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« Reply #200 on: July 28, 2010, 03:22:37 PM » |
I understand. It would be nice to have a pair of maps created that way...
So, since there are no maps designed this way, your idea is to make the "winning gap" to 1 instead of 2 like it is now? And giving the map designers the ability to change that limit... I suppose it would be good to add explainations on the Wiki, so if someone wants to create such kind of map can change that limit (obviously, if you will add the feature).... I suppose there aren't many mapping guys around that know about your (nice) old idea about the "unbalanced" Elimination maps...
It could be nice, also if it's not what I thought.... but I didn't imagine the "source" of the gap of 2... I thought it was simply to be sure that a team doesn't win only for luck...
I don't know what is the best thing to to... If someone else could come here (this thread isn't very popular) and tell us his opinion...
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« Reply #201 on: August 12, 2010, 01:22:33 AM » |
Bug report, tested with the OAX version supplied in OA 085 (so maybe it's already fixed) :
1- When killed by CHAINGUN, the game reports that player was killed by MOD_MACHINEGUN instead of MOD_CHAINGUN.
2- The ammo regen rune doesn't work on machinegun nor chaingun.
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« Reply #202 on: August 14, 2010, 01:50:39 PM » |
Something changed on latest OAX with customvotes. It doesn't parse take into account votecustom.cfg file. It should find it because when I remove oax.pk3 custom votes work back. Is it mandatory to specify a vote file or is there a default one chosen ? I tried to specify one but had no success.
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« Reply #203 on: August 14, 2010, 01:55:02 PM » |
Bug report, tested with the OAX version supplied in OA 085 (so maybe it's already fixed) :
1- When killed by CHAINGUN, the game reports that player was killed by MOD_MACHINEGUN instead of MOD_CHAINGUN.
2- The ammo regen rune doesn't work on machinegun nor chaingun.
1. there has always been problems but I thought I fixed them. 2. sounds like a bug, I believe both should regenerate to 100 shots. Something changed on latest OAX with customvotes. It doesn't parse take into account votecustom.cfg file. It should find it because when I remove oax.pk3 custom votes work back. Is it mandatory to specify a vote file or is there a default one chosen ? I tried to specify one but had no success.
It should just work... must be a bug introduced then allowing to change the filename.
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« Reply #204 on: August 16, 2010, 08:59:57 AM » |
2- The ammo regen rune doesn't work on machinegun nor chaingun.
Tested (using the stuff provided with OpenArena 0.8.5, not any new OAX or executable version) under "the mission pack", and tried it in map czest3ctf. It brings machinegun ammo up to 50 and chaingun ammo up to 100, I suppose correctly. I'd like to test it under "basea", but I don't know what maps contain it. And \give ammoregen does not work, I don't know what's the name of this rune for the "give" cheat...
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 09:15:44 AM by Gig »
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« Reply #205 on: August 16, 2010, 09:56:38 AM » |
I'd like to test it under "basea", but I don't know what maps contain it. And \give ammoregen does not work, I don't know what's the name of this rune for the "give" cheat...
The same maps as in missionpack if g_runes is 1 (unless the map explicitly disabled them for baseoa by using the notq3a flag). oasago1f1 and islandctf4a3 have them, they are both found in the map thread
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« Reply #206 on: August 16, 2010, 11:55:57 AM » |
I'd like to test it under "baseoa", but I don't know what maps contain it. And \give ammoregen does not work, I don't know what's the name of this rune for the "give" cheat...
The same maps as in missionpack if g_runes is 1 (unless the map explicitly disabled them for baseoa by using the notq3a flag). oasago1f1 and islandctf4a3 have them, they are both found in the map thread Ops... I did not remember that map was available also in baseoa... I'm sorry. (But you mean that every missionpack map is available also in baseoa? I never checked this, I thought that some maps were included only in the addon pack.) Anyway, testing from Baseoa, it seems to work with OA 0.8.5... and also withOAX B46. Grosbedo, can you do some more tests and confirm you experience the bug?
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« Reply #207 on: August 17, 2010, 12:22:00 PM » |
I have been unable to reproduce the ammoregen bug too.
About the "votecustom.cfg" I found the problem. The default filename was "votecustomfile.cfg" and then changed ingame it did not reload the file. The cvar is not an archive cvar, so it must be set each time. I'll change the default value to votecustom.cfg for backward compatibility. I might try to see if I can reload it then changed ingame too.
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« Reply #208 on: August 17, 2010, 08:12:17 PM » |
For some reason running the OAX mod makes all sound in the game go away. (Sound still works fine in regular OA though.)
I suppose that it could be that I have a setting wrong somehow, or it could just be related to Win7. (Trying to remember if I'm using the OEM WinXP drivers or the generic Win7 sound drivers, though...?)
Is there a log file I should check for specific error messages or anything?
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« Reply #209 on: August 18, 2010, 01:07:51 AM » |
Are you sure this happens with OAX mod only, and not with any mod? I know there is a problem that causes the sound stop working with any mod, when using the SDL (standard) audio system. I wrote a FAQ about it DO NOT LINK[/b]) h t t p s : / / openarena . wikia . com/wiki/FAQ#When_I_launch_a_Mod.2C_the_sound_stops_working]here. I found two workarounds: - launch the mod from command line (openarena.exe +set fs_game modfolder) or - install and enable OpenAL sound library. I don't know if this problem is specific for OpenArena or affects also other games that use the ioquake3 engine. I don't even know if it affects only OA 0.8.5 or also previous versions of the game. I pointed out this problem before, but I don't know if some developer has already checked and found it cause or not...
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« Reply #210 on: August 18, 2010, 09:01:27 AM » |
Oops. Looks like launching it from the command line fixed it. Sorry about that. ^_^;;
(I wonder why I don't have that problem when I go on the ScrewOA Corkscrew server then? Doesn't it load that mod when I connect there?)
Also, this may or may not be relevant to what triggers it, but I tried a few things just to see what would happen.
- Loading OAX from the OA "Mods" menu - sound goes away. - Loading regular OA from the "Mods" menu in OAX - the sound stays gone - Loading the regular OA from the regular OA "Mods" menu (without loading OAX first) - sound stays okay.
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« Reply #211 on: August 19, 2010, 01:36:48 AM » |
(I wonder why I don't have that problem when I go on the ScrewOA Corkscrew server then? Doesn't it load that mod when I connect there?)
I don't know (I'm not a developer)... but maybe the problem is caused by (or someway connected to) the "mods" menu, and if you connect to a server from the server broser of "baseoa", and that server uses a mod, your game switches from baseoa to the mod without pass through the "mods" menu, getting around from the bug. It is just an idea... Fromhell, Sago007... could you please take a look to this problem?
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« Reply #212 on: August 19, 2010, 08:35:54 AM » |
I think the sound problem is a race condition in the sound system where the the new mod tries to start the sound system before the old mod has fully released it. It does not trigger while joining a server because the process of joining takes ressources too.
That is just a guess. Race conditions are random in nature and can be very timing and OS dependent. I do not experience the problem
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« Reply #213 on: August 19, 2010, 10:02:02 AM » |
I also don't have/did not experiment this problem , but I should say I don't even have openal support compiled in my binaries.
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« Reply #214 on: August 19, 2010, 10:17:51 AM » |
Race conditions are random in nature and can be very timing and OS dependent. I do not experience the problem
I experienced this with at least 2 PC with WindowsXP, and MyLittlePwny with Windows7. For your test, are you sure you disabled OpenAL (\s_useopenal 0) in both baseoa and the mod's configuration, closed OpenArena and tried again? Do you have the standard openarena.exe (and SDL.dll) as provided with OA 0.8.5? I did not test with the latest test executable yet... UPDATE: I just tried with openarena.x86.exe included in Same problem.
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« Reply #215 on: August 19, 2010, 10:44:15 AM » |
Do you have the standard openarena.exe (and SDL.dll) as provided with OA 0.8.5?
I shall admit that I used openarena.x86_64 binary and have not yet tried to change mods under Windows.
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« Reply #216 on: August 19, 2010, 12:31:49 PM » |
I suppose the quick-and-dirty workaround would be to have a helper program, where all it does is wait for OA to fully close, them launch it again with the specified mod. Basically, it'd work like this: - You select a mod in the mods menu. - OA launches the helper program, specifying the mod selected. - OA closes itself. - The helper program waits until OA is fully closed. - The helper program launches OA with the proper mod specified. - The helper program closes itself. A batch file similar to the helper program might resemble this: @echo off REM Wait for OA to fully close pause (Yes, not quite the same, but the closest equivalent...) REM Load the mod openarena.exe +set fs_game %1 REM close dos window exit
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« Reply #217 on: August 19, 2010, 12:34:53 PM » |
I looked at A possible cause is that the video and sound subsystem must be loaded in a specific order in Windows. If the video system is restarted the sound system must be restarted as well, other operationg systems does not need that. Still I think the likely solution is to include openal.dll
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« Reply #218 on: August 19, 2010, 01:00:07 PM » |
A possible cause is that the video and sound subsystem must be loaded in a specific order in Windows. If the video system is restarted the sound system must be restarted as well. I just tried testing for that, here's what I tried, and what happened: - Load plain OA. Sound is fine. - Load Corkscrew from the Mods menu. - Sound is now dead. - Run snd_restart from the console. - Appears to restart the whole game? Corkscrew is still loaded afterwards though. - Sound is working, in Corkscrew, using the mods menu for it rather than loading it from the command line or loading it connecting to a server. Looks like you may be right about load order. Any way to automate forcing it to snd_restart after loading a mod from the menu?
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« Reply #219 on: August 19, 2010, 01:34:55 PM » |
I tried with another mod... I can confirm that a \snd_restart makes the audio return. In the next realease, I suppose it should be automated somehow...
Maybe a look to the original Q3A source code... It does not have this problem... (but I don't know if it uses SDL or another different sound system)
In the meanwhile, I've updated the FAQ on the wiki...
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 02:05:06 PM by Gig »
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« Reply #220 on: September 08, 2010, 06:37:40 AM » |
Holy crap, it's a renderer patch!
- Adds r_envmode which 0 - old original environment mapping 1 - slightly enhanced environment mapping (uses origin and axis now) (DEFAULT) 2 - reflection mapping i.e. Odin's tremulous patch
- Adds r_specmode which 0 - old "broken" specular 1 - new specular that reflects from nearest light (fix nicked from zeq2 lite, thanks to them) (this also allows weapon models to have specular shaders) (DEFAULT)
- Adds r_flaresDlight which puts flares on any dynamic light. It's broken in some parts (i.e. model occlusion)
- flares now take a radius parameter internally
- r_flares 1337 softens the fadeoff to make r_flaresDlight a bit more tolerable
- r_lensReflections1 is default to 0
- r_flaresSurfradii is supposed to make surface flares bigger depending on the size of their surface, but this is broken
- commented out ambitious r_waveMode stuff (make deformVertices wave dynamic rippling of any entities in it like water. I was going to do this from mangling Scorched3D files, but... didn't. Dunno why it's in this patch. It's only a cvar space for now)
I diffed the working folder I had, so the patch includes stuff I didn't do (bloom)
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 11:49:09 AM by fromhell »
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support code development on github
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Cakes 62
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« Reply #221 on: September 17, 2010, 01:55:58 PM » |
Well changes has accumulated over time. Beta 47 is up, based on OAX r238. Changelog: New in Beta 47: * Prevent team changing and disconnect from changing team score in Team Deathmatch * Don't lake vampire resurrect dead players. * Sets sv_dorestart in case players wants to change variables in game. * Now only loads the important things if g_elimination or g_instangib is set (no pickups) * Changed default customvotefile to customvote.cfg * Added the possibility for spawning in waves. The cvar g_respawntime says how often players should spawn. * Added a CVAR g_voteBan X - bans a player for X minutes using the KK-admin system * Handicap is reset to 100 once returned to the main menu * Added g_gravityModifier (default 1.0) that modifies g_gravity relatively to the value set by the map The voting system must properly be changed to prevent accidents when players that is being vote kicked leaves before the vote ends. This has always been a problem but gets worse with g_voteBan that bans players for some minutes if they have been kicked by voting. Note that sv_dorestart requires new binaries (-17 or newer). It caused all items to be reloaded upon map_restart. Use "map MAPNAME" instead if you use an older engine.
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« Reply #222 on: September 17, 2010, 02:58:49 PM » |
Holy crap, it's a renderer patch!
I have some problems applying the patch: patch --dry-run -p0 < newrenderer.patch (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_backend.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 944. Hunk #2 FAILED at 1119. Hunk #3 FAILED at 1147. Hunk #4 FAILED at 1156. 4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_backend.c.rej (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_bloom.c (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_flares.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 77. Hunk #2 FAILED at 112. Hunk #3 FAILED at 196. Hunk #4 FAILED at 241. Hunk #5 FAILED at 283. Hunk #6 FAILED at 314. Hunk #7 FAILED at 323. Hunk #8 FAILED at 371. Hunk #9 FAILED at 413. Hunk #10 FAILED at 464. 10 out of 10 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_flares.c.rej (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_init.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 161. Hunk #2 FAILED at 709. Hunk #3 FAILED at 1013. Hunk #4 FAILED at 1088. 4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_init.c.rej (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_local.h Hunk #1 FAILED at 871. Hunk #2 FAILED at 1118. Hunk #3 FAILED at 1331. Hunk #4 FAILED at 1370. Hunk #5 FAILED at 1521. Hunk #6 FAILED at 1538. Hunk #7 FAILED at 1711. 7 out of 7 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_local.h.rej (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_shade.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 885. Hunk #2 FAILED at 1015. Hunk #3 FAILED at 1130. 3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_shade.c.rej (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_shade_calc.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 914. Hunk #2 FAILED at 1092. 2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_shade_calc.c.rej (Stripping trailing CRs from patch.) patching file tr_surface.c Hunk #1 FAILED at 1216. 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file tr_surface.c.rej
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« Reply #223 on: September 20, 2010, 11:35:17 AM » |
I think the patch is to apply on ioquake3 rather than the changed OA files themselves.
asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done. Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone I do not provide technical support code development on github
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Cakes 45
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« Reply #224 on: September 20, 2010, 12:37:43 PM » |
Beta 47 is up, based on OAX r238. New in Beta 47: * Prevent team changing and disconnect from changing team score in Team Deathmatch
Tested. The description is not exact, since it does change the score (the old teams gets -1 instead of +1 like before... I think it's correct since its the Q3 behavior.) * Added g_gravityModifier (default 1.0) that modifies g_gravity relatively to the value set by the map
Tested. This allows to change the gravity without having it resetted after a map restart. Good work, man! * Handicap is reset to 100 once returned to the main menu
Tested, but I'm not sure I like it. I like to set an option and to have it stay like I want it. Maybe placing a message somewhere, like "Warning: you have Handicap enabled. Are you sure?/Please check", would be better from this aspect....
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 04:46:28 PM by Gig »
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