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« on: March 31, 2008, 10:36:49 PM » |
Hey, I only downloaded OpenArena a few days ago though it seems in just about every other server I join someone asks how can you strafe jump (where people jump around and can move at over 3 times normal speed) and tbh most of the people that can are a bit poor at it, so here's a quick tutorial I'm making up on the spot =)... edit: and while making the strafe demos I decided to make it a general tutorial for people to learn the basicis so you now get other info too. Firstly download this zip file containing some OpenArena demo files I made ( http://www.sendspace.com/file/4gqgex). To play them put the dm_68 files in the demos folder located in your base OpenArena directory (for me C:\Program Files\OpenArena\baseoa\demos), and then from the OpeanArena main menu go to demos and choose the one you want (if you don't have a folder called 'demos' in your oa directory just create one). Also to play the first strafe demo you will need this map file ( http://q3a.ath.cx/download.php/tr1ckhouse-beta3.pk3). Place it in your baseoa directory and all's good (if you wish to play it type /map tr1ckhouse-beta3 in your console).
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 10:41:58 PM by RAZ3R »
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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2008, 10:37:52 PM » |
Now when in OpenArena bring down your console by pressing the ` key (next to the 1 on your keyboard) and then in there type the following: /g_synchronousClients 0 /pmove_fixed 1 /pmove_msec 8 /sv_fps 125 /com_maxfps 125
All these values affect amoung other things how high you can jump, which in turn affects how quickly you can accelerate... the settings I have given you are the best for online play. Alright, let's run down the list of stuff you should know... Firstly strafe jumping. When stationary the first jump you take is called a circle jump. Start by looking 90 degrees from where you want to go (looking less will lessen your initial acceleration). Then hold down the forward key, and say you are looking 90 degrees to the right of where you want to go hold down the left strafe key also, then like I do in the demos smoothley turn to the left and once you've turned into the direction you wish to go, jump. You should travel further than a regular jump (as in if you just held down foward and jumped), this starts you off at faster than run speed. Now to continue accelerating hit jump as you hit the ground and continue looking slightly to the left of the direction you're traveling in, while still holding down the forwards and appropriate strafe key (if you'r elooking to the right of your direction of movement hold down the right strafe key and visa versa). Continue doing this and you will continue accelerating, though you will also start travelign in an arc as opposed to a straight line. To correct this you have to quickly swicth to looking in the opposite direction and also changing which strafe key you are holding (this may be difficult at first). Also note the the angle you are lookign in is important, and gets wider the faster you go, use my demo as a guide. edit: oh yeah, and don't hold down the jump key, the longer that's held down the less acceleration you will get. Idealy you want to hit jump just before you need to and release it just after you have jumped. note: although a bit boring the BEST way to learn to strafe properly is on strafe pads like the ones you see my doing in the first strafe demo. Just load up the map tr1ckhouse-beta3 and have a go. The red pads are a good target to aim for but it may take a while.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 03:20:30 PM by RAZ3R »
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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2008, 10:38:37 PM » |
Alright, rocket jumping... I think it's quite self explanitory, look down, jump and fire - make sure you don't fire before you jump as you won't get much height and just hurt yourself, though jump too early and you won't get enough height (you may sometimees want to do this deliberatley). Just watch the demos I made - same goes for grenade jumping and plasma climbing tutorials =). Okay, one more important thing while I remember - weapon switching. If you want to be good you should have every weapon bound to a different button, instead of using the mouse wheel. This way you can instantly switch to the appropriate weapon. The keys I use are: mouse1 - fire mouse2 - rocket launcher mousewheel down - rail mousewheel up - lightning gun mousewheel down - zoom mouse 3 - grenade mouse 4 - plasma shift - shotgun q - gauntlet e - machine gun
You should also get use to constantly switching weapon in combat to an appropriate one, for example if you're using a shotgun and the enemy strafes out of range, switch to a more accurate weapon such as the machine gun or rail. Oh, and also a few more console commands... /cg_fov "number" /cg_zoomfov "number"
/cg_runpitch 0 /cg_runroll 0 /cg_bobup 0 /cg_bobpitch 0 /cg_bobroll 0
The first 2 you should experiment with. The default values are 90 and 22.5, I use 130 and 70. Most people use about 110 for cg_fov. What it does is affect your field of view (viewing angle) when looking normaly and zoomed in. The further out the more you can see that would otherwise be off screen, though objects also appear smaller, so harder to hit. The other commands stop the wobble you get when walking which helps a little with aim. k.. I think that's a long enough essay for now =). I hope this helps someone, and if anyone has any questions, needs more explination on some area or wants me to make another demo to clarify something just ask. Ciao.
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« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 10:06:45 AM » |
Very informative...so u only been in OA for a such a short time? What were u playing before?
h!+m@n * d/hit/p + kozak6 / CloudStrife - (Orochi + {C}easar) = a whole buncha screenames
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« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2008, 11:09:31 AM » |
I still am playing q3a defrag (vq3) and a small amount of q3a cpma (1v1 cpm).
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The doctor is in the house!
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2008, 01:20:54 PM » |
Cool...btw, whats sensitivity level do you have it on?
h!+m@n * d/hit/p + kozak6 / CloudStrife - (Orochi + {C}easar) = a whole buncha screenames
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« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2008, 01:55:09 PM » |
Well my in game mouse options are: sensitivity 12 in_mouse 1 in_logitechbug 0 cl_mouseAccel 0 m_filter 0
Which translates to 4cm of mouse movement to turn 360 degrees (so I control the mouse with my fingertips and never move my wrist) with no mouse acceleration or smoothing. Quoting my sensitivity level of 12 doesn't really mean anything by itself as in game sensitivity is affected by the mouse you are using, your operating system settings and even the mouse pad you are using, which some peopel don't seem to realise. 4cm is a little on the high side of average but really there's no right or wrong sensitivity it's all personal preference, what you're used to and play style. I think movement is a little easier with a higher sensitivity where as having a lower sensitivity helps with aiming. Ofcourse you can be good at movement with a low sensitivity and good at aiming with a high one, just it will be a little harder I think. For example this ( http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZlqJlUqz-hA) video is of a good cpma (mod) player who also happens to use a very low sensitivity, see he can still move fine (the glove he's wearing is a low friction one to allow his arm to move easier). On the other hand I know a really good player who's sensitivity means he has a turning circle of about 2cm. On a side note when I first started playing my turning circle was about 1cm (from starting to play I slowley cranked up the sensitivity when I got used to it until I was able to play with that higher setting), however as I started getting better I slowley started lowering it again to aid my aim until I reached my current setting which works well for me. Anyway, if any new players are reading this my advice is - get used to using mouse acceleration. I don't use it as I'm not used to it, though I really think it would help as it gives you the aim of a low sens player with the movement of a high sens player, and a lot of the top players use mouse acceleration for this reason. As an important side note make sure your mouse is right for your sensitivity. When buying a mouse the box will generaly quote the mouses dpi (dot per inch) and polling rate. A higher dpi is better if you're a high sensitivity gamer as the mouse is able to pick up movement over a much smaller distance so you can be more precise. On the other hand if you're a low sensitivity player you'll need a high polling rate as you'll be moving your mouse quickly over large distances and mice with lower polling rates won't be able to keep up and translate your movements to the screen accuratley. ...and it seems I've written an essay again :/.
Lesser Nub
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OpenArena 1.0.0 - /cg_roaminganimals 1 ; /cg_flipf
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2008, 03:53:09 PM » |
 i cant resist.. sorry yotoon! 
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 03:54:58 PM by skankychicken »
Lesser Nub
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OpenArena 1.0.0 - /cg_roaminganimals 1 ; /cg_flipf
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2008, 04:06:48 PM » |
And of course, big thank you to RAZ3R for all his advice, very kind of you
Cakes 3
Posts: 66
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2008, 03:33:34 AM » |
thanks for this! is somebody maintaining the wiki ? i think it should be there  by the way: /g_synchronousClients 0 /pmove_fixed 1 /pmove_msec 8 these variables are not in base openarena, i think only in some mods.
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« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2008, 05:00:18 AM » |
/g_synchronousClients 0 /pmove_fixed 1 /pmove_msec 8
They are in baseoa but they are server side cvars, so setting them as a client only helps if you are training offline or hosting. And if you are hosting they will help all players or hurt all players if they are sat wrong.
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« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2008, 08:57:48 AM » |
/pmove_fixed - Typically the player physics advances in small time steps. When this option is enabled all players will use fixed frequency player physics, the time between two advances of the physics will be the same for all players. The actual time between two advances of the player physics can be set with the pmove_msec variable. Enabling this option will make the player physics the same for all players independent from their framerate. [Enforced Server side]
/pmove_msec <milli-seconds> - Sets the time in milliseconds between two advances of the player physics. [Server side]
Though fyi if you're playing offline or on lan you want pmove_fixed 0 and g_synchronousClients 1  . Also g_synchronousClients is not server side, try it while online. If set to 1 you will get a noticable ammount of lag while playing. The only time you'd want it on when online is if you're recording a demo, in which case if you're also playing you should set it to 1 then 0 again, which should synchronise your client with every one elses as the name suggests (not doing this will make any online demos look choppy).
Lesser Nub
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Posts: 114
OpenArena 1.0.0 - /cg_roaminganimals 1 ; /cg_flipf
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2008, 01:57:21 PM » |
i think i got hang of the circle jump but got a problem with landing and angle :S http://youtube.com/watch?v=mN-RY47yMgQ
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Posts: 6
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2008, 12:11:46 PM » |
/pmove_fixed - Typically the player physics advances in small time steps. When this option is enabled all players will use fixed frequency player physics, the time between two advances of the physics will be the same for all players. The actual time between two advances of the player physics can be set with the pmove_msec variable. Enabling this option will make the player physics the same for all players independent from their framerate. [Enforced Server side]
/pmove_msec <milli-seconds> - Sets the time in milliseconds between two advances of the player physics. [Server side]
Though fyi if you're playing offline or on lan you want pmove_fixed 0 and g_synchronousClients 1  . Also g_synchronousClients is not server side, try it while online. If set to 1 you will get a noticable ammount of lag while playing. The only time you'd want it on when online is if you're recording a demo, in which case if you're also playing you should set it to 1 then 0 again, which should synchronise your client with every one elses as the name suggests (not doing this will make any online demos look choppy). I've tried putting it on then off, still get wierd demos (looks like it goes slow, fast, slow fast slow fast) Do I just need to leave it on while recording and playing?
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« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2008, 12:34:46 PM » |
Nope, though even with g_synch demos may look jerky due to lag.
Just bind a key to record like this:
/bind o "toggle g_synchronousClients;wait 8;record;toggle g_synchronousClients" /bind p "stoprecord"
and to help with lag make sure you have:
/cg_smoothClients 1
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« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2008, 12:42:31 PM » |
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« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2008, 12:43:05 PM » |
/cg_smoothClients 1
Says its an unknown command.
Lesser Nub
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« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2008, 03:39:57 AM » |
back in the days cg_fov was the most important command that let me learn strafe in q3. with cg_fov 90 u cant feel speed increase. i used 120 then, but now i use 110-115.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 03:41:47 AM by zuma »
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« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2008, 07:21:45 AM » |
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 08:22:57 PM by CFQ »
I blanked my posts because I don't like this forum anymore! BAWWWWW
Cakes 6
Posts: 189
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2008, 12:24:16 AM » |
Firstly download this zip file containing some OpenArena demo files I made ( http://www.sendspace.com/file/4gqgex). To play them put the dm_68 files in the demos folder located in your base OpenArena directory (for me C:\Program Files\OpenArena\baseoa\demos), and then from the OpeanArena main menu go to demos and choose the one you want (if you don't have a folder called 'demos' in your oa directory just create one). Also to play the first strafe demo you will need this map file ( http://q3a.ath.cx/download.php/tr1ckhouse-beta3.pk3). Place it in your baseoa directory and all's good (if you wish to play it type /map tr1ckhouse-beta3 in your console). Hi, The demo file is not available anymore, please upload it somewhere else. Thanks.
I found a great camping place: the enemy base!
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« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2008, 10:20:32 PM » |
sck Thomspson is one of the finest trick jumpers on this forum Justr sesd him a pm to request demos
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« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2008, 04:31:22 PM » |
Ha, don't be mean =).
dash9: Yeah, I don't have them anymore I just recorded them specificaly for this thread and dunno what I did with them after that - maybe someone else still has them? I can't be bothered to rerecord right now anyway - though maybe I'll have a look later see if they're still on my computer.
Cakes 6
Posts: 189
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2008, 05:07:46 PM » |
Yeah, I don't have them anymore I just recorded them specificaly for this thread and dunno what I did with them after that - maybe someone else still has them? I can't be bothered to rerecord right now anyway - though maybe I'll have a look later see if they're still on my computer.
What I think would be the most useful for learning these techniques is to be able to play with 1/4 of the speed, this would help a lot to learn the proper sequence of keys and mouse movements which have to be done. You'd even have time to look at all that information showed by the defrag mod.  Is there a mod or a setting which give you 4 times more time to make your moves? It would be really awesome! (I guess an alternative would be to change the value of the gravitation, but then you would need new training maps..)
I found a great camping place: the enemy base!
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« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2008, 10:03:51 AM » |
in your console type: timescale 0.25
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« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2008, 09:10:50 AM » |
I read the tutorial and I'm still stuck. I still can't strafe jump. :\