I have q3 and my question is can I use q3 models on an unpure OA server?and how?
Yes, but there's a catch:
only you will see the changes!
For example, look inside this zip file I made:
http://rapidshare.com/files/363541361/z-liz-to-major.zip.html (4MB)
I've copied the files of Major and renamed them to match those of Liz. When you rename the .zip to .pk3 and put it in your baseoa folder, any player using Liz will appear to you as Major. Nothing is overwritten. Give it a spin. This is what you'll have to do to use the model you want. (Make copies of the files of the 3rd party model and rename them to match the files of the model you want to replace. Then put them in another pk3 file.)
This only works because Liz and Major are both in md3 format and comprised of only a head, torso and lower md3 and they both have separate skins for each section. It's only worth trying if both models are made up of the same sections and the skins are organized in the same way.
This is why I like pure servers. Also, OA models are better!
Also in q3, I can use Doom and have all the enemy models as tank/jr. How can I use ayumi and see everybody as sarge?
It's not possible. It won't ever be an option in OA.