Is this the same from this 2016 thread? then, I did create a sort of "recap" of what I understood from that thread:
- Set "state_targetname/elimination_active" key/value pair on func_door entity (was "targetname/elimination_active" in its first version and in OAX B52, then changed to this) to make doors which are closing (can be blocked) during the "inactive" part of Elimination/CTF_elimination warmup, closed (cannot be blocked) during the "active" part of the warmup, and are open when the real round actually starts.
- Use for isolate areas of the maps during initial part of Elimination warmup (hence, usage with team-dedicated spawn points is required), to keep the two teams initially divided.
- Door will work as usual in other gametypes.
- In case the door has also got a standard "targetname" (e.g. due to being controlled by a button), that would work as expected in other gametypes, but ignored in Elimination and CTF Elimination mode (state_targetname takes precedence).
- To sum up, a door with "state_targetname/elimination active" key/value pair, in Elimination and CTFELimination modes will be closed during warmup and after that always open no matter what. Other modes are unaffected.
Uhm.... so, is it "
targetname" or "
state_targetname"? Is there some other difference than what I wrote above?
I haven't noticed recent changes in github about this feature... of course it's possible somehow I missed them!