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« Reply #1075 on: September 24, 2013, 08:29:48 AM » |
Jan, two things I noticed looking inside the pk3. - Readme file mentions less gametypes than those actually supported by the map - Miramar.shader seems to be like in the previous version... miramar/miramar shader inside it is not the same as you showed in this post. This makes me think you are continuing to compile the map using different .shader files (with actually different shaders!) than those you place in the package!
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« Reply #1076 on: September 24, 2013, 08:37:34 AM » |
I have a very recent version of miramar.shader. It's already packed in Beta3.
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« Reply #1077 on: September 24, 2013, 08:55:39 AM » |
I have a very recent version of miramar.shader. It's already packed in Beta3.
Excuse me, considering Beta3 was some months ago, how's possible it does contain a very recent version of miramar.shader?  I don't understand....  ... but is Jan the author of miramar.shader, or that comes from somewhere else? Anyway, I'd like to know if Jan is still using a modified skies.shader for all of his shaders, instead of creating something like jan01.shader (and adding jan01 to his shaderlist.txt). I think he should at least be sure the shaders he's using while compiling are exactly the same that are in the package... By the way, talking about shaders... has someone got any idea about the problem with jumppad shaders in Moixie's dm map?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 09:00:31 AM by Gig »
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« Reply #1078 on: September 24, 2013, 09:03:29 AM » |
Just look at the dates and filesizes. oajgdm2beta8's miramar.shader is dated 19/02 and weighs 2,0 kb. OACMPBeta3's miramar.shader is dated 28/06 and weighs 2,3 kb.
And I haven't modified the file.
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« Reply #1079 on: September 24, 2013, 10:59:14 AM » |
I'm sorry about the maps, I've never been as busy as now. I will soon (I hop) try to post a new version with music and with another shader for jumpads.
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« Reply #1080 on: September 25, 2013, 02:35:39 PM » |
However, good playability and good map, but i don't understand why have you decided to use Some OA (or Q3 ?) textures. I think your textures are more better and the map look well without other textures that not match with the map's style (imho).  Thanks! The textures: this is slightly closer to the idea i had in my mind (yellow section would be early borg-cube like (yes they where yellow on the inside during the first few seasons of tng); and i found spraying the exact same pattern over everything was making it a bit dull.. Now i may need to work a bit on integrating these new textures stronger in the other rooms. I may end up reverting some of these textures back to the originals, we'll see. What do you think of ceiling textures in the tunnels? These links where used previously, i just updated the files to fix the jumppads and keep the teleporters free from marks. this version i fixed the texturing and item placement issues reported by Akom74 and Gig. the readme an skybox mismatches; they do not affect gameplay, while they need to be resolved before the final version, RC can safely use these versions.
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« Reply #1081 on: September 25, 2013, 05:01:56 PM » |
Once Moixie and Gig post their versions, RC1 goes live...
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« Reply #1082 on: September 26, 2013, 02:16:56 AM » |
finished !
UPDATE2: Although my OA installation should be quite "clean", I still don't see jump-pads in your DM map as animated. Opening the .map, I found they are "evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red": that shader is located in pak6-patch088.pk3/scripts/evil8_base.shader textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red_glow.tga surfaceparm metalsteps q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red animmap 10 textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red-1 textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red-2 textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red-3 textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red-4 textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red-5 textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red-6 } { map $lightmap tcGen lightmap blendfunc filter }
I don't know... where is the error? File extensions (.tga or .jpg) are missing... but I'm making some try and it seems it is not the problem (or not the only one) that prevents animation from working... missing blendfunc maybe? For reference, Q3 shader manual, "animmap" section: think that has something to do with the pics being identical...every pic in the animmap section looks exacly the same...the engine could be animating them and we would never know...this not only holds for pak6-patch088.pk3, but also for the z_evillair-nexuiz.pk3...i suppose they left a todo in it.
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« Reply #1083 on: September 26, 2013, 03:23:13 AM » |
Jan, I really would prefer if you could take a few days more, but include coherent .shader files in the packages that will be in the RC. The three files of your post above have conflicting shaders: if I place all three of them in a CLEAN oa installation, some shaders of DM2 map (teleporters + a few jump-pads) do not work. If I only keep DM2 pk3, they are shown correctly. How's possible that OACMP beta3 shader files are bigger/newer than your latests packs? Consider that packaging RC1, in theory Neon_Knight should discard everything from OACMPBeta3 and later, take our LATEST PACKAGES only, put everything in a single folder, and re-package it. If there are different versions of the same shaders in latests packs of different maps, which one should he keep? Conflicts should be avoided... it's our duty to give him "working" packages... If you could give him a single pk3 with all your four maps, and a .shader files coherent with what you are using while compiling, that would be good. However, about these latests versions of your maps: - DM2 (first screenshot): are you sure you correctly used the "caulk" trick on this jumppad conduit? - DM1 (second screenshot): I was thinking that you may wish to apply "surfaceparm nomarks" also to the "while corridor" shader in this map. Maybe you may even use "surfaceparm noimpact" instead, to make projectiles disappear instead of exploding when touching it? Just an idea. - DM1 (second screenshot): When looking at the impact thing above, I noticed a small brush bug. As you can see, the white wall does not reach the ceiling, so there is a small stripe where you see the sky behind it. This bug is in only one of the two tunnels. About that evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02red: good thought, Jan!  You're right, the (main?) problem is that all those images look the same! Those should be fixed for the next OA release, but that's not stuff for OACMP (well, one may prepare a solution for a custom OACMP shader first, and then ask a SVN commit to apply it to e8jumpspawn02red, too).
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 10:16:44 AM by Gig »
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« Reply #1084 on: September 26, 2013, 10:15:16 AM » |
Ok guys! UNDER DESTRUCTION V13 IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD, following this link: may not be active forever) It does include textures, so you don't need OACMP beta3 or udestruction v10 pk3 files (and for the RC, all previous stuff from mine can be replaced by this one, to be sure you have the latest version of each file). Changes against UDESTRUCTION V12: 1 - Reworked cluster portals, trying to further avoid bot-related hitches. This required A LOT of time. (Note: at the end, I did not use huge "botclip walls", but I added a few "botclip columns" together with huge "cluster portal walls"), 2 - Reworked botclip and playerclip in the hall of pillars, to make the area simpler for bots. 3 - Added some more +5 armor bonuses (when I counted items in the map, I noticed there were many less armor bonuses than health bonuses... so i added a few). Also moved a few other entities. 4 - Fixed illumination problem at the top border of the map (thanks Akom). 5 - Fixed illumination problem that appeared as a dark vertical line on a bevel of the outer border (mentioned by Moixie in V11, IIRC). 6 - Some item_botroam modified/added. 7 - Slightly resized ramps of the cistern. 8 - To absolutely prevent risks of hiding inside the rocket-floor of the house, I added a playerclipped hole with beams on its ceiling: now you can better see if someone is trying to camp there, and you can fight through this sort of grate! 9 - I liked the change in the roof of the house, so I applied a similar thing also to the MIDDLE foor of the scaffolding: now it is possible to see/shoot from its shotgun to its plasmagun and vice-versa. I'm not sure it is as good as the one of the house, but maybe I can keep this, too. What do you think?10 - Fixed a texture issue in the ruined house area, and another one on the lower level of the ruined tower. 11 - Updated "readme file" (now it has got an index, too). 12 - For AAS compiling, switched from BSPC 2.0 (dated year 2000) -the one from Q3Radiant- to BSCPC 2.1h (dated year 2001) -the one that comes with GTK Radiant 1.5-. It is capable of splitting an especially nasty cluster portal, that the original bspc was not able to split. 13 - Added an "architrave", a sort of "dolmen", trying to follow someone who requested more places to cover from railgun. It is thought for giving some cover to who comes from the podium and tries to reach the jump-pad that brings to the rail gun. It also allows to jump down from the aqueduct without getting any falling damage (well, also jumping down to the roof of the prison allows the same thing). I moved a rockets ammo box from next to the warehouse to the middle of this "dolmen". I also added a location name for it... for the moment is says "Architrave": should I rename it to something else (e.g. "Dolmen" or whatever)? Does somebody know a better name for a such structure? PLEASE TELL ME. 14 - Fixed thickness of back wall of prison. 15 - Enlaged stairs that connect the two platforms inside the warehouse. 16 - Now there is a small connection between the top of the house and the top of the cistern, mostly thought for bots. 17 - A few more spawn points in the warehouse, to help bots playing Domination and Harvester modes. 18 - Two less bots specified in the .arena file: now they are 5. I think that the map was very playable also with 7 bots, but I've done this change to make it a bit less "heavy" (however, since when I have modified cluster portals, I don't see bot-related hitches even with 20 bots). TELL ME IF I SHOULD CHANGE THIS. 19 - A few other minor fixes. Do you like this UDESTRUCTION V13? Please try it and tell me.  I'll prepare a separate package with image sources (.xcf and .psd) the next week. PS: I will not be very active in the next days... please wait at least until Monday for releasing RC1, thanks! 
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 10:39:51 AM by Gig »
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« Reply #1085 on: September 26, 2013, 12:02:35 PM » |
Great! Waiting for Moixie in the meantime.
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« Reply #1086 on: September 26, 2013, 12:15:26 PM » |
|'ve packed my maps together, to prevent any merging issues; i've visually inspected the jumppads, they work. I've also fixed the teleporter-wall not being high enough.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 12:19:13 PM by jangroothuijse »
Cakes 9
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Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1087 on: September 26, 2013, 01:31:17 PM » |
Well done ! But why place two versions of the same map ? I mean the old and the new-one of dm2 (beta 6 and 8 ). A question: Where are the flags in CTF mode ?? I'm not able to see them..... Pay attention at the textures in curved brushes, they tends to disalign and create a sort of bug in dm3.   Are you really sure you want to use this textures ? I think you can align them, but the style is not good for the rest of the map (IMHO)....  @Gig: are you sure this is a place that don't need any cover ? When you are here, you are an easy target for snipers. 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

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« Reply #1089 on: September 27, 2013, 10:46:33 AM » |
@Jan: if you already have a package such as z_jan.pk3, creating a newer package as zz_jan.pk3 does not work correctly... you should create it as z__jan.pk3 instead. At least on Windows, OA considers "_" after "z"... so "_" wins over "z". A different case is if you previously used a number like z_jan01.pk3, so the following one can be just z_jan02.pk3... @Gig: are you sure this is a place that don't need any cover ? When you are here, you are an easy target for snipers.  @Akom: Are you sure? The place where you are camping from (over BFG room) is not very good for camping (other than being impossible to reach for bots, due to botclip... however they did not go there even before I placed botclip...)... I mean there is no item to pickup up there, you are exposed to rockets from the top of the house of pillars, and you have not so much space to move around without falling down. So the garden/house being vulnerable from that spot does not sound like a major problem... Maybe I may try to add two or three column-like pieces of higher "broken wall" in the garden/house... but they would be very few: there is a railgun ammo box there, and I don't want to make that area a camping heaven. I did purposely made the walls there quite low to do not allow to use them to "hide" (hiding places should be avoided in Elimination)... I may try to add a few pieces of higher walls, but they will be thin... I may try to make a V14 for Monday or (more probably) Tuesday, if you wish... @All... do you think I should modify the target_location there? Currently, it says "Ruined house"... do you think that "Garden house" would be better? Just an idea.... "House with garden" would be 17 characters long... while the "team overlay" feature shows only the first 16 characters....
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 11:06:07 AM by Gig »
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Cakes 9
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Q3A/OA Mapper
« Reply #1090 on: September 27, 2013, 12:08:37 PM » |
The roof where i've taken the screenshot it's just indicative of the area uncovered  I'm thinking to a online game and not at a combat with BOTs. By the way you are right a couple of broken columns will be good in the garden house. 
...sorry for my English, i'm Italian... 

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« Reply #1091 on: September 30, 2013, 12:08:16 AM » |
Considering I'll have to put my hands on the map again, has someone some other comment about V13, especially on my questions (e.g. location names)?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 06:52:01 AM by Gig »
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« Reply #1092 on: September 30, 2013, 02:34:00 AM » |
@Jan: - I've seen that you have fixed the brush bug with the "teleporter corridors" in DM1. Good. But are you sure you don't want to apply "noimpact" or "nomarks" to that shader? - In the "shot0048.jpg" screenshot attached (DM1), is there some texture misalignment? - Still on DM1, is that area in the "shot0049.jpg" screenshot ok or is there some brush or texture misaligment? I don't know, it looks like there is something a little "strange" there, like some extra brush that necessary, but I cannot tell exactly. Maybe it's just required stuff for aligning the bevel with the standard brushes near... - Considering your pack does not include your ctf1 map, are you sure there are no shader conflicts with it? I have not checked... @Akom: - Are you sure you were using the right version of jan's DM2 map, for your test? It looks like in your screenshot it is lacking the different colored -lighter- border (that he added a couple of versions ago, IIRC). Compare with my "shot0052.jpg" screenshot, taken with the latest version of the map. PS: I checked in my map... current name of the house with garden is "house ruins", not "ruined house"... is that right?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 07:06:00 AM by Gig »
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Cakes 6
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« Reply #1093 on: September 30, 2013, 10:28:02 AM » |
I'm back for some 30 minutes. Hi! After a quick test, I noticed that in mx4ctf8, bots ignore the megahealth. I had the impression it was placed higher than usual, instead of on the ground. I checked the .map file, and found out that it has got the "suspended" flag checked. Bots try to get "suspended" items only if they can reach them using a jump-pad. I would suggest you to uncheck the "suspended" flag. I lowered a bit the MH, now bots can get it and players still can get it when strafing. However, there is still the bug that the "Domination point" falls down when the hatch opens. I see in the .map that it is already flagged as "suspended", but it looks like that flag does not work for it (gamecode bug?), because I saw it falling down. And maybe bots would still have problems also if that would have worked: quad damage is "suspended", and bots do not go for it: using the jumppad is probably too hard for them, and they avoid walking over the hatch: probably recognize hatch as a danger, but to not recognize it's possible to get the quad by just walking. In fact, bots do not go for the Domination point even before it falls down... Maybe you may move Domination point away from the hatch.
I could move away the dom point but I don't see where else I could put it. Dom was interesting only for this central position, easy to attack/defend which is naturally done for dom. If I put it in the corners, it would be less interesting and I'd need 2 flags. I removed the flag. No more problems. About the quad, even if it was on the floor, bots wouldn't take it. They see the hatch as a danger and don't walk on it, even for a quad. I tried to do experiments with botclips but I had unfortunately no success. I solved the music problem, I forgot a "0" in the file name.
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« Reply #1094 on: September 30, 2013, 10:43:24 AM » |
GREAT! Today, RC1 will be released.
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« Reply #1095 on: September 30, 2013, 12:09:28 PM » |
RC1 RELEASED! Check first post for details and D/L link.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 12:13:18 PM by Neon_Knight »
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« Reply #1096 on: September 30, 2013, 12:25:10 PM » |
In fipo it says it ' - oajgctf1, by jangroothuijse', however Pelya developed a large part of it and fixed all bugs, so i think we should share the credit for that map.
(downloading RC1 now)
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« Reply #1097 on: September 30, 2013, 12:30:48 PM » |
Oh, yeah, forgot to modify the readme. However, I keep the updated info in the wiki page, so for the next release, I'll modify it.
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« Reply #1098 on: September 30, 2013, 01:09:11 PM » |
Good. I'll update my dedicated server tomorrow.
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« Reply #1099 on: September 30, 2013, 01:10:51 PM » |
Remember: for testing/development purposes, this pack should be placed in a vanilla OA folder. This is: no other maps, no other packages other than the official OA packages. And remember to delete/move away every previous version of the pack or the maps.
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