
OpenArena 0.8.0

It looks like 0.7.6 with new things. I don't have time to place pictures here yet, so feast your eyes here.

OpenArena 0.7.6

OpenArena ScreenshotOpenArena Screenshot OpenArena ScreenshotOpenArena Screenshot OpenArena ScreenshotOpenArena Screenshot

OpenArena 0.7.0

Dark running around with next to nothing on!Running in CZESTDM with a LIGHTNING GUN We have CORONAS too. Eat that Unreal!HydroCTF by SavageX. Lots of water and shadows.

Liz firing off a machinegun while carrying the flag.Merman aiming down on the ground as he familiarizes with the terrain. Aiming from high down at the lava with a shotgunSergei with his japanese neko girlfriend :)

Skelebot with a really powerful railgun!

some videos at YouTube