As promised
here, I was working on a new adaptation, this time is the QW/Q2 CTF classic McKinley Base (or McKinley Revival, as you wish

) renamed McKinley Retribution. ATM there's no underwater exit, and no BFG, but it has Chaingun (in the middle)
Grappling Hook and Nailgun. (In both bases)
It supports all CTF-based gametypes: CTF, 1FCTF, Harvester, Overload, CTF Elimination & DD.
Here are some screenshots from the original one (McKinley Base) and
here's a screen of a flag base in Q2CTF1. The idea, like all "-ish" maps, is to make
a similar structured map, but not an equal structured one.
Old changes:
- Removed/replaced all light sources from the map.
- Added underwater access to bases.
- Structural changes.
EDIT: New version.
- Raised water, so it's now possible to leave water the intuitive way.
- Changed water lighting. (That old color was unnatural, but I think this new color is more unnatural.)

- Added some light to railgun spots.
More changes:
- Aesthethic changes: redone flares, improved level geometry, added bases to objectives, added lighting to sniper spots
- Clipping retouched, and also I've added some clusterportals.

- Added grappling hook to info_player_start and team_CTF_<team>player/spawns. Now players will spawn with Gauntlet, Machinegun and Grapple. Q2 Style. ^^
- Enlarged access
- Item placement changed. Hopefully this map wouldn't be no more an 1-0 map:
* Changed Health 50 at bases with Health 25.
* Switched Chaingun and Body armor.
* Added Chaingun ammo to central water.
* Changed Chaingun ammo at underwater chamber with two Health 50.
* Added stimpacks and armor shards to middle area.
b1 changes:
- Players won't start with grapple anymore.
- Replaced water entrance by a chamber which has a teleporter on it. This chamber has Guard & Shotgun.
- Fixed lighting. Now it won't look as a shiny level anymore.
- Redistributed ammo.
- Raised ceiling on bases.
- Replaced improvised stairs @ bases with jumppads which goes from the floor onto the respective sections.
- Added another ramp to the flag.
- Added arrow & weaponspot signals, from the replacements I've done.
McKinleyish2-a1 changes:
- Base layout changes, the item placement has been mostly kept:
* Chaingun moved to the water.
* Two direct & "easy" entrances to flag bases. A one-way exit. (which can be entrance by RJing) And an "indirect" entrance by going underwater.
* CTF, Overload, DD: Item team Invulnerability+RA in the middle passage. This team is moved onto the water for 1FCTF & Harvester.
* Flag base changed: No more a copy of McKinley's old efforts.
a1v2 changes:
- Bot & player clipping.
- Railgun spot clipping to avoid escape from it.
- Hinting ^^ Now shouldn't be possible, from any point of the flag bases, to make Q3/OA renderize the center area. (Or unnecesary things)
- Moved ammo to bases.
- Fixed a mistake in the .arena file. It would try to read am_mckinleyish instead of am_mckinleyish2.
a2 changes:
- Moved RL near the entrances.
- Added subacuatic chamber and Quad.
To do in the next version:
- Add arrows guiding to bases.
- Switching teleports going to sniper spot and water passage?
- Maybe bringing Grapple back as weapon to start? In 0.8.1 will be a pain in the arse, but considering all the changes Sago made to it on OAX it can work now.
To don't: (NOTTODO on this map)
- Remove water. I won't do that, no matter what the excuse is. Period.
- Remove Invulnerability. I'm against that
"let's put TA stuff out of OA" campaign and nobody will convince me of the contrary. Period.

Video: to onykage for the hosting.

And all of those who has tested already the map.