Question: Common map naming for OACMP (map dm1/ctf1 as example) [ends 20/12]
oacmpdm01/oacmpctf01 - 2 (28.6%)
oacmpdm001/oacmpctf001 - 0 (0%)
oacmpdm1/oacmpctf1 - 4 (57.1%)
oacmp1dm01/oacmp1ctf01 - 0 (0%)
oacmp01dm01/oacmp01ctf01 - 0 (0%)
Other option (elaborate or your vote won't count) - 1 (14.3%)
Total Voters: 7

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 62
Author Topic: [REL] OpenArena Community Mappack - Volume 1 - FINAL  (Read 1285920 times)
Lesser Nub

Cakes 5
Posts: 100

« Reply #850 on: July 10, 2013, 03:20:44 PM »

A question about levelshots: will Neon_Knight capture all of them again for the final release, to have them be "coherent" (with same settings)?
Or should we decide commons settings, and each one will take his own levelshots?
Note: for resolution/file size balancement, I suppose one might take levelshot at high resolution and then use a third-party software to tweak jpeg compression.

I'd like to volunteer for making levelshots...

Cakes 35
Posts: 14520

« Reply #851 on: July 10, 2013, 05:00:59 PM »

There's also the built-in levelshot command that produces them from intermission points and throws them into your user folder

asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done.
Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone

I do not provide technical support either.

new code development on github
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #852 on: July 10, 2013, 06:32:15 PM »

That on maps which have such intermission points, if there's no such point, then it takes a levelshot from any spawnpoint (be it info_player_start or info_player_deathmatch with "initial" flag set).

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #853 on: July 10, 2013, 08:08:59 PM »

For the final release of the pack, I'll be using this naming scheme, based on first release date of each map:

oacmpdm01 - oa_akomdm1
oacmpdm02 - oa_akomdm2
oacmpdm03 - oa_akomdm3
oacmpdm04 - oa_akomdm4
oacmpdm05 - oajgdm1
oacmpdm06 - oajgdm2
oacmpdm07 - mx*dm5
oacmpdm08 - oajgdm3
oacmpdm09 - oa_akomdm5
oacmpdm10 - udestruction
oacmpctf01 - mx*ctf8
oacmpctf02 - oajgctf1
oacmpctf03 - oa_akomctf1

This is to differentiate the mappack versions with any other pk3. There's always the chance that any serveradmin would pick up a pk3 from this thread and put it in him/her server. oacmp* maps will be the final versions. Do you agree with this?

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #854 on: July 11, 2013, 12:50:26 AM »

Do you agree with this?
Oh.... I didn't expect this move. I'm a bit confused, I don't know what to answer.

PS: I suppose all maps should contain one info_player_intermission point. If someone did not place it in one of his maps yet, this is the right moment to do... (see also DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/Mapping_information_for_special_gametypes#Spawn_points]here)

PPS: Neon_Knight, what about those textures/shaders folders conventions we were talking about some posts above? However, I would at least tell Jan to do not place OACMP textures/shaders using the "/common" path.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 01:01:40 AM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #855 on: July 11, 2013, 06:33:34 AM »

Well, yeah, every map must contain an intermission point, but that's easy to do, sources are a requirement for a reason. Wink

About texture/shaders, I'd prefer to leave that in hand of the mappers themselves, though a bit of order isn't bad by any means.

I've examined the textures folder, and there's a lot of repeated textures. An optimization for the filesize (and at the load moment) can be made by merging textures (for example, there's a lot of black.jpg/black.tga which are just square-sized black textures). Though it becomes a bit difficult when such textures are also used for shaders.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #856 on: July 11, 2013, 07:07:08 AM »

Under Destruction Beta Version 9 is available for download here:
(Link may not be effective forever)

I suppose that removing previous versions is advisable, however probably it's not strictly necessary.

Changelog against beta version 8:

1) - Added "deformvertexes autosprite2" parameter to sparks over jump-pads, this makes them slightly more visibile (they look the same width not counting your -horizontal- angle). Do you like it? For some reason, adding that parameter caused those brushes to project their shadow on near walls, I fixed it just by moving that parameter before others... mystery!
2) - Updated bouncepads and accelerator pads shaders. GrosBedo told me that he liked the metallic color of their image files, but that color was not visible in V8 due to the green light... so I changed the color of the light they emit from green to grey. I also added extra animation effects, do you like them?
3) -  According to GrosBedo suggestion, I rotated the sparks above the accelerator pads, to make them sloping. I like the result, although this rotation caused some "duplicate plane" warnings appear during BSPC compiling (I did not did not rotate them since the beginning due to fear of that). However, considering they are "nonsolid" detail brushes, I *hope* this may not be a major problem... I see bots continue to correctly use the jump-pads just under them.
4) - Some portions of the map have been retexturized (e.g. the ground and the outer "curved walls", the hall of pillars -including some red shingles-, etc.).
5) - Little aesthetic changes in the steps inside the house.
6) - Added a border around the highest tower (execept around the corners), very near to the top... to help jumping there from the roof of the warehouse. Also allows to quickly go there with the grapple.
7) - Some "player clip" bounding around some non-axial woody boxes.
8) - Slightly reworked roof of the prison.
9) - Reworked warehouse wall (in the lower part, near to the ground).
10) - Added a few extra brushes outside the "city entrance" (BFG building), and a woody board inside it.
11) - Added background music, according to Akom74's suggestion. Of course it's just one of OA088 stock musics.
12) - Removed a few "small health" and "armor shard" bonuses here and there (once I found a guy on Pelya's server, and he told me there were too many health bonuses)... some small bonuses have been slightly moved consequently. Also removed two or three ammo boxes, and changed position of a couple.
13) - IIRC, Pelya told that it was still difficult to find the Double Domination point inside the tower, so I added a new simple shader effect around it, visible in DD mode only. Do you like it?
14) - Pelya told that the flag or DD point inside the ruined tower was too difficult to defend, and that walking there he stepped on the central jumppad when he did not want. So I added a plasmagun in the tower, and added some small brushes to have some more "walking area" between the central jump-pad and the four holes at the corners, although this required me some time trying to adjust the push destination of the two jump-pads below. Could you please check if everything is ok now? Adding the balcony with the plasma has got the side effect of making it possible to jump from a tower to the other one, at least if you have the speed powerup.
15) - Slightly enlarged Environment Suit platform.
16) - Added a step from the aqueduct to the warehouse external stairs, due to the fact for some unknown reason bots did not do that simple jump.
17) - Some brushwork inside the cistern, to give the idea of where the water from the aqueduct goes. That part also shows some drops falling... Do you like it or is it horrible?
18) - Sky modified, now the clouds are partially grey and partially green. Also tweaked the illumination parameters. Some other small light fixes. I REALLY NEED YOU GUYS TELL ME IF MAP ILLUMINATION IS CORRECT. It does change too much from a machine to the other, from windowed to fullscreen, when touching the gamma slider, etc, so I'm not able to establish. Please tell me if it's ok, or if the map (or specific parts of it) is too dark or too bright.
19) - Modified the shader of the colums of the temple, now it shows a much less shiny effect. Previous version did much better hide the line where the texture touches itself without being perfectly aligned (I have not been able to proplerly set aligment properties of textures on curves), but it looked like too innatural, don't you think? Added similar texture also to the two central colums in the hall of pillars (but there, without any shiny effect at all).
20) - Placed a small "balcony" also at the window of the cistern.
21) - Added a "Podium" target_location for the place with personal teleporter/kamikaze/invulnerability (I was not sure if to choose "podium" or "double staricase" name...). I also renamed the target locations for the near tower from "Higher tower" to "Highest tower": which of the two names is more correct?
22) - Made a small part of the roof of the warehouse a little higher, since I discovered that before, playing at fixed 125Hz physics, the accelerator pad placed on the roof of the house would have sent me slightly off-target, ending up inside the building instead of on the top of it. A reminder that all maps should be tested at 125 Hz physics AND at 90 Hz physics AND at Accurate physics.
23) - Included a "readme" file, with various (more or less useful) infos. It does already mention version 1.0... but of course in reality this is beta version 9. Is it ok?
24) - "Copying" (GPLv2) file now should look correctly also with standard Windows Notepad.
25) - I hope now the .arena file makes the map appear in all the gametypes I planned (all except Tournament and Single Player), however this has to be checked. By the way, I'm still waiting for some clarification about .arena files (from Sago007 or from soneone else) about what I wrote in this post.
26) Modified grapple respawn time from default (IIRC, 30 seconds in TDM and 5 seconds in all other modes) to 15 seconds. Is this a good or bad idea?

What do you think, guys? Tell me your impressions, bugs you find, etc.
However, after tomorrow morning I will not be able to do anything (probably not even reading the forum) for 10-15 days. In the meanwhile, please test the map in various gametypes, offline and online if possible, and then tell me.

I think the map is more or less 98% complete... however I may do further polishing depending from your feedback... and maybe I should do some try with dividing the map using "cluster portals" to try avoiding those short game stops that one can notice especially when there are various bots in the arena. But I'm completely new with this kind of stuff... do you wanna do some tests in the meanwhile, or tell me how could these adapt to a map with the shape of mine?

PS: I just noticed in Q3Radiant manual here that a shader like "/common/invisible" or "/common/noimpact" (I have to understand the difference) can be used to create a surface that is not drawn, but that would be marked by weapon fire... and then be used for having marks appear even in places where you used func_static (with gametype key) to show different textures depending from gametype. This sounds interesting, and may be worth a try, although I fear that this may have some problems (the mark appearing floating in the air), unless your func_static decorative brush occupies the same space of another brush... however I can't tell before trying. If someone has got more infos about this, he can share them...
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 03:20:59 AM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #857 on: July 11, 2013, 07:19:19 AM »


I'll pack beta3 now.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #858 on: July 11, 2013, 07:22:21 AM »

I'll pack beta3 now.
Without a fix for OAJGDM2 badly placed *_obelisk entities before?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 08:37:59 AM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.

Cakes 9
Posts: 906

Q3A/OA Mapper

« Reply #859 on: July 11, 2013, 09:36:24 AM »

I'll pack beta3 now.

And what about the changes to my maps ??
Can you wait a little bit ?


...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... Tongue

In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #860 on: July 11, 2013, 10:26:50 AM »

Guys, I have tried again to compile the map (the same exact .map file) from NetRadiant instead of from Q3Radiant. I used the compiling option to "emulate old style -light -extra" (by the way, is there some documentation that explains the differences between the various "final" compiling modes?).

Attached to this post, you can find the resulting map (usage: /map udestruction09bis, however there is an apposite .arena file for it). It does contain .bsp, .aas and .arena files only: udestruction beta version 09 package is required for textures and shaders!
This "udestruction09bis" is just a TEST I wish to show you... do not place this one into OACMPBeta3 package! Use standard udestruction09 for that.

As you can see, the map illumination is similar to the previous one, but is not exacly the same (the light emitted by water seems stronger, and the lower part of the podium is much darker... shades are stronger?). Also a few textures have been "scaled up" by the compiler than what I set (example: the tiles on the upper face of the steps inside the house look bigger).
As I told you some months ago, if you get inside the BFG building, the illumination of the weapon you are using SUDDENTLY goes dark, instead of fading as usual. WHY?HuhHuh?

And bots do only move when they see someone in front of them to fight with, otherwise they STAND STILL without going anywhere (this reminds me OAJGCTF1 when Pelya removed those "cluster portal walls", maybe?). BSPC (still the same classic BSPC from Q3Radiant) ran suspiciously VERY QUICKLY, too quickly. Here it is BSPC log.
BSPC version 2.0, Jun 21 2000 16:12:44 by Mr Elusive
grapplereach = true
optimize = true
bsp2aas: udestruction09bis.bsp to udestruction09bis.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from udestruction09bis.bsp...
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
     0 brush sides1892 brush sides textured out of 8448
-------- Brush CSG ---------
  2816 original brushes
  2646 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
  2646 brushes
  5295 visible faces
     0 nonvisible faces
 17996 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
     1 threads max
depth first bsp building
  8989 splits
  3676 KB of peak total bsp memory
BSP tree created in     3 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
 5650 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----
  3339 nodes portalized
    14 tiny portals
   706 KB of portal memory
  2964 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
------- FillOutside --------
  908 solid leaves
  759 leaves filled
    3 inside leaves
     3 areas created
     0 face merges
     0 gravitational subdivisions
     0 face merges
     0 areas merged
  1642 nodes pruned
     3 areas checked for shared face flipping
     0 face merges
     0 plane face merges
     0 ladder subdivisions
     0 edges melted
0 tiny faces removed
allocated 193 KB and 588 bytes of AAS memory
     4 areas stored

AAS created in     3 seconds
loading collision map...
CM_LoadMap( udestruction09bis.bsp, 0 )
18 weapon jump areas
calculating reachability...

please wait while storing reachability...
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
trigger_push start solid
trigger_push not in any jump pad area
calculating clusters...
     0 forced portals
     1 portals created
     3 clusters created
cluster 1 has 0 reachability areas
cluster 2 has 0 reachability areas
AAS data optimized.
writing udestruction09bis.aas
freed 193 KB and 588 bytes of AAS memory

For comparison, here it is BSPC log, but related to standard version 09 of the map, where bots actually work (compiled from Q3Radiant)
BSPC version 2.0, Jun 21 2000 16:12:44 by Mr Elusive
grapplereach = true
optimize = true
bsp2aas: udestruction.bsp to udestruction.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from udestruction.bsp...
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
     0 brush sides6740 brush sides textured out of 8463
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1756: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1955: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1965: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1965: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1975: duplicate plane
-------- Brush CSG ---------
  2816 original brushes
  2645 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
  2645 brushes
 12234 visible faces
     0 nonvisible faces
 17974 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
     1 threads max
depth first bsp building
 27403 splits
  4940 KB of peak total bsp memory
BSP tree created in     5 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
 9834 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----
 17569 nodes portalized
   117 tiny portals
  3647 KB of portal memory
  6457 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
------- FillOutside --------
 3937 solid leaves
  461 leaves filled
 4387 inside leaves
  4387 areas created
  1919 face merges
found 4 epsilon faces trying to split area 517
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 4718
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 1389
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5186
found 2 epsilon faces trying to split area 5195
found 4 epsilon faces trying to split area 5201
found 4 epsilon faces trying to split area 5207
found 3 epsilon faces trying to split area 5213
found 2 epsilon faces trying to split area 1645
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5333
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5369
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5411
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5420
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5425
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5428
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 5435
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 6246
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 6558
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 6569
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 6575
found 1 epsilon faces trying to split area 6603
  1329 gravitational subdivisions
    89 face merges
  1714 areas merged
   617 nodes pruned
  4002 areas checked for shared face flipping
  4566 face merges
    13 plane face merges
     0 ladder subdivisions
 18802 edges melted
8 tiny faces removed
allocated 5 MB and 263 KB and 12 bytes of AAS memory
AAS_GetFace: face 1296 had degenerate edge 4-5
AAS_GetFace: face 2019 had degenerate edge 4-5
AAS_GetFace: face 2126 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 2339 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 2370 had degenerate edge 0-1
AAS_GetFace: face 2456 had degenerate edge 0-1
AAS_GetFace: face 2487 had degenerate edge 3-0
AAS_GetFace: face 2518 had degenerate edge 3-4
AAS_GetFace: face 2641 had degenerate edge 1-2
AAS_GetFace: face 2672 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 2929 had degenerate edge 3-4
AAS_GetFace: face 2999 had degenerate edge 0-1
AAS_GetFace: face 4700 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 4703 had degenerate edge 0-1
AAS_GetFace: face 5145 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 5752 had degenerate edge 3-0
AAS_GetFace: face 5829 had degenerate edge 3-4
AAS_GetFace: face 10870 had degenerate edge 1-2
AAS_GetFace: face 11002 had degenerate edge 4-0
AAS_GetFace: face 11008 had degenerate edge 5-0
AAS_GetFace: face 11216 had degenerate edge 4-0
AAS_GetFace: face 11266 had degenerate edge 5-0
AAS_GetFace: face 16556 had degenerate edge 0-1
AAS_GetFace: face 17905 had degenerate edge 3-4
AAS_GetFace: face 17915 had degenerate edge 1-2
AAS_GetFace: face 17948 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 20066 had degenerate edge 2-3
AAS_GetFace: face 20068 had degenerate edge 2-3
  4003 areas stored

AAS created in     9 seconds
loading collision map...
CM_LoadMap( udestruction.bsp, 0 )
37 weapon jump areas
calculating reachability...

please wait while storing reachability...
found a trigger_push with velocity -123.359093 98.687271 856.037415
found a trigger_push with velocity 66.787300 0.000000 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity -155.961868 138.137650 789.936707
found a trigger_push with velocity -38.959259 38.959259 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity -916.365479 111.449852 568.506836
found a trigger_push with velocity 1187.258179 135.215515 533.666565
found a trigger_push with velocity -259.928345 0.000000 920.869141
found a trigger_push with velocity 63.606956 -23.852608 885.437744
found a trigger_push with velocity 94.325829 83.845184 671.714233
found a trigger_push with velocity -80.425461 0.000000 744.043030
found a trigger_push with velocity -50.090477 -66.787300 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity 61.221695 -66.787308 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity 61.221695 66.787308 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity -79.672928 15.175797 927.793091
found a trigger_push with velocity -55.656086 0.000000 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity -33.393654 66.787308 632.455566
found a trigger_push with velocity 37.769382 -37.769382 652.380249
found a trigger_push with velocity -172.914124 150.162262 773.563171
calculating clusters...
     0 forced portals
possible portal: 84
possible portal: 83
possible portal: 88
possible portal: 87
possible portal: 90
possible portal: 89
possible portal: 92
possible portal: 91
possible portal: 134
possible portal: 133
possible portal: 207
possible portal: 206
possible portal: 209
possible portal: 208
possible portal: 211
possible portal: 210
possible portal: 334
possible portal: 781
possible portal: 780
possible portal: 784
possible portal: 782
possible portal: 335
possible portal: 783
possible portal: 336
possible portal: 346
possible portal: 353
possible portal: 348
possible portal: 347
possible portal: 352
possible portal: 351
possible portal: 349
possible portal: 350
possible portal: 375
possible portal: 374
possible portal: 382
possible portal: 381
possible portal: 425
possible portal: 424
possible portal: 433
possible portal: 432
possible portal: 497
possible portal: 496
possible portal: 499
possible portal: 498
possible portal: 523
possible portal: 522
possible portal: 679
possible portal: 678
possible portal: 712
possible portal: 711
possible portal: 788
possible portal: 786
possible portal: 792
possible portal: 787
possible portal: 785
possible portal: 791
possible portal: 790
possible portal: 789
possible portal: 795
possible portal: 1721
possible portal: 1720
possible portal: 797
possible portal: 796
possible portal: 794
possible portal: 1719
possible portal: 793
possible portal: 891
possible portal: 890
possible portal: 996
possible portal: 995
possible portal: 1068
possible portal: 1067
possible portal: 1146
possible portal: 1145
possible portal: 1156
possible portal: 1155
possible portal: 1266
possible portal: 1265
possible portal: 1726
possible portal: 1725
possible portal: 1729
possible portal: 1727
possible portal: 1728
possible portal: 1724
possible portal: 1723
possible portal: 1722
possible portal: 1731
possible portal: 1736
possible portal: 1737
possible portal: 1732
possible portal: 1735
possible portal: 1730
possible portal: 1734
possible portal: 1733
possible portal: 1738
possible portal: 1745
possible portal: 1741
possible portal: 1739
possible portal: 1744
possible portal: 1743
possible portal: 1740
possible portal: 1742
possible portal: 1768
possible portal: 1767
possible portal: 1769
possible portal: 2879
possible portal: 2880
possible portal: 2881
possible portal: 2953
possible portal: 2952
     1 portals created
     2 clusters created
cluster 1 has 2086 reachability areas
AAS data optimized.
writing udestruction.aas
freed 5 MB and 263 KB and 12 bytes of AAS memory

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Something?HuhHuh??  Huh Huh Huh Huh
Any help would be appreciated. I'd like to publish a map fully NetRadiant compabile, if possible. I don't know if Akom's maps have similar issues, if compiled from NetRadiant.


I'll pack beta3 now.

And what about the changes to my maps ??
Can you wait a little bit ?

I asked you to make a few changes ("If you have free time, what about adding DD and Dom support in your CTF FFA maps?") for months, and now you are in late??? Grrr!!! Angry ..... Just joking, it's all good for me, you know for one-two weeks I will not be able to test OACMPBeta3...  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 12:19:17 AM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #861 on: July 11, 2013, 10:31:44 AM »

You're on luck. I haven't started yet. Tongue

What things should I do before packing?

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 9
Posts: 906

Q3A/OA Mapper

« Reply #862 on: July 11, 2013, 10:40:01 AM »

I'll pack beta3 now.

And what about the changes to my maps ??
Can you wait a little bit ?

I asked you to make a few changes ("If you have free time, what about adding DD and Dom support in your CTF maps") for months, and now you are in late??? Grrr!!! Angry ..... Just joking, it's all good for me, you know for one-two weeks I will not be able to test OACMPBeta3...  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I know you're joking, but my CTF map (the only i've made) have the support fo DD and Domination.

I miss something  Huh


...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... Tongue

In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #863 on: July 11, 2013, 10:42:15 AM »

My fault, I typed "CTF" instead of "FFA".
Dom and DD can work well also with FFA maps.

@Neon_Knight: you may give me some suggestions about how to resolve those problems. But I will leave home (on holiday) very soon... Of course fixes would be for version 10, at the end of July...
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 11:54:12 AM by Gig » Logged

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #864 on: July 11, 2013, 11:56:50 AM »

I'll pack beta3 now.
Without a fix for OAJGDM2 badly placed *_obelisk entities before?
Gameplay support fix is easy.
Give me some minutes.

My fault, I typed "CTF" instead of "FFA".
Dom and DD can work well also with FFA maps.

@Neon_Knight: you may give me some suggestions about how to resolve those problems. But I will leave home (on holiday) very soon...
I need to check your map for that, I shall do it now, but don't expect a quick solution.

Right now the only suggestion I can give to you is to get q3map2build for map compiling. It's way better and more customizable than the compilation options from any Radiant editor. In fact, since I've started mapping, I've never used the compile menu in any Radiant.

Also, you should get updated versions of both BSPC and q3map2. NetRadiant's q3map2 does a great job for bspc, light and vis, while any newer version of BSPC (there're some on the BSPC stickied thread) beats the compiled versions which comes with Q3/GTKRadiant.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 9
Posts: 906

Q3A/OA Mapper

« Reply #865 on: July 11, 2013, 12:19:38 PM »

Hi all, i've fixed the maps and gived the download link to Neon_Knight  Grin

I hope that's all correct  Tongue

Added Invulnerability that now follow the moving-plate.

Removed the curved polygons for the light lamp.


...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... Tongue

Lesser Nub

Cakes 5
Posts: 100

« Reply #866 on: July 11, 2013, 12:53:59 PM »

I'll pack beta3 now.
Without a fix for OAJGDM2 badly placed *_obelisk entities before?
Gameplay support fix is easy.
Give me some minutes.
You might have the same sky issues as Pelya did; and the teleporters probably wont emit light anymore...I still have not unified my shader files...

Th easiest fix is to not support that particular gametype...
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #867 on: July 11, 2013, 01:00:04 PM »

The sky issue in oajgctf1? It was caused by an old version of a shader file. Now it can be seen.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Lesser Nub

Cakes 5
Posts: 100

« Reply #868 on: July 11, 2013, 01:01:05 PM »


edit: And this time i did observe the bots fire at the obelisks.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 01:04:44 PM by jangroothuijse » Logged

Cakes 9
Posts: 906

Q3A/OA Mapper

« Reply #869 on: July 11, 2013, 01:10:43 PM »

I've examined the textures folder, and there's a lot of repeated textures. An optimization for the filesize (and at the load moment) can be made by merging textures (for example, there's a lot of black.jpg/black.tga which are just square-sized black textures). Though it becomes a bit difficult when such textures are also used for shaders.

Watch out that probably the black.tga have a sky effect and the black.jpg is just a black texture.


...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... Tongue

In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #870 on: July 11, 2013, 01:28:47 PM »

So... can I start packing the beta3, or is something else missing?

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 6
Posts: 399

« Reply #871 on: July 11, 2013, 01:58:34 PM »

So many replies today. I love watching how other people work so intensely *leans back and opens a bottle*  Wink
In the year 3000

Cakes 45
Posts: 4394

« Reply #872 on: July 11, 2013, 02:18:21 PM »

Also, you should get updated versions of both BSPC and q3map2. NetRadiant's q3map2 does a great job for bspc, light and vis, while any newer version of BSPC (there're some on the BSPC stickied thread) beats the compiled versions which comes with Q3/GTKRadiant.
Could you please give me links to win32 binaries for them? I quickly searched on the sticked thread, but some of them link to repositories lists where it is not so easy to identify which files to download...
And one of those tools web page (maybe the one recently posted by GrosBedo?) has got an option list where the grapplereach option is not mentioned...

I didn't even know that an external "q3map2build" program did exist... although maybe I already read this name somewhere.

In the meanwhile... has someone already tried udestruction v9? Do you like it?

Gig from mobile phone.

I never want to be aggressive, offensive or ironic with my posts. If you find something offending in my posts, read them again searching for a different mood there. If you still see something bad with them, please ask me infos. I can be wrong at times, but I never want to upset anyone.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #873 on: July 11, 2013, 03:18:44 PM »

In the BSPC thread, I've left a compiled version for Win32 of the bnoordhuis bspc (it's the TTimo fork, anyway, it still serves it's purpose and has all the benefits and updates of the bnoordhuis bspc)

As for q3map2build, since almost every D/L link is dead, you might want to download the attachment at this thread.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #874 on: July 11, 2013, 05:33:00 PM »



Weighing 56MB, including sources and license file.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 06:39:50 PM by Neon_Knight » Logged

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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