Well, an issue brought me there I stumbled upon, when I tried to bring a dinosaur model of mine into Open Arena. (
Here, how it looks within Blender 2.72)
Openarena is able to load it and it shows up in the menu for selecting a player model, but it doesn't show any textures, I created for the model. The skin and shader files are right according to that, what I've seen in the already included models of the game. Instead, the model is shown in a completely black texture. (I read in the forum, that this is the internal null texture.)
screenshot shows the dinosaur model in front of a mirror within a map, while the weapon's texture is visible.
I imported the generated md3 file of my model into Blender and found out, that it is missing all of its UV coordinates. In contrast to that, the md3 models, that were shipped with Open Arena do have their UV coordinates in the same way as they were defined in the respective Blender file.
Now, I'm guessing this is why my textures aren't seen in-game.
In the course of that, I'm wondering if other OA users encountered this problem and if there is a way to get the UV's back on the model. So, I'm open for suggestion and I thank you in advance.
Best regards,