Title: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on November 08, 2018, 12:39:22 PM Long story short: I'm putting my hands on oasago2. After a lot of fiddling with lighting, I've decided that a daylight setting may be a better choice for the map. Problem is, there are many cool skies and I couldn't decide which one should go. So I'm leaving this decision on your hands.
cosmo_skies/tim_tourney2 (https://i.imgur.com/FsaLIicl.jpg) cosmo_skies/tim_tourney3 (https://i.imgur.com/MY8eXKQl.jpg) czest2ctf/sundownsky (https://i.imgur.com/sShxz2zl.jpg) nki_shaders/tropicalsky (https://i.imgur.com/iy7CNNvl.jpg) skies2/ctf6sky_ter (https://i.imgur.com/s3jtI3kl.jpg) skies/industrysky (https://i.imgur.com/RsyKUeFl.jpg) skies/terrain1 (https://i.imgur.com/aPEcJpNl.jpg) skies/tim_tourney2 (https://i.imgur.com/pdYExcwl.jpg) Just for the record, here's the full rundown on my version of oasago2 (TBR soon...) - Switched back to 0.8.5 weapon/item placement. (The Railgun is back where it belonged) - Added OA banners in order to stifle camping. - Added Double Domination-specific spawnrooms. (Tests may be needed to run on other gametypes) - Heavily simplified geometry, should help boost the FPS count. - Removed most of the torches, as the map takes place in daylight, they may not be needed, except in places where its placement makes sense (the room near the flag base, for example). Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on November 08, 2018, 01:47:19 PM There was a tenth choice, but got left out. I'm sure you'll see why:
(https://i.imgur.com/5IH3WsNl.jpg) Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: sago007 on November 08, 2018, 02:12:18 PM I voted for the skies/industrysky. That is entirely based on the screen shots. I like maps with lots of natural lights.
I don't know if the banners are a good idea. I could be wrong. It is just a gut feeling. As mentioned on Discord: I'm not a fan of spawn rooms but I do agree that the middle part of oasago2 is not big enough for Double Domination without them. Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: fromhell on November 08, 2018, 10:14:11 PM Given the slate-ish stone texturing i'd probably think about a dusk skybox or skyroom with a blue/orange tone. i'll probably whip something up soon
Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Gig on November 09, 2018, 02:23:13 AM I'm not sure about which one to vote...
skies/terrain1 and nki_shaders/tropicalsky seem nice enough... Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: andrewj on November 15, 2018, 03:08:45 AM I also prefer the lighting in the industrysky version. Tropicalsky has too much shadow in the main playing area. Sundownsky is not bad but too dark imho. The other skies introduce unnatural colors on the castle bricks which I think doesn't look good.
Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on November 15, 2018, 09:00:27 AM There will be versions for industrysky, ctf6sky and sundownsky today, then.
Title: oac_sago2-a1 available for download! Post by: Neon_Knight on November 15, 2018, 05:27:01 PM Aaaaaaand, here it is! Three test maps.
Screenshots coming soon. How to test:
Additional changelog to the first post:
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Title: oac_sago2-a1v2 available for download. Post by: Neon_Knight on November 16, 2018, 08:59:45 AM New link, a quickfix.
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9j5jyyqk53i5dh/z_oac_sago2-a1v2.pk3?dl=0
Screenshots! ctf6sky (https://i.imgur.com/2jKIhNAl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/dvIbpLNl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/TE2E0tvl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/nAlpc0bl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/8SAFU4Cl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/5HGfd0el.jpg) industrysky (https://i.imgur.com/PcKwPQHl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/MhLEQsLl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/hPCK7xwl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/Z3innYnl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/mTgCNysl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/WedSC1yl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/qybSLl5l.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/M4VtM6Cl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/Wh9QEPNl.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/Moe7AIml.jpg) Title: oac_sago2-a2 available for download! Post by: Neon_Knight on November 23, 2018, 10:17:32 AM New version. Not much changes from the original, except that a pesky bug has been fixed! Yay! Also due to the dislike of the spawnrooms, they're now limited to DD.
Only two versions this time, I'm inclined to keep the industrysky version as definitive, however ctf6sky version has become quite popular, it seems. So there's a pk3 with both versions for testing. I'm happy that this version is running at a constant 125fps, but some other people may have problems with this. So please, test. :) How to test:
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Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Gig on November 23, 2018, 01:40:47 PM It looks like AAS file is outdated, I cannot add bots...
PS: Is it just me, or the torches are pitch black? Title: oac_sago2v2 available for download! Post by: Neon_Knight on November 24, 2018, 11:09:44 AM Quick update.
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Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: sago007 on November 28, 2018, 05:52:28 PM I prefer "industrysky" over "ctf6sky".
I would ask you to remove the banners on bridge in the middle. I found them confusing and they reduced visibility. On CTF maps 90% of fighting is near the flag and the middle is just a place you run through. It was very important to me that people rushing to the enemy base on oasago2 could not avoid seeing each other. It is supposed to be dangerous to cross the middle. The map is designed for an extreme kill count. I don't know about the bars across path in the bases either. I never heard anyone complain loudly about it. Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on November 28, 2018, 07:34:54 PM The idea behind those banners was to allow people camping in the ledge, but not to make it dominant or overpowered, which was one of the main complaints in the earlier versions. The idea in 0.8.8 was changing the place of the Railgun with the Shotgun to avoid this, but in the end it was a change for the worse, so that change got reverted.
Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Gig on November 29, 2018, 03:58:44 AM What about more ways to reach the railgun platform, so the camper will not be "safe"?
Or removing the health bonuses from there, so the camper will have to leave the platform when he will be low on health? Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on November 29, 2018, 07:04:11 AM As this is a very important map for OA, I want to see what more people have to say before taking a decision.
Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: andrewj on November 30, 2018, 05:55:23 AM I think you should respect and listen to the guy who created this map.
Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on November 30, 2018, 06:50:45 AM OK, banners will go out in the next version.
Also somebody told me that people still spawn in the spawnrooms outside of DD. Checking that as well. Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: cheb on December 03, 2018, 01:36:44 PM I haven't played OA for ages, but all these banner supporting bridges... So many places for a flag bearer to rocketjump onto and lurk >:(
The classic map at least only had three gate frames per base to serve as flag hiding points. And they not only break line of sight for campers, they break movement for crazy rocketjumpers who cross the map faster than you could say "ohshi--". Is this an attempt to remove this map's dynamism and make it more noob-friendly? I expect a sharp drop in popularity due to these new obstacles. Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Gig on December 03, 2018, 01:52:15 PM Uh? Aren't those flags incorporeal?
Title: Re: oasago2 at daylight sky Post by: Neon_Knight on December 03, 2018, 03:29:22 PM They are "incorporeal", indeed. They're just an obstacle for railcampers.
However they'll go in the next update. Title: oac_sago2-a3 available for download! Post by: Neon_Knight on December 03, 2018, 04:54:46 PM Due to complaints here's an update for oac_sago2:
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