11:50 AM Ehm.. I suppose you mistyped the title of this thread ("OpenArena Name Maker")... I suppose you meant "OpenArena Movie Maker". Maybe editing the first post "Subject" you may fix it, but I'm not sure.
First, are you sure you tried DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Demos#Additional_tools]both methods (http://([b) to make Quake 3 Moviemaker's Edition work with OpenArena, and you did not succeed? I never tried them, but I suppose they should work. Thinking to the problems you had with Q3 Name Changer, I suppose you may have problems with Q3MME, too... A such program expressly designed for OpenArena nowadays could be nice, however... but it's not so easy to create. It's okay to ask for it, but do not be surprised if no one will be able (or will have the time) to do it. I don't want to scary you, but you have to be prepared if nobody replies. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on March 15, 2011, 01:28:03 PM Thank you gig
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 03, 2011, 04:31:47 PM Version 0.3
The setup information is in docs/HOW_TO_SETUP.txt // Download Link // ++++++++++ OAmme v0.3 (http://biotoxic.tk/storage/oamme/oamme-v3.7z) Filesize = 37.1MB Extra High Quality Textures (http://biotoxic.tk/storage/oamme/zzz.hqTex.pk3) Filesize = 177.64MB // Download Link // ++++++++++ OAmme v0.2 ( Filesize = 174.52MB // BioWiki // +++++ BioWiki (http://bioxide.tk/) // Download Link // ++++++++++ OAmme v0.1 ( // BioWiki // +++++ BioWiki (http://www.biowiki.co.nr/) OAmme is currently around 440MB, but I will streamline it soon and remove unnecessary things. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on April 03, 2011, 04:45:38 PM how about a binary only data-less version for us lacking in that bandwidth thing?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 03, 2011, 04:52:48 PM Sounds interesting. Is that some sort of "hack" do make q3mme work with OpenArena or you did it from scratch?
How is it possible it's 400 MB? Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 07, 2011, 03:47:17 PM Bioxide, are you still there?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 09, 2011, 11:29:10 AM sorry, was afk for a bit
how about a binary only data-less version for us lacking in that bandwidth thing? I'll do this as soon as I get homeSounds interesting. Is that some sort of "hack" do make q3mme work with OpenArena or you did it from scratch? I did this from scratch, like I said I need to make it leaner, tons of things that I included that I didnt need to (dup files etc.)How is it possible it's 400 MB? Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 10, 2011, 08:09:41 AM has anyone gotten this download to work with openarena? i need help on this be ause i really need a moviemaker or some better info on using the quake 3 moviemaker.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 10, 2011, 08:23:33 AM oh my, it seems my vps is down... one moment
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 10, 2011, 08:34:41 AM FIXED
// Download Link // ++++++++++ OAmme v0.1 ( // BioWiki // +++++ BioWiki (http://www.bioxide.tk/) Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 11, 2011, 09:16:24 AM I have reduced the size to 174.52MB, will post when I get home
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 11, 2011, 09:53:36 AM I have reduced the size to 174.52MB Good. :)Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 12, 2011, 07:11:09 AM Version 0.2
// Download Link // ++++++++++ OAmme v0.2 ( Filesize = 174.52MB // BioWiki // +++++ BioWiki (http://bioxide.tk) Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Cacatoes on April 12, 2011, 10:34:48 AM Okay, so, to clarify, it's a repackaging/modification of q3mme, which is closed-source.
There are only windows binaries, but it should run through wine on Linux. Some time ago, I stumbled across WolfcamQL (http://www.quakelive.com/forum/showthread.php?2685-WolfcamQL-D) Which has interesting features. I think it's meant to be compatible with Q3 and so OA, and it's normally opensource. However at the time I got it, it wasn't in a state I thought it could be useful for OA. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 12, 2011, 11:57:17 AM I did this from scratch, Okay, so, to clarify, it's a repackaging/modification of q3mme, which is closed-source. I'm a bit confused...Anyway, I linked the tool DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Demos#Additional_tools]here (http://([b). Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on April 12, 2011, 04:09:17 PM q3mme, which is closed-source. The source was available but the site was down. I could poke Harekiet for the source if desired.Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 12, 2011, 06:43:34 PM I have the source for q3mme, but its only part of the engine source, not all of it. From version 1.52 (current is 1.6beta). This was the only form of source released for q3mme. Wolfcam-QL, i dont know about compatability, but I am always in their IRC channel, I am asking as I write this post
edit [19:48] <@Cyberstorm-> prolly not Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 13, 2011, 01:20:16 AM Maybe Fromhell may ask Harekiet for the complete source of the latest version of Q3MME (that may be hosted online again), and then Bioxide could update OAMME?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 13, 2011, 11:43:08 AM That would be perfect, then the size of OAmme would be in the 50s of MB, all of my workarounds would not be necessary, I could just edit from source. Probably even add some linux binaries.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 13, 2011, 01:37:05 PM OPEN ARENA MOVIE MAKER
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Cacatoes on April 13, 2011, 03:45:35 PM I'm not a specialist in Q3MME's history. Though the code I had in mind was mainly written by ... someone I don't remember the name, people mention him on q3mme board anyway, even if he's not present anymore there.
But it's been years people are asking about sources of the software, and the few answers I've seen about it were negative, if not unpleasant and stubborn in their ways. I deduced solutions had to be found somewhere else. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 14, 2011, 01:47:21 PM OPEN ARENA MOVIE MAKER
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 14, 2011, 02:27:34 PM OPEN ARENA MOVIE MAKER Please, write something that has got a sense.Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 14, 2011, 05:39:42 PM @ Gig Im asking for info on a openarena movie maker not quake 3
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 14, 2011, 05:41:20 PM OAmme = OpenArena Movie Maker's Edition.... have you been reading the thread? Download and try
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: dbX on April 14, 2011, 09:30:01 PM @ Gig Im asking for info on a openarena movie maker not quake 3 You were not asking. This is not a question: OPEN ARENA MOVIE MAKER Note the lack of a question mark, and a verb. For one, you don't even say what kind of information you need, and a lot of information has been posted on the topic. And what is worse, you're repeating the stupid post.READ and THINK. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on April 15, 2011, 12:53:42 AM But it's been years people are asking about sources of the software, and the few answers I've seen about it were negative, if not unpleasant and stubborn in their ways. I deduced solutions had to be found somewhere else. Sadly some don't understand that COPYING file. The selfish righteousness attitude like that is what was in mind for when the GPL license was chosen for the Q3 source. If no source is ever provided and things get worse, John Carmack would need a poking about it. He doesn't like to see his baby closed. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 15, 2011, 01:04:28 PM How do i use this OAMME , has anyone used it yet?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 15, 2011, 04:41:45 PM download OAmme v0.2 from here (
unpack it with some archiving program that can open up a .7z, such as 7zip. The full version(free) of 7zip is here (http://www.7-zip.org/) The portable version of 7zip that installs faster(for lazy ppl like me) is here (http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/7-zip_portable) Unpack OAmme onto your desktop, or some other place, maybe the recycle bin... There should be a single file ordering you to read it, called readme i think. You should read it -_- Follow the instructions in 'readme' because any file that can tell you what to do, must be a pretty important file Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 16, 2011, 09:05:14 AM I cant seem to get demos to play i can open up the movie maker i need help on how to work it now TUTORIAL maybe??
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 16, 2011, 11:12:05 AM It was a pain, but view the tutorial HERE (http://www.bioxide.tk/doku.php?id=openarena:oamme)
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 16, 2011, 11:12:50 AM Will check it out :o
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 16, 2011, 11:25:37 AM Movie Conversion and Config LINKS arent there
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 16, 2011, 11:30:08 AM Because you woke me up at early, and I've been typing ever since.
A such program expressly designed for OpenArena nowadays could be nice, however... but it's not so easy to create. It's okay to ask for it, but do not be surprised if no one will be able (or will have the time) to do it. I don't want to scary you, but you have to be prepared if nobody replies. swaggerall.. Please stop complaining, this isn't easy to do, or you would have figured it out by yourself Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 16, 2011, 12:32:57 PM hey bro im not complaining im just asking for you to be clear it seems as complaining because its text
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 16, 2011, 03:08:05 PM swaggerall, the tut is completely finished, the config is posted, will not post config settings just yet though. I have other projects I need to finish
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 17, 2011, 08:03:11 AM How do i use dm._68 to rename the files?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 17, 2011, 10:13:41 AM hmm... have you tried double clicking it?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 17, 2011, 10:16:31 AM yes i have .. do i have to have the demos in the same folder as the renamer?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 17, 2011, 10:19:26 AM no, at least I dont think you do, when I wrote the script, it was supposed to search through %appdata%\OpenArena and rename demos from there, let me download OAmme onto this comp (not at home) and read through it, give me 5 mins or less
edit The script should work fine, I dont know what you think is wrong with it, works for me. Anyone that wants to take a poke at what I am overlooking can view the .bat here Code: FOR /r %appdata%\openarena %%X IN (*.dm_71) DO (RENAME %%X *.dm_68) EXIT Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 17, 2011, 10:49:16 AM please check it
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 17, 2011, 11:33:45 AM that post above yours means I checked it, run the file anywhere, doesnt matter where, and any .dm_71 in your openarena appdata will be renamed to .dm_68, ALL OF THEM, its recursive (thats what the /r is for)
I just changed all of my defrag demos to .dm_68 and back again Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 17, 2011, 07:06:20 PM Okay Bio will check
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: RMF on April 17, 2011, 11:21:05 PM Bioxide, I really don't get why you still reply to him at all...
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on April 18, 2011, 04:59:00 PM RMF im sure he replys becuase he has made a verison of something and is the only tech support for it. you cant make something and expect everyone to know what do do at all times. i just want to know how to view the demos
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 25, 2011, 04:32:16 AM Bioxide, what happened to your site (http://www.biowiki.co.nr)?
Quote Domain name: biowiki.co.nr - is not in our database. It means this domain name might be available for registration. And you can register it right now on our website Absolutely FREE ! Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Cacatoes on April 25, 2011, 05:48:30 AM But it's been years people are asking about sources of the software, and the few answers I've seen about it were negative, if not unpleasant and stubborn in their ways. I deduced solutions had to be found somewhere else. Sadly some don't understand that COPYING file. The selfish righteousness attitude like that is what was in mind for when the GPL license was chosen for the Q3 source. If no source is ever provided and things get worse, John Carmack would need a poking about it. He doesn't like to see his baby closed. I didn't dig the issue recently, but I thought they built q3mme from the closed-source engine, so they wouldn't have to release the sources. @Gig, crappy free domain-name providers tend to erroneously close some of their newly registered websites, maybe that's what happened. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on April 26, 2011, 07:37:54 PM and you are correct cacatoes...
http://bioxide.tk (http://bioxide.tk) and http://biowiki.dyndns.org (http://biowiki.dyndns.org) should both work, but please use the .tk (not sure what dyndns does about bandwith) Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on April 27, 2011, 02:29:48 AM Okay, I've updated the links here:
(DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Demos#Additional_tools But I have been forced to use the dyndns url, because Wikia anti-spam filter blocked the .tk domain... Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: RMF on April 29, 2011, 01:36:25 AM http://bioxide.tk (http://bioxide.tk) and http://biowiki.dyndns.org (http://biowiki.dyndns.org) should both work, but please use the .tk (not sure what dyndns does about bandwith) Why would the dyndns cause more or less traffic than the .tk domain? Both services simply load your webpage, as it would when you requested the IP directly.I would prefer the dyndns actually, .tk uses (depricated) frames and keeps the visitors on the domain. If the user clicks a link on the page, he or she can't copy the link as the address in the address bar is still bioxide.tk (or, a general user couldn't find the right link). Also the loading times of .tk is slow, and they got downtime now and then. The dyndns just redirects the user to your server on dns level rather than using frames or any other crap. I don't have a lot of experience with it, but I'm pretty sure the loading time is a lot quicker. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Cacatoes on April 29, 2011, 05:56:59 AM This frame can be removed if you check your account options for the dot.TK domain, and visitors can surf in peace with the full address being written in the address bar.
.TK is only a DNS provider, not a hosting service, and there is no downtime for DNS as its purpose only is to propagate IP addresses around the network (Root DNS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_nameserver), then your I.S.P DNS servers). The loading times are the same (you always contact your ISP's DNS solver, it takes the same time whether it's .tk or dyndns). Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: RMF on April 29, 2011, 10:36:30 AM I'm pretty sure their DNS servers have downtime now and then too, and the webserver (something has to provide the page with the iframe) is even more sluggish.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 03, 2011, 07:48:09 AM personally i don't like .tk domains, when i read .tk i think back to 2002 when loads of kids started peddling their Outwar referral links, Matrix fan pages and Green Day fan pages.
stick to using the dyndns url imo and yeah I realize .ws isn't that great of a top level domain either since it makes me think 'wuss'. it almost was gonna be .net or even .org but those were too expensive Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Peter Silie on May 03, 2011, 11:36:31 AM .ws sites are the most spamies around the world (haven´t the link yet, but google should help) ;D
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 03, 2011, 11:37:31 AM to be fair, it's not as bad as .info. .info should be called .misinfo
*RIMSHOT* Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: RMF on May 05, 2011, 09:17:30 AM A .us (€9,25) domain seems cheaper than a .ws (€11,49) here. The .com and .net are taken, goddamn domain reservation bastards.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Peter Silie on May 05, 2011, 11:56:53 AM .info should be called .misinfo ;D ps: i had to reduce your cakes, sry for that but i love the 1111! ;D Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 21, 2011, 03:30:59 AM Well would ya look at that! (http://quake3mme.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/quake3mme/)
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on May 21, 2011, 04:50:28 AM last update, 2 days ago :O !! i can actually start coding....
SON OF A BITCH!! FUCK YES!! Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 21, 2011, 04:53:29 AM I think the fx scripting stuff in the client could be backported to OA because of how much cgame sucks for making particle effects. cg_leiEnhancement's days are numbered now
there's also those sse optimizations and fbo effects such as better bloom....... Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on May 21, 2011, 04:56:05 AM why not backport everything not solely dependent on the engine? then users would only have to switch binaries to use cameras, model forcing etc. qvm could be used for both
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on May 21, 2011, 07:01:49 AM fbo effects such as better bloom....... Excuse me, what does "fbo" mean?PS (maybe a bit OT, sorry), any news about the DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Bugs]OA bugs (http://([b) related with bloom effect? http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=3578.msg33455#msg33455 http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=3578.msg35196#msg35196 [/size] Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Cacatoes on May 21, 2011, 11:12:06 AM FrameBuffer Object
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 21, 2011, 03:30:11 PM and fbo bloom doesn't have bleeding edges
Higher system requirements though, but if you enable bloom you've got a high system anyway Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on May 21, 2011, 09:24:30 PM from a design student's perspective, and this is just my opinion, but maybe bloom should be removed from the engine, most serious ppl i know that make vids with QL / OA / CSS disable in-game post processing, and do all editing in their video editor. plus bloom doesnt look to good in my opinion
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 21, 2011, 10:51:34 PM did you not know that it's a cvar? No sense in removing it. I play with it on.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on May 22, 2011, 04:12:24 AM then god himself made your gpu
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: RMF on May 22, 2011, 05:19:00 PM I didn't make it :o
(GoD clan.. my attempted humor at 1:19am) Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: fromhell on May 22, 2011, 05:50:09 PM then god himself made your gpu Gee, how hard is it to get a pixel shader 2 card these days? Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on May 22, 2011, 09:02:17 PM according to the poll started on this board, id say that most of your playerbase is running 512MB nVidia cards, so yeah ur right, they can render smoothly, but i dont see the real need for it. I dont use bloom, and my movie config runs me at around 90 FPS (AMD Radeon HD 5450)
==EDIT== but this is besides the point. school for me is out in june, expect me to have a working build of OAmme from this code release by july Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on June 16, 2011, 01:12:23 PM Hey Bio :) Are You Still In The Making Of The NEw Edition Of This For WIndows?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on June 16, 2011, 02:04:28 PM school JUST let out wednesday, ive just started work... chillax, lol
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: swaggerall on June 18, 2011, 11:18:32 AM Lol high school? and what if i had the last version will this verison be an installer instead so i can just update it from there?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on July 21, 2011, 09:20:58 AM at long last... i start work, i think the first i will add is forcemodel, which is not in q3mme, this is my alternative to skinning evey single OA model with bright options, this should also reduce filesize A LOT
==edit== http://biotoxic.tk/openarena:oamme:werk (http://biotoxic.tk/openarena:oamme:werk) is where i will post work from now on Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on July 23, 2011, 11:08:29 AM skinning evey single OA model with bright options, Something like the file I attach here? (Taken from the "ScrewOA" server)Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on July 23, 2011, 02:25:15 PM with $whiteimage and rgb const, the entire model is being colored to one thing, like a colored silhouette. I'm talking about actual skins..
these are two screenshots from my alpha mod (pardon my lodbias) (http://i.imgur.com/6hYwYs.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/6hYwY.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/4SqJAs.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/4SqJA.jpg) this way, once i finish forcemodel, i only need to skin brights for one model Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on August 13, 2011, 07:36:47 AM didnt use forcemodel, got a workaround going, oamme-v3 37.1 MB download. not bad, eh?
download OAmme [HERE] (http://biotoxic.tk/files/oamme/oamme-v3.7z) -- 37.1MB download extra HQ Textures [HERE] (http://biotoxic.tk/files/oamme/zzz.hqTex.pk3) -- 177.64MB Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on August 13, 2011, 07:48:52 AM Ok, I quickly updated the wiki DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Demos#Additional_tools]here (http://([b). Feel free to fix.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on August 13, 2011, 07:52:51 AM wow gig... i went to go edit the wiki myself, and noticed you had already done so... geez you work fast, lol (this is before i read your post of course)
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on December 26, 2011, 11:55:11 AM Biox1dE, it has been you to do DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/index.php?title=Manual/Demos&diff=9504&oldid=9361]this edit (http://([b)? Is there a version 4? What's new? What happened to the HQ texture pack?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on December 26, 2011, 11:59:03 AM Yeah, it was me, I removed that texture pack as it was really broken, and bloated. Version 4 is now only 1.5 mb.
I couldn't update my forum post, i apologize for you not getting any notification. A little youtube vid for a How-To is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0cRfx9BsHY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0cRfx9BsHY) Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on December 26, 2011, 12:33:03 PM Try asking Fromhell if (s)he can modify this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4117.msg38369#msg38369) for you, "stroking" all old links, and adding there something like: "For the link to the latest version, please visit (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Manual/Demos#Additional_tools" (you may also create an apposite OAMME page on the wiki). :)
PS: I added the link to the video in the wiki. Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: christooss on December 26, 2011, 03:11:58 PM Biox1dE any chance we can get Linux version?
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on December 26, 2011, 03:51:05 PM Yes there is a chance. I was working with the q3mme source, but its a mess, I've started looking at wolfcam-ql instead.
With wolfcam i'll only need to pull things out rather than porting the old q3mme source to ioquake3 Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: christooss on December 26, 2011, 04:20:53 PM Thats great news.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on December 26, 2011, 09:59:58 PM Alright Gig, I've sat on my butt for about an hour eating cookies and updateing my wiki.
Here is the part regarding OAmme. Maybe you can link to it somewhere (i don't know where) http://biotoxic.tk/doku.php?id=openarena:tools:oamme (http://biotoxic.tk/doku.php?id=openarena:tools:oamme) Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: lupus on March 10, 2012, 03:42:20 AM is it just me or is the link to oamme v4 down? i would like to give it a try...
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: adriano on March 10, 2012, 04:42:51 AM is it just me or is the link to oamme v4 down? i would like to give it a try... Yea, seems down.Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on March 10, 2012, 05:27:53 AM I'm having talks to get it permanently hosted outside of my own webspace. Should be fixed shortly
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: grey matter on March 10, 2012, 06:34:27 AM You could upload it to ModDB. They have their own CDN, plus it'd be easier to find when looking for OA tools.
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Biox1dE on March 10, 2012, 07:01:06 AM yeah, that's what im talking with fromhell about
Title: Re: OpenArena Movie Maker?? Post by: Gig on July 13, 2017, 12:22:35 AM The old Biox1dE web site does not exist anymore.
Having found him on the Discord server (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5287.0), I asked him about OAMME download links. It seems the sources have been lost, anyway he still had the compiled tool uploaded somewhere: http://hoagiesandwich.net/rand/oamme-v4.7z http://hoagiesandwich.net/rand/wolfcamOA-0.6.2.zip http://hoagiesandwich.net/rand/bioWolfcam.cfg |