Got both of them up now and to be honest B3 is a compleatly diffrent map to play,so a new topic is IMHO valid. Good open DM play with 8 players and it works with bots which is nice.
I still feel B2 has a lot to offer but it does need a set of wings instead of the battle suit, maybe lose the rail as camping and catching ppl in the air is to easy. It takes time to get the hang of it but I feel you should develope both

After playing vs live opponants, it really wasn't as good as I'd hoped. The only weapon worth using was the Rail TBH, since the others were very hit and miss at that distance (especially rocket with no surfaces to splash from). Also id chose not to factor g_gravity into the grenade physics which kind of ruins it a bit. Was hoping for it to be a lot more like Zigarut Vertigo (Low-G worked much better in Q1, because of the almost hitscan rocket speeds, the much longer lihgtning shaft and the floaty grenades)