Title: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Danfun64 on June 03, 2015, 07:11:42 PM I know that the levelshots are low res, but is that yellow image thing in the top left corner of the levelshots the fraps fps counter? If so, is that legal to use for this kind of Free project? If it isn't, what is it then, and why is it in most, if not all, of the OACMP levelshots?
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on June 03, 2015, 11:11:16 PM I don't use Fraps so I don't know.
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on June 04, 2015, 12:52:19 AM I don't know what those yellow dots are. Neon_Knight captured those images, and I thought he used the apposite "levelshot" in-game command (which takes a standard, low resolution 4:3 .tga image from the "intermission" point of view, hiding the HUD), but I have no idea how those yellow dots entered the images. I don't know if he used FRAPS, or the reason why.
In the plans to make the OACMP Volume1 V4 fix, other than addressing one major bug (OACMPCTF1 not working with standard Windows binaries due to two images using "progressive" jpeg encoding) and a few minor bugs (fog artefacts in sanctuary map, maybe?), also including updatel levelshots (possibly without those yellow dots) may fit. I don't know when this v4 will be released, it depends from people availability (mostly from Neon_Knight)... Speaking in general, also considering it is even possible to work with .psd to create 2D artwork, I don't know why using FRAPS to take a single-layer screenshot (which does not have/need a "source") would be a problem... Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on June 04, 2015, 05:37:29 AM I don't have access to the OACMP right now, but I'll check that later. There should be small TGA files in the levelshots folder of the pk3, which usually are the result of the game's "levelshot" command.
For the record, I don't use FRAPS as well. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on June 04, 2015, 07:54:04 AM I think the broken slope brushes in one of jan's levels is the biggest bug in OACMP1 to me
it's a smooth level otherwise. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: pelya on July 17, 2015, 10:53:45 AM I only remember this hole in textures on oacmpdm5, other maps are fine (although I would still increase overall brightness on few maps):
(http://i.imgur.com/0Q02MAwm.png) (http://imgur.com/0Q02MAw) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on July 17, 2015, 11:01:17 AM If Neon_Knight has got some time, next week we may try to recap what was needed for v4.
Maybe there was a problem with fog with oacmpdm9... and I posted a version19 of oacmpdm10 (with a very small texture fix required by Akom)... Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: pelya on July 17, 2015, 12:03:14 PM Neon_Knight said he don't want to touch oacmp1 again in another thread.
@Neon_Knight are you still frustrated over it? Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on July 19, 2015, 05:57:05 PM I'm frustrated over the fact that people expect the final versions so they can throw all the feedback they never bothered to throw while the pack was under development. That was the moment I understood why lei/FH is so pissed at people giving feedback once things are released rather than before.
Also, nitpicking over even the smaller and insignificant things which aren't bugs has also burned me out. I haven't done a map since 2013 because of this. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on July 20, 2015, 12:39:47 AM Also OACMP V.2 is over i see......
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on July 20, 2015, 01:00:41 AM Also OACMP V.2 is over i see...... Why should be over? There are already various maps from yours which were almost ready... I think that should be possible, but there is something to do before that.About OACMP 1, I really wish to make the final fix version, because having a map which crashes the game on Windows clients is bad. We spent a lot of efforts in OACMP 1... I wish to see it working without crashing. I'll try to find some time in the next days to read the post-v3 feedback (a lot of forum pages, IIRC!), so to sum that feedback up and then we may decide if there are some things which are worth to be fixed and others not. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on July 20, 2015, 03:31:50 AM Also OACMP V.2 is over i see...... Why should be over? There are already various maps from yours which were almost ready... I think that should be possible, but there is something to do before that.About OACMP 1, I really wish to make the final fix version, because having a map which crashes the game on Windows clients is bad. We spent a lot of efforts in OACMP 1... I wish to see it working without crashing. I'll try to find some time in the next days to read the post-v3 feedback (a lot of forum pages, IIRC!), so to sum that feedback up and then we may decide if there are some things which are worth to be fixed and others not. Where's the official OACMP Vol.2 thread ? ::) ....i mean the real one, not the "Gauging interest"... About the OACMP Vol.1, i think that some fix can be made by the mappers, or not ? ;) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on July 20, 2015, 04:37:47 AM ....i mean the real one, not the "Gauging interest"... IIRC, that IS (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4901.0) the official OACMP Volume 2 "develompent" thread... IIRC, the title was supposed to be updated as things evolved (e.g.: "gauging interest" --> "Gathering maps" --> "first tests" --> "beta1" --> "beta2" --> "release").I don't know if the forum still allows to modify posts older than "x" time, so maybe it may not be possible anymore to update the first post of the thread, and the thread title with it. However, I can guess we may create a new "OACMP Volume 2 development" thread and continue from there, if really necessary. Also, there is an apposite "commit" thread for OACMPvol2 maps: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4948.0 After you are happy with the map and it has been tested at least a bit (in OACMP Vol 2 main thread), you post it there (in OACMPvol2 commit thread), so the map will be actually added to the beta (and then, final) package, hopefully without having "horribly bugged" versions of the maps messing up the package. Quote About the OACMP Vol.1, i think that some fix can be made by the mappers, or not ? Uhm... let's listen to Neon_Knight first... he probably has got clearer ideas than me about which maps he wanted to use the versions recompiled by him, and which maps he wanted to keep the versions compiled by original authors.First, we have to sum up the situation we arrived past year, and then decide what to do (and who will do what). I can guess we may contact Moixie and Jan via PM if we need their help. However, guys... let's do it! :) :) :) PS: I wrote a "recap" of what I understood about the situation of Volume 1 v4 betas... can I post it in this thread, to continue talking/testing in this short thread instead of continuing in the previous "OACMPV3 re-release" post which is already a quite long thread? Title: Let's TRY to RECAP! Post by: Gig on July 20, 2015, 05:56:57 AM At the end of the previous post, I asked if I had to post the "recap" here or in the previous thread about OACMPVol1 v3... No reply until now, but I will be probably offline until tomorrow, so I post it here now.
-------------------------------------------------- Okay... first, it's hard to re-enter in a such thing after many months, however, if I understood correctly, the latest beta versions we had to try were given by a "v4 beta" + "fixes1257" (links to their posts at the end of this post). (Before "fixes1257" there was also a "v4 fixpack", but... see below). I try to recap what was written there, also making some quick test now to check if they are still there. I'm NOT saying ALL of these MUST be fixed (although that would be nice!), I'm listing them. Of course I hope at least most important ones will be fixed. MAPS: - OACMPDM1: A couple of misaligned torches which do not touch the wall (were already fixed in v4 beta IIRC, but for some reason the bug re-appeared in later "1257" package) - OACMPDM1 (in the latest version of 1257 package), at the left of the tomb with "Akom74" written, there is a recess without tomb... but with a "weapclip" like if there was! In some previous version there was actually a coffin there, I don't know why it has been removed. - OACMPDM2 - In v3, there was fog at the bottom of the map, which did not work perfectly. Removed in latest betas. - OACMPDM2 - Lateral jummpads with strangely black background (Neon Knight said that was not intentional) in latest beta. - OACMPDM5 - "Hole" (misaligned brushes) in V3 - Seemingly FIXED in latests betas - OACMPDM5 - Some bevels do not get "marks on walls"... Fromhell suggested "polygonoffset" on shader may fix the problem, but their cause isn't certain, because in older versions of the map (compiled by Jan) those were working corretly. Not a major issue anyway. - OACMPDM5 - White teleport corridors (lateral) may have noimpact/nomarks parameters... however that's not a major issue. - OACMPDM6 - Not really important, megahealth looks a bit buried in the ground, however it works. - OACMPDM6 - Something strange in this area (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4905.0;attach=5090;image) (illuination or texture aligment?) (the room is in the "red zone" of the map). Not nice, but however not a critical bug. - OACMPDM7: Strangely suspedend items - Fixed in latest betas, but read the next item of this list. - OACMPDM7: in the last beta there are some places marked as "weapon spawn area" (lightning gun, maybe?) but where nothing spawns (screenshot (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4905.0;attach=5171;image)). Also, some weapons spawn where there are no marks on the ground. - OACMPDM7: In latest beta, lower part of the map really dark. Fortunately, one does not go a lot there. Now that I check, it was already this way in V3. - OACMPDM7 small texture misalignment: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50105#msg50105 - Not important at all. - OACMPDM8: I was always puzzled about the lack of more "clusterportal openings" in its huge "botclip walls" which divide the map, which cause bots take strange paths to follow you. But maybe it's not the case to mess up with clusterportals now... - OACMPDM9: Buggy fog in v3... OACMP v4 betas removed the fog, but there is a really ugly black area at the bottom of the skybox! - OACMPDM9: the "robot statues" which are under the chaingun may get some kind of lighting... Maybe this one is one of those maps from Akom which Neon_Knight compiled without adding Akom's shader to his shaderlist.txt? I am referring to the latest beta... in v3 statues were partially covered in fog instead (which wasn't optimal either). - OACMPDM10 Version 19 available here (note: files inside it have to be renamed from udestruction to oacmpdm10): http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50026#msg50026 - OACMPCTF1 - V3 crashing on Windows due to a couple of unsupported "progressive encoding" jpeg. Already fixed with latest betas... - OACMPCTF1 - In latest beta there are ugly black lines on walls on various places of the map! - OACMPCTF1 - Maybe adding something, like machinegun bullets, in lateral tunnels may make them a bit more attractive for players and bots. - OACMPCTF2 - Bots problem in Harvester mode: after some time of playing -try devmap, then change timescale to speedup- you can see some bots end up not moving around, seemigly spawning and remaining stuck supended a few units above the ground (next to the lightning guns). PACKAGING: - "Copying" file in .pk3 (and in .zip) may have .txt exension. - Main readme file in the .zip may mention the availability of the "single player mod" (specifying it's designed for OA 0.8.8 and it's OPTIONAL). Alternatively, it may have its own "readme" file. Also, mod's "description" may mention "Volume 1". I may do that, if you wish. - Zip file -> sources/mapsources.txt says "The maps are located inside of the z_oacmp-volume1.pk3 file.". I can guess it should mention "z_oacmp-volume1-v4.pk3" instead. - OACMPDM8 and OACMPCTF2 lack specific readme files. UPDATE: fixes for the "packaging" items ABOVE this line are available here (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52749#msg52749) (2015-07-23). - Fixed "mappools" files available here (should just to be placed in the package, removing previous mappools files (v4 beta) which filenames were too long): http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49981#msg49981 - Note: One may/should also place a copy of "oacmp volume 1 auto change map.txt" from this mappols package to the "docs" folder of the external zip package. - Strange yellow dots in levelshots in v3 - Already fixed in V4-beta (but after the first v4 beta, maps have been further touched so updated levelshots may fit) - In v4-beta pk3 file, there is \sources\models\oacmp, with small "map" files which contain some "elements" used in Akom's maps and which Neon_Knight transformed in seperate "model" objects (I don't remember the exact name of such thing). Simply, in v4-beta such files do have the "original" names of the maps (akom1-,akom5,akomctf...) while maybe official names would have been better (oacmpdm1, oacmpdm9, oacmpctf3...). - In the pk3 file, in the "sources" folder, one may place a "texturesources.txt" file which would say to look in "oacmp-volume-v4.zip" for sources of textures (referring to (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/OACMP or http://www.openarena.ws if one needs to download it). - In the "sources\textures" folder of the ZIP file, there is "Under Destruction texture sources README.txt" and a subfolder for "udestruction" ... these may be renamed to "oacmpdm10 texture sources README.txt" and "oacmpdm10", respectively. Not really important, however the updated "txt" file is available here (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52749#msg52749). MISC: - In this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49859#msg49859) Neon_Knight said he rempiled maps with -subdivisons 0. Are we sure this may not cause problems, right? Some later posts show problems withs some curves if someone sets r_subdivisions 0 in-game (due to hitting 1000 triangles limit and falling back to lowest quality curve), but I havent' understood if this happens only if this happens only if the map was compiled with "-subdivisions 0" or not. UPDATE: checked later posts... we realized it was better to do not use such parameter. - Some maps were reported as "too dark", maybe? To download latest beta (modify extension/remove your oacmpv3 pk3 folder to disable it and then place there the files you get from these posts - I hope this is the correct way to test latest versons! Correct me if I'm wrong!): - V4 beta: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49920#msg49920 - V4 fixpack: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49983#msg49983 **WARNING (see below)** A recap I did then: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50045#msg50045 - Another fix for maps dm1 and dm5: http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50124#msg50124 (I disabled it, because there was a further update later) - Further fixes 1257 (latest beta?): http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50164#msg50164 (Posts after that one include some feedback about them... they are just the last two pages of the thread, they should be worth reading) Note: if clicking on the pk3 file link tries to show its content directly in the browser (as plain text!), instead of downloading the file, use right-click --> save as. **WARNING** For my tests of today, I had "v4 fixpack" DISABLED, because that had more problems than the first V4 beta (so, this post mostly focuses on V4 beta + further fixes 1257)! In that "fixpack", probably NeonKnight recompiled some maps from Akom, which turned out too dark (later, he discovedered he didn't update his shaderlist.txt) and so he thought about using original versions from Akom instead.... So when I mentioned "latest betas" above, "v4 fixpack" may have not been taken in account! I suppose before releasing the "final" v4, a "complete" V4beta2 package (to be used as a single place, in the place of the two/three/four files above) would be a good thing. Patch over patch made testing uncertain... PS: I may have missed something (probably I did)... today I feel really tired (you know, with a small baby, sleeping is luxury) and it's hard to focus attention.... Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on July 20, 2015, 03:04:59 PM I've downloaded a vanilla OA 0.8.8 and the OACMP Vol1. Ver 3 (don't know if it is a ver.4, i've not find it).
I have to say that Neon Knight have to do a lot of work to fix the entire pack, don't know what appened, but between items suspended (bad look i think), textures misalignement and a lot of light to fix, he need seriously a hand from the mappers. ::) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on July 20, 2015, 03:08:18 PM I would fix it, but I use Quark, so if I do fix it i't'll be unopenable in Radiant and that would be bad.
I thought the pack was going well until Gig brought up 'lets do subdivisions!!! it'll look better' commandline switches to compiling Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on July 20, 2015, 04:39:56 PM I thought the pack was going well until Gig brought up 'lets do subdivisions!!! it'll look better' commandline switches to compiling Are you sure? I should read again that part of the thread... I thought it was Neon_Knight which came out with "I found cool -subdivisions 0 switch"... and only then I did some tests with r_subdivisions in-game, posting results of those tests. But I should re-read that part, I may be wrong.However, what's the point of pointing out "why" v4 has not been released yet? Saying "it's due to guy x, guy y or girl z" does bring to nowhere. Let's see if we can understand which maps to continue from v4beta (or later), which to edit starting from v3, which to keep exactly like v3 (like oacmpdm4, maybe), instead. Gig from phone. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on July 20, 2015, 11:29:02 PM I would fix it, but I use Quark, so if I do fix it i't'll be unopenable in Radiant and that would be bad. Very good luck with Quark, why don't you Download GTKradiant ? http://icculus.org/gtkradiant/downloads.html ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------ BTW, where's the other mappers ? ::) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on July 20, 2015, 11:43:17 PM Because i'm familiar with Quark, especially now that I got the hang of subtractive brushes to make environments a little more quickly.
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on July 21, 2015, 02:38:25 AM I've downloaded a vanilla OA 0.8.8 and the OACMP Vol1. Ver 3 (don't know if it is a ver.4, i've not find it). A real v4 has not been released, it has been done a "v4 beta" (for testing purposes), plus some further "fixes" of it (some of which brought new problems)... in my post above (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52715#msg52715), I linked the posts which contain such test versions.About other mappers, we can contact Moixie (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?action=profile;u=3048) (which results last active yesterday) and jangroothuijse (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?action=profile;u=8373) (which results last active 30 november 2014) by PM. But first, I would like to know Neon_Knight's opinion about how to move. PS: About "-subdivisions 0" thing: - http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49859#msg49859 NK first mentioned he used "-subdivisions 0" compiling parameter. - http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49865#msg49865 NK explained it. - http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49866#msg49866 Pelya asked about impact on framerate - http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49869#msg49869 My tests with r_subdivisions - http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49890#msg49890 NK realized -subdivisons 0 gives bigger BSP size, - http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49892#msg49892 Fromhell said it was better to do not use it. (Also, maybe a few more posts in the middle of them do mention subdivisions, but it would be useless to link every single post) Of these posts, the first one (NK) was dated 22 January 2014, 01:15:32, while the last one (Fromhell) was dated 23 January 2014, 23:46:01. The whole "subdivisions" discussion was born and died in just two days. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on July 21, 2015, 06:03:53 AM It wasn't the subdivision discussion. I didn't even remember it. It was plain burnout and frustration at the fact that at this point we should have been released OACMP 1 and 2 at the end of 2013 and should be now helping FH with OA3.
(Not to mention that I've accidentally lost my OA dev work during a big data transfer between PCs, so I may have to re-do some work which I did before. -.-) Anyway, I'll see what can I do. Title: Fixes for text files in package Post by: Gig on July 23, 2015, 10:27:38 AM Hi! I had some time today, and so I prepared the "fixes" for text files in package. I did this to save some time to Neon Knight at the moment of packaging (see also: notes about packaging of the "recap" post of July 20 (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52715#msg52715)... I also updated that post to take in account this one.).
It is attached to this post (oacmp1v4_package_infos_beta_20150723.zip). I started from files which were in existing "v4 beta" zip package, and edited/renamed them. Let's see in detail: Inside it, you can find PART of the structure of the "external zip package" (which will be named "oacmp-volume1-v4.zip" for the final release, right?). * "docs" folder: you can just wipe the "docs" folder of the ("original"? I mean v4 beta) ZIP package and place these files in it. - NOTE: These TXT files should also go to the main folder of OACMP .pk3 file! ** Added "COPYING.txt" file (with .txt extension), with Windows-style line feed (so, it is shown correctly even with Windows Notepad). Original "COPYING" file (without extension), with Linux-style line feed (looking ugly with Windows Notepad) still there, too. ** Created readme files for OACMPDM8 and OACMPCTF2, which were missing. They bring minimal infos, but better than nothing. You can further extend them if you wish, but probably there is no need. ** Fixes to other map-specific readme files, which had some errors like making reference to the wrong mapname (e.g. to the "old" mapname like oajgdm1 etc). I'm not completely sure there are no errors anymore, anyway now it's certainly better. ** "egyptsoc-nexuiz-permission.txt": I haven't modified it at all, it's the same. ** "OACMP-Readme.txt" renamed to "OACMP1-Readme.txt" and UPDATED: *** Added references to OACMP Volume 1 (Version 4) *** Added url of oacmp wiki page *** Added brief usage infos and a section about the OACMP1 Single Player MOD *** Fixed error in "CONTENT" section (OACMPCTF1 and OACMPCTF2 infos were swapped) * "sources" folder: edited "mapsources.txt" to make reference to "z_oacmp-volume1-v4.pk3" file. - NOTE: "sources" folder in real zip package must also contain "textures" subfolder (v4 beta zip has it)... I haven't included such subfolder in my file here just because I did change nothing to it (UPDATE: please read here below). ** UPDATE: I just noticed that in the "sources\textures" folder of the v4beta ZIP file, there is "Under Destruction texture sources README.txt" and a subfolder for "udestruction" ... these may be renamed to "oacmpdm10 texture sources README.txt" and "oacmpdm10", respectively (only the updated txt file is attached to this post - I slightly modified it to mention oacmpdm10 also inside it). * "oacmp-mod" folder renamed to "oacmp1-mod" folder: ** Added "readme-oacmp1-mod.txt" with brief description ad usage infos ** "description.txt": text changed to "OpenArena Community Mappack Vol 1 Campaign" (previous was too long and was shown cropped in menu). PS: one may/should also place in the "docs" folder a copy of "oacmp volume 1 auto change map.txt" which is in the mappols package I did past year. Anyway, I'll see what can I do. Thank you. I really appreciate it. :-)Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on August 04, 2015, 12:57:42 AM Hi Neon_Knight... did you have some time to set-up Radiant again, past week?
Title: UNDER DESTRUCTION VERSION 20 Post by: Gig on August 11, 2015, 07:34:03 AM UNDER DESTRUCTION (OACMPDM10) VERSION 20.
Package is attached to this post (it's not a standalone package: you also need OACMPv3/v4beta). To test this package, just use /map udestruction. Yes, I did it again! ;D Changes against under destruction v19 (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50026#msg50026) (IIRC, the version in OACMP Vol1 V3 is under destruction V18 (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4679.msg49668#msg49668).): - Fixed the position of a misaligned rocket ammo box. - Added a simple easter egg. Inside the cistern, in the lower part it has always been an "hole" (theoretically, where the water would enter the cistern after falling down). Now, firing a rocket or a grenade into the hole will activate an hidden button and something will happen. Don't expect anything incredible, of course. :) I hope the sound of the button being activated isn't a problem... in that area there is the water falling sound which I can guess is louder than it (cannot do tests with high volume at the moment). What do you think? - Updated readme file for OACMPDM10 (this "oacmpdm10.txt" file is more updated than oacmpdm10.txt you find in this zip (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52749#msg52749)). It should be placed in .pk3 and in .zip\docs. Note: Unfortunately, the forum does not allow me anymore to update "let's try to recap" and "fixes for text files in package" posts above. Important: .bsp, .aas and .map files are named "udestruction" (Neon Knight wanted beta versions do not use official oacmp names): they have to be renamed to "oacmpdm10" for oacmp packaging. Also a screenshot about where the small easter egg is located (try it yourself) is attached. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on August 13, 2015, 01:48:06 AM Hi guys. I'm leaving for some holidays, and I will be almost completely offline for a few weeks.
I hope we can work on oacmp together on September. :) See you guys (and gals)! Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on August 31, 2015, 01:48:10 AM Hi guys! I'm back... now I can do something, if needed.
Neon Knight, any news? Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on August 31, 2015, 01:51:02 AM Hi Gig.
I think you can do a map for this new pack, as you can see, more mapper are needed at this time. ;) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on August 31, 2015, 02:25:08 AM I want to do something also as some sort of OA3 transitional map. My preferred toolchain is a problem for collaboration though...
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on August 31, 2015, 02:35:51 AM Hi Gig. I think you can do a map for this new pack, as you can see, more mapper are needed at this time. I was referring about completing OACMP Volume 1 V4... ::) PS: I do have some stuff for one (or maybe two) OACMP Volume 2 maps... maybe in these days I may work on that... To talk about OACMP Volume 2, there is an apposite thread (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4901.0)... however I would prefer fixing volume 1 first. PPS: Fromhell, what do do you mean with "sort of OA3 transitional map"? Do you mean an OACMP map which strictly follows DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/OA3#Maps]OA3 map guidelines (http://([b), or what? For the second part of your post, I can guess you are referring to your use of Quark, which is not very compatible with Radiant editors... Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on August 31, 2015, 03:42:39 AM This thread is named "More questions regarding OACMP" and not only for volume one i presume.
I don't think Neon_Knight want to release v.1.4 fixes, for time reasons i think.... ;) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on August 31, 2015, 04:14:56 AM I don't think Neon_Knight want to release v.1.4 fixes, At the end of July, he said he would have seen what he could do (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52734#msg52734), although he had lost some OA stuff during a PC change.Quote for time reasons i think.... Right, we all are busy, and I don't want to "force" him... I was just asking how's going...Maybe he may reply "next month I will have some time", or "I have set up my Radiant, next week I will do something" or even "guys, it's a bad moment, we'll talk again next year".... Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on September 16, 2015, 09:34:45 AM maybe
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on September 16, 2015, 10:04:53 AM maybe What about a few more words about that? A Minecraft-style map maybe?Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: fromhell on September 16, 2015, 03:45:53 PM no
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Suicizer on September 23, 2015, 04:56:19 AM maybe What about a few more words about that? A Minecraft-style map maybe?You seriously want people uninstall their OA right? OA is way better in graphics than minecraft ever will be. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Akom74 on September 23, 2015, 05:55:28 AM No please, Minecraft no.......
..... :RIP: Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on September 29, 2017, 12:16:12 PM Just a heads-up. I've created a Github repo for the OACMP1 (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg55197#msg55197), complete with a pk3 generator for both Linux and Windows. It has helped a lot, so far. Plenty of avoidable problems in the past happened because I forgot to pack key assets (models, some textures, and the like) into the zip files. This shouldn't happen anymore.
So, from now on, I'll be uploading the changes directly into the repo, and all you just have to do to check how development is going is git pull then git checkout then run build-pack.bat in order to get the PK3. Oh, and of course, if you haven't cloned the repo into your local hd, git clone. :) ¿For change uploading? git add -A then git commit then git push. :3 Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on September 29, 2017, 01:53:42 PM Ehm... are you really asking everyone to register on github and learn to use it?
Once I installed "Github Desktop"... which ran many executables from within %appdata% folder (a thing that may be blocked by security policies) and left a lot of leftover files under various locations after uninstalling. I didn't like that. It's ok you keep a "official version" on Git, but please post updated maps also here on the forum and allow us to attach ours here... Please... Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: pelya on September 29, 2017, 02:27:06 PM I think Github allows you to upload a file to your repo directly from the web interface, no 'git' command needed, and it will create a,commit for you automatically.
I don't think it's a problem to upload maps to forum as we always did. With those build scripts I will be able to make sure that the lighting and shaders on my PC and on Neon_Knight's PC will look the same after map compilation. Not like I'm particularly active mapper or anything ^-^ Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on September 29, 2017, 07:29:28 PM If you want to also test and edit, you can download from the URL I gave the entire repo without having to download GIT.
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on September 30, 2017, 07:09:22 AM In the meanwhile, to reprise the point...
An "OACMP Vol1 v4" is necessary due to a major bug with OACMPCTF1 which in V3 crashes the game with certain binaries (most notably, Windows binaries) due to couple of jpg which used "progrssive compression". We can take the chance to add in some more fixes... e.g. maybe some maps were too dark in V3 (due to some file missing from shaderlist.txt back then?) or for some reason regressed some previously fixed bug. There is this post of mine (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52715#msg52715) which tried to be a "recap" of the situation in 2015, which lists various possible bugfixes and small improvements with packaging, plus mentioning that the last two pages after this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg50164#msg50164) in another thread may contain some further feedback... And with this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52749#msg52749) I tried to update/fix some documentation files for the packaging (they are attached to that post), e.g. some map-specific readme files which were still missing. And in this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52791#msg52791) there was the latest version (version 20) of "udestruction/oacmpdm10" map. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 04, 2017, 09:29:11 AM Nk, I see on github that you already recompiled a few maps with some fixes.
Here there is a small idea (you don't "have to" do it... it's just an idea): what about adding "possession" gametype to some of the maps? IIRC, the only thing you need is to make a neutral flag spawn in "pos" gametype... am I right? I changed OS since the last time I compiled oacmpdm10.. if it still works with just few path corrections, I might add it there, too... otherwise patience. PS: Looking better at this change (https://github.com/NeonKnightOA/oacmpvol1/commit/2c11b6ceee97e09d39a96daab2d55f05a72fc3e2), why only bsp and aas? Not the .map? Isn't that udestruction version 20? Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on October 04, 2017, 10:36:37 AM I've only recompiled the maps. The .map files weren't changed at all. oacmpdm10 is at the latest versions from the fixpacks. Didn't knew there was a later version.
Also, this is only for MAJOR bugfixes. Compilation problems, broken stuff, annoying glitches, things like that. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 04, 2017, 11:32:30 AM Didn't knew there was a later version. Didn't you check that couple of posts from mine I ponted out here (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg55203#msg55203) which I wrote a few days after the 2015 "let's try to recap" post (which was already later than the latest "fixpack")?Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on October 04, 2017, 02:05:08 PM Updated oacmpdm10 to Gig's latest version.
Title: Let's take a look... Post by: Gig on October 05, 2017, 05:19:09 AM Updated oacmpdm10 to Gig's latest version. Thank you very much. :)Trying to figure out things which are still "outdated" in the GIT repo: - MAPPOOLS: the .cfg files included with oacmp are the mappools, but their filenames are too long and thus do not work properly: they should be changed with those you find in "_oacmp1_mappols.pk3" you find attached to this post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=4905.msg49981#msg49981) from 2014 (which also contains a txt which explains how to use them, and two additional .cfg files which allow to easily enable/disable them). WARNING: At the moment, under GIT, they are under "baseoa", but they don't work from there, they should be outside from baseoa (in the main folder inside the pk3 file), as they are in V3! - DOCUMENTATION: I did some documentation fixes in 2015 (example: adding missing readme files OACMPDM8 and OACMPCTF2, and much more): attached to that post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52749#msg52749), you can find "oacmp1v4_package_infos_beta_20150723.zip". The post itself explains how to use it (I'm sorry it's a sort of boring reading, but it's necessary to follow those instructions step-by-step). WARNING: from that zip, don't take "oacmpdm10.txt" file, as the version coming from "udestruction version 20" (I guess the one you uploaded yesterday to github) is newer than that one (so, the one you uploaded yesterday is the good one). Note: in the real packaging, the "docs" folder should go to both the zip and the pk3, IIRC. - In the same zip, there are also updated txt files which should go to "oacmp-mod/"... and updated "sources/mapsources.txt" - About the SOURCES folder: attached to the same post as the points above, but outside from the zip, you can also find "OACMPDM10 texture sources README.txt": that should be placed to replace existing "Under Destruction texture sources README.txt" which is under "/sources/textures/". Under the same path, the "udestruction" folder should be renamed "oacmpdm10". I'd like to know more about github to be able to update those files on your repo by myself... but I suck at it. :RIP: (Update: see below) Other things mentioned in the "recap post (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52715#msg52715)" (not the map bugs)... let's check them against current git repo... - Under "/sources/models/oacmp/" the files there do mention the "old" mapnames, such as "akom1" or "akom4" instead of "oacmpdmX". I'm not even sure you actually used all of them... - Updated levelshots, at the end? - In the pk3 file, in the "sources" folder, one may place a "texturesources.txt" file which would say to look in "oacmp-volume1-v4.zip" for sources of textures (referring to (DO NOT LINK) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/OACMP if one does not have it). NOTE: Looking at github, at the moment .map files are just under "/baseoa/maps", they are not in a distinct "sources" folder... UPDATE: Found "add files" on github, so I might try to fork you repo, change required files and make a pull request to update them on your repo, too. But the current way the files are organized in your git repo puzzles me, due to required/missing distinction of what's in the .zip and what's in the pk3. One may think that "what's in baseoa is what goes in the pk3", but in reality there are some files which should go in the pk3, but outside from baseoa folder... Is it possible to clarify such organization (by creating a folder named "baseoa/z_oacmp-volume1-v4.pk3/", maybe? -take a look to how v3 zip is packaged-), before I try to update some files? UPDATE 2: I noticed I linked the wrong post in the paragraph about documentation. Now I fixed the link (http://openarena.ws/board/index.php?topic=5138.msg52749#msg52749). Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on October 05, 2017, 11:15:22 AM Git repo updated with the proposed changes. I hope to have gotten everything right.
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 05, 2017, 01:54:00 PM Git repo updated with the proposed changes. Thank you very much! ;)Quote I hope to have gotten everything right. It looks like you did well. :)Starting to check: - Considering there is "oacmpvol1/docs/OACMP1-Readme.txt", then "oacmpvol1/docs/OACMP-Readme.txt" can be deleted. - oacmpvol1/docs/oacmpdm6.txt erroneusly mentions "File: oacmpdm6.pk3", with .pk3 in the place of .bsp. Same thing with oacmpdm5.txt. My fault, I missed them back in 2015. Let's see if I'm capable of doing these small fixes on Github... UPDATE: Okay, you have a pull request for some changes I did by forking: https://github.com/NeonKnightOA/oacmpvol1/pull/1. Do you know if there is a way to make more edits as a single "commit"? Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on October 05, 2017, 07:54:40 PM Pull request accepted. I've added one, as well, which makes the liquid and fog shaders translucent in the editor (no changes ingame).
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 06, 2017, 12:17:26 AM Pull request accepted. I've added one, as well, which makes the liquid and fog shaders translucent in the editor (no changes ingame). This edit, uh? https://github.com/NeonKnightOA/oacmpvol1/commit/6d63743916ed0ed44afcefe8c31d565cbc5454c2I don't get why the change is shown as the addition of "^M" instead of going to new line... :-\ By the way, do you know if, when you use "enter key" on github site, it adds Windows-Style or Linux-Style carriage retutn? Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 06, 2017, 06:55:05 AM I noticed a typo in
/docs/OACMP1-Readme.txt "You can contanct OACMP Team" I tell you here because it looked overkill to fork again and do a pull request just for a single typo. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 11, 2017, 12:44:37 AM I was curious and I did this small test.
I tried (with OAX mod, of course) OACMPDM10 in gametype 13, and noticed that Possession works on it, out-of-the box without the need to do any change to the map. Also, I noticed that since back then I placed "gametype" key on "team_CTF_neutralflag" and not on "domination_point"(s), in Possession the white flag spawns in the place of Domination points, changing position at every match. Wondering of other OACMPvol1 maps are already Possession-proof... (in theory, considering that the mode is designed to work with more or less any map, even going for deatchmatch spawn points as a last resort if it cannot find any neutral flag or domination point...) Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Neon_Knight on October 11, 2017, 04:43:12 AM Well, usually if the flag lacks the gametype key, then it can support Possession.
Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: Gig on October 11, 2017, 05:13:14 AM Well, usually if the flag lacks the gametype key, then it can support Possession. Having the flag always spawning in the same place is probably the most practical way to play Possession, but it's not the only one. The mapper may prefer to make players always know where the flag will spawn, and so let it spawn in the place of neutral flag, or may prefer to make players search for it, making it spawn in a different place each match, and so let it spawn in the place of Domination points...The flag will even spawn at deathmatch spawn points if nothing more specific is found (this one may be a bit risky because in a few maps some spawn points may be placed in places that are no more reachable after initial spawn). Knowing the exact sequence used may be nice... I think Sago even said it searches for a certain pos-specific entity before searching for the neutralflag, but he never mentioned the name of such entity (which would be good to know, now that we are also working on Radiant gamepack entity definitions!). I'm not sure, but probably in the original Possession from Quake 3 Revolution (PS2) the flag did spawn in different places. Title: Re: More questions regarding OACMP Post by: sago007 on October 11, 2017, 12:12:12 PM I think Sago even said it searches for a certain pos-specific entity before searching for the neutralflag, but he never mentioned the name of such entity It is not exactly pos-specific. It will pick a random "domination_point". The point will be picked at startup and it will be the same for the rest of the match. That might be tweaked later. |