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Author Topic: CTF Map mlctf1 (beta)  (Read 57908 times)

Cakes 7
Posts: 3

« on: April 16, 2009, 05:52:34 AM »

here`s a ctf map i made for [uM]. Goal was to create a map which has a good gameplay for 2on2 as well as for 3on3, 4on4 or 5on5. Not to forget the elimination and elimination ctf mode gameplay! So the focus of the map is definately the gameplay. I haven`t spent much time for the optic of the map. This has two reasons: 1. I didn`t want to spend too much time and 2. most of the people don`t care of the optic if the gameplay is good, most of the people play with very low graphic settings anyway, so it doesn`t matter...
You can test the map for example on the [ultramaim] servers (vote for it) or you can download it here:
I don`t know why, but the bots are stupid like hell. If anyone knows why, please tell me.

If you have any suggestions, critics or other thoughts about the map, please let me know. Thanks!

To give you a first impression, here are some screenshots of the map.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 06:16:53 AM by [uM]meisterlampe » Logged

Master Hare
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 08:35:37 AM »

Maybe this guide can help you.

The only thing: that guide suggests you to NOT to use -forcesidesvisible at the BSPC stage, but actually since -meta screws up with bots, it's better to use -forcesidesvisible to make bots play on the map.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 13
Posts: 46

« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 01:54:27 AM »

Having tried this map with the [uM]s I'm very impressed by it! There's room for both fast paced and careful play. Don't know how it would work for public, though, since RG is pretty easily available and with it it's possible to control the upper level all the way to the enemy base. Perhaps, somehow, make the flag less visible (with some obstacles or something) to the RG level thus making it harder to defend from there?

6lue Rose .:. .:. irc://
Lesser Nub

Cakes 8
Posts: 133

Obey 37.

« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 12:54:38 AM »

I noticed that people enjoy camping at the rail. It ends up being both teams camping at their rail and sniping across the center. Going drastically, I'd move the railgun and lightning gun more toward the center (if not one of each at the center), because they're strong weapons. The shotgun may not be as powerful as the rail - yet the rail is easier to get. Going subtly, I'd just switch the rail and grenade launcher around.

Otherwise impressive map, good layout. I thought it could use some lights or something to add a little atmosphere.


Cakes 18
Posts: 372

on a dead horse

« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2009, 12:05:39 PM »

That's a nice map. Most of the issues have already been mentioned. Item placement should be reworked. Maybe you're able to play a bit with q3map2 -light parameters to get an even more interesting lighting.

For me there are too many jump pads. Why not replacing the one leading out of every base to the right with stairs? You did a great job on the current stairs. I'd like to see more of that. Smiley

- HUNT HIGHSCORES - mapping - xmpp://

Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2009, 06:23:11 AM »

« on: May 21, 2009, 05:45:53 pm »
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hey meisterlampe. if you missed it in irc, here are some suggestions and my opinion on mlctf1beta.

<PopeJo> meisterlampe-, you build the mlctf1beta .. right?
<PopeJo> could you re-do some spawnpoints?
<PopeJo> as often you spawn with no weapons near
<PopeJo> enemies can relatively easy camp the opposit base
<PopeJo> 1 man at rail, 1 at lg give new-spawned players little possibilities.
<PopeJo> I like its fast pace and I actually like the fast rj-way. it demands this pathway to be cleared for fast flagruns
<PopeJo> or - manned, to avoid enemiy fast-flag-runs
<PopeJo> but! after spawn,you always have to waste some seconds on getting a decent weapon
<PopeJo> thus, camping the enemy base is the best strategy to own the map
<PopeJo> so, my suggestion is just to move the spawn-points nearer to the next weapon
<PopeJo> (and I dont consider grenade launcher a weapon here - its only good in narrow passages
<PopeJo> but useless on open fields)

<PopeJo> also, der granatewerfer hilf nur um die LG-passage zu verteidigen, evtl noch die obere plattform
<PopeJo> nutzt unten aber nix, wenn man unten spawnt und die gegner oben stehen
<PopeJo> also vielleicht den gl auf die obere ebene legen und dafür..plasma an dessen stelle? oder eben gleich die spawnpoints näher zur LG, dem RL und der RG legen
<PopeJo> sonst, wenn man mal waffen hat, machts spass Smiley

« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 12:59:54 PM by [uM]Cyberdemon » Logged

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.

Cakes 24
Posts: 584

« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2009, 08:14:00 AM »

<PopeJo> also, der granatewerfer hilf nur um die LG-passage zu verteidigen, evtl noch die obere plattform
<PopeJo> nutzt unten aber nix, wenn man unten spawnt und die gegner oben stehen
<PopeJo> also vielleicht den gl auf die obere ebene legen und dafür..plasma an dessen stelle? oder eben gleich die spawnpoints näher zur LG, dem RL und der RG legen
<PopeJo> sonst, wenn man mal waffen hat, machts spass Smiley

crappy translation out of boredom:

The grenade launcher only helps defend the LG passage, perhaps the above platform too
but underneath it is useless, when you spawn underneath and the enemy stands above
so maybe place the GL on the level above and for there.. plasma in its spot?
or even place the spawnpoints closer to the LG, the RL and the RG
other than that, once you have a weapon it's fun Smiley

kernel panic
Lesser Nub

Cakes 6
Posts: 114

« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2009, 08:33:51 AM »

Hey, meisterlampe, the map is great, as in...made by somebody who actually plays the game. A problem for me, although this is a matter of opinion, is that it is far too easy to get from base to the enemy flag in something like 3.5 seconds with a couple of rocket jumps. Sure, it won't work if the enemy is worth it, but still...

(I guess we should play some CTF and not just clanarena  to see how it works : D )

Cakes -2
Posts: 308

not so strong

« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2009, 02:53:39 AM »

I did a few jumps in it ^_^

overall I like the map Cheesy

Quote from: sploosh
there once was an animal called gerbil
he dreamed he was eating his turtle
he awoke with a frieght
in the middle of the night
to find out that he was a squirtle
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2009, 10:41:42 PM »

Yeah, I told Cyberdemon once that both this map and mlca1 (which is posted here too) can be very good additions to OA. He told me that he was going to talk to ML to get both maps under GPLv2, so they could be included in the game.

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
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Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2010, 09:35:22 AM »

hello guys, this post probably comes too late but ML is hard to get Smiley. he told me that bots dont work properly on both maps and that he cannot find "time+solutions=he surrendered Tongue" to fix that problem.

so it's up to somebody who wants to solve this. but i can say that there will be no more work done by ML =/

now it is a map for real players only -  without real bot support. even some fixtures for weapon/item placement have to be done.

i do also say this for his map mlca1!! you can find the topic here:

during the next 2 weeks i will add a link here where you find the gpl license file + .map file of ML's two maps

PS: our domain is lost! we need to get it back first Sad. during that time you can contact us here:
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 09:50:39 AM by [uM]Cyberdemon » Logged

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
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Cakes 73
Posts: 1427

also banned for baiting another to violate rules

« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2010, 11:21:20 AM »

Nice nice, at least a map which won't get lost (I feared about some which have been made after 0.8.1 release), and clearly GPLed so very fine.
I'll host that map, sources and so on when you have put the link to download it Smiley

Todo: Walk the cat.
Peter Silie

Cakes 2008
Posts: 610

« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2010, 12:06:36 PM »

Also nice that uM seems to be back in business!
Lesser Nub

Cakes 5
Posts: 141

I play to win.

« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2010, 02:01:05 PM »

Finally, I almost lost a hope.

My fav CTF map ever made for OA <3

Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2010, 12:39:02 PM »

ok here are the .map files of meisterlampe's maps including the gplv2 license file:

meisterlampe also made changes in mlctf1 according to the improvement suggestions made by people (see RN|PopeJo's suggestions) he hasn't released yet. so have a look =) maybe it rocks Smiley

besides i have to deliver meisterlampe's wish to leave some little tribute for him according to the work he has done. so you could at least keep the mapname Smiley

at last i have to say big thanks to 6r-clan, especially 6R^MIOW and 6R^dash9, who uploaded and host ml's maps.

@peter silie:

Smiley we are back in business but in OA there are only two lone gunmen representing ultramaim:

[uM]sshmooh and [uM]Sephiroht (Kostarius, Kosch .. faking with Marijuana Tongue)

uM-clan moved to quakelive. we play clanarena (short: CA, similar to OA's Elimination) and ctf gametype there. but mostly clanarena.

i rarely visit oa ctf Smiley ......but nothing in quakelive can substitute oasago Smiley

i also noticed that OA community is much more friendly and enjoyable than QL people. there are kind ones but most are rude suckers Smiley

ok, that's all!

have fun with the maps !!!

PS: during the last weeks we recaptured our domain - you can visit us @ until [uM]Barret finishes his work on our real homepage Smiley yippie

« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 01:09:31 PM by [uM]Cyberdemon » Logged

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
Peter Silie

Cakes 2008
Posts: 610

« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2010, 03:02:27 PM »

ok here are the .map files of meisterlampe's maps including the gplv2 license file:

Big thx for this work!

i also noticed that OA community is much more friendly and enjoyable than QL people. there are kind ones but most are rude suckers Smiley

Nice to hear Smiley
I just played ql for two times and had the same experience.
Maybe i don´t like ql because my nick is already given away to another user...

Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2010, 06:12:45 AM »

a nickname is your portal. but actually it's still just a portal Smiley. so what? :p

perhaps you can replace some l3tt3rs by some nu|\/|b3r5

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
Peter Silie

Cakes 2008
Posts: 610

« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2010, 12:44:49 PM »

a nickname is your portal. but actually it's still just a portal Smiley. so what? :p

perhaps you can replace some l3tt3rs by some nu|\/|b3r5

This is not as easy as it seems to be, because "Petersilie" is the german word of "parsley".
But anyway: i like to stay exclusive on oa - no time to spend in more then 1 game Smiley

Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2010, 08:23:23 AM »

yeah =) i know the joke in your nickname. i like petersilie, i plant it in my garden. it's quite healthy, with lots of vit C. Smiley

actually i come from germany, from the green hills of bavaria, where the cows should live in piece with their masters, and a not being held in a food prison!! Smiley

nethertheless i understand your opinion.

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
In the year 3000

Cakes 49
Posts: 3775

Trickster God.

« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2010, 08:37:56 AM »

Great... but there's one more thing to do. Tongue
Place it in the SVN Commits thread. ^^

"Detailed" is nice, but if it gets in the way of clarity, it ceases being a nice addition and becomes a problem. - TVT
Want to contribute? Read this.
Peter Silie

Cakes 2008
Posts: 610

« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2010, 09:59:22 AM »

agree! Wink

Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2010, 09:13:17 AM »

ok done, baby Smiley

thank you!

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.

Cakes 35
Posts: 14520

« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2010, 10:33:01 AM »

ok done, baby Smiley

thank you!

asking when OA3 will be done won't get OA3 done.
Progress of OA3 currently occurs behind closed doors alone

I do not provide technical support either.

new code development on github

Cakes 13
Posts: 46

« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2010, 11:16:42 AM »

ok done, baby Smiley

thank you!

Yes, let's just discard the best ctf map for OA, and the only ca map now that we're at it. We've got oa_bases* after all...

6lue Rose .:. .:. irc://

Cakes 12
Posts: 65

[uM] Clan Delegate OA Player

« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2010, 11:22:35 AM »

i am one of meisterlampe's friends, he is on holiday since some time. please come down from your horrible trip and keep cool, baby! accept this, read the topic. i know meisterlampe since we are youngsters.

i did this for the community to provide new maps for the game. i did this not for me, fool.

i do nothing bad to YOUR game, dude! just want to help. it's meisterlampes map. as you see from the post. he is in my clan. he quit mapping, he quit gaming, his head is full of work. so after many request concerning these maps, i tried to get his map files FROM him. i didnt steal it. he sent them via email to me by free will.

i didnt want to highlight myself.

you get it totally wrong.

i just can say:

WHAT.. THE.. F*CK..(is wrong with you) ...

so i need to get ML here to make you believe? ... i mean, he is in my clan, just wanted to do a favor ... for him, for OA ... definately not for me.

but maybe you do not understand this, since this game follows your directions. and only yours!

F*ck, i am angry at the moment ...

I hope you get the anaphora in the correct head!


this is meisterlampes map. i just was his tool to get it to the game. i just helped him. he is the author, he made the map. he gets the money!!! i just wanted to be kind !!

there will never ever be a meisterlampe posting his appeal !!! never ever!!! you could say .. i am meisterlampe. i trust him, he trusts me. this is called friendship... maybe you heard this word once in the far past.

okay, lei ?? lol?

god damn this is just so funny ...
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 01:42:39 PM by [uM]Cyberdemon » Logged

ultraMAIM Clan .-. .-. IRC: #ultraMAIM

Half unfeeling machine, half raging horned devil. This walking nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitely reach out and touch you. Make sure you're loaded for bear before you get to this guy.
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