Title: [WIP] r_alternateBrightness Post by: fromhell on November 09, 2011, 06:49:28 AM Basically, a technique to simulate the r_overbrightBits screen color adjusting by having a GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_DST_COLOR white plane overlay on the rendering output entirely (even above the console), using overbrightbits' brightness compensation in effect for it, having the brightness cvar adjust its alpha.
PROS: - Do it in a window! - Do it on X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - no combines! CONS: - it blends. could be expensive on REALLY OLD hardware or even software GL rasterizers Title: Re: r_alternateBrightness Post by: andrewj on November 09, 2011, 11:24:31 PM That'll just make everything whiter (e.g. black becomes #808080).
If GL_DST_COLOR could be used as the source (i.e. as Cs in the C = CsS + CdD equation) then you'd be adding the framebuffer into itself and getting the same effect as overbrightbits=1, however I'm fairly sure (having checked the OpenGL 1.3 specs) that GL_DST_COLOR is not supported there. Title: Re: r_alternateBrightness Post by: fromhell on February 20, 2014, 02:53:15 AM I actually got around to doing this as well. It works!
(http://leileilol.mancubus.net/crap/oaaltbri.jpg) Title: Re: [WIP] r_alternateBrightness Post by: Suicizer on February 20, 2014, 03:44:45 PM So like bloom and glare screenshaders?
Title: Re: [WIP] r_alternateBrightness Post by: fromhell on February 21, 2014, 12:02:37 AM No.