Oh, never noticed this thread.
Anyway, all depends on what kind of models you're going to place in OA3.
Right now, AFAIK, OA3 has (correct me if I'm wrong):
- Neko
- Mermaid
- Gargoyle
- Mount!Angelyss
- Dark
- Naga!Arachna
- Sorceress
Isn't it?
So far only two teams come to mind:
- Angels Gang (Angelyss, Dark, Neko)
- Supernaturals (Mermaid, Gargoyle, Naga!Arachna, Sorceress)
Taking OA SVN as a base we can have:
- Angels Gang (Angelyss, Dark, Murielle -Retro!Angelyss-, Rai, Tanisha)
- M!Supernaturals (Liz, Merman, Gargoyle, Broadklin -Stone!Gargoyle-, Ghost -Ghost!Assassin-)
- F!Supernaturals (Sorceress, Arachna, Kyonshi, Forlorna -currently in SVN-)
- Mercenaries (Beret, Morgan -a.k.a. Macho!Beret-, Assassin, Tony)
- "Commons" (Penguin, Sergei, Neko -as of your interpretation

- Ayumi, Major)
- Technos (Skelebot, Metalbot -Metal!Skelebot-, Cyber-Garg -Tech!Gargoyle-)
- Astronauts (Sarge, Andriy -Indigo!Sarge-, Grism -Classic!Sarge-, S_Marine -Orange!S_Marine-, Grunt -S_Marine-)
Yes, OA could go further than that.